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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Oh man what a load of tripe this conversation is...

    Anyone who uses the services of a pro is no better than the pro. If you think that the fact you paid the money instead of receiving it makes you better, you're in lala land. Shut the fark up and accept who you are.

    I don't think anything of the kind. Usually I think that we are both good people who are helping each other out with a fair business arrangement.

    I have seen bargirls go on to be great wives and mothers and great businesspersons making tons of money "legitimately", so I don't look down on them, at all.

    They are providing a service that I need desperately, and they sometimes go way beyond the bounds of duty.

    As far as I am concerned, they are the closest things to angels on earth, except maybe Mother Teresa!

    I love them bargirls! :o

  2. Rather than turn the "General Topics" into the Erco bashing forum. Can't we just censor him? Its obvious he is just trying to stir up conflict?

    Right. But he's fun to bash... :D

    piss off Erco, Boon Mee is mine :D

    I didnt marry a whore, so I wont comment :D:o

    Don't forget that the gentleman wrote a post with a simular title and tone to the one at the beginning of this thread, many months ago. I don't feel like searching for it, but it is there somewhere. :D

  3. Yeah, I guess if you're after an "Old Toto" you can get it for 500 or less... :D

    About 5 years ago, I was a teacher and had spent my whole inheritance on whores, however, I discovered that with a little whining and begging and conversational Thai you could still get young pretty ones for 300-500; They just had to believe that you were really broke.

    That's why I have nothing bad to say about whores. They were really good to me when I had money and when I didn't! :o

  4. My mate told me it could be down to 500 THB around Nana after 2am

    Jeez, Lovely, another one of those stingy expatriates,... :o:D

    It ain't been 500 Baht since the Baht cratered past 25/1 back in '96?

    I beg to disagree. Only last week I was offered a 200 baht shag in the parking lot of the Nana Hotel. Jing, jing. I ended up taking her daughter for 1,000. :D

  5. Hi

    Goat Roper, glad you noticed that some postings on certain subjects are for narrow minded people that are in denial or ashamed.

    Yes I too thought this was a discussion board for evryone, but it is obviously censored as "Goosethai" has been banned for postings about Sadd's marry Prostitutes, why?

    If the Admins look at some of the language that CHONABOT, DAVETHAILAND AND GEORGIE PORGIE used in the last 8 days, you must ask why havent these sad losers been banned also????

    Georgie-Porgie is completely innocent. :D There were no admins on-line, and if you look at all my old posts you will see nothing but an innocent little man looking at you.

    Like me! :o

  6. I am rather disappointed that I don't meet your criteria!

    I am not married at all, and make a very good income, however, although I squander as much of it as I can on high and low class hookers, I always save enough to keep my businesses running well, so that I can make more money to spend on opening new businesses, travel, books, music, good food and especially hookers.

    Do I rate my own loser category? :o

  7. Basher says: I AM sexually obsessed 24 hours a day, I thought that was part of being a bloke is?

    Georgie-Porgie says: It IS and don't let any PC ######s tell you otherwise!

    The gentleman says: and your a teacher? :o , thats pretty sick Michael - I mean Georgie

    I suppose it comes down to your age, what you value and how much you have had!

    I haven't been a teacher for years, but strangely, I was almost never sexually attracted to students. Not slutty enough, I guess. :D

    I am almost 50, but I have been obsessed with with girls from birth onwards and actual sex from the age of about 4-5 years old -when I did A LOT of sliding down the fire pole at the playground!

    I did well enough in the getting laid for free department at home, although I was never close to satisfied, but I spent a small fortune on hookers after turning 30, so not too many men can claim to have gotten laid more than I have. Only rock-stars and sports-stars! :D

  8. Sorry, Goat Roper

    My comment was not directed at you. More at what the person (PM) who made the original statement should be feeling about now.

    By the way, love your nick and your signature!

    He tried to register as goat rooter but his clumsy fingers messed it all up :D

    Goat Rooter sounds a lot cooler than Georgie-Porgie. I wonder if he'd be pissed if I nicked his nick? I like 'em a little stubborn. :o

  9. After just coming back from Bangkok, I would say going to Pantip and being asked if I wanted sex movies and then showing me the hardcore porno covers in front of everyone. Every five steps, You! want sex movie? and deep throat Debbie is then shown in hot action :o .Thais do think we are sexually obsessed on a 24 hour basis, funny bastards :D .


    I AM sexually obsessed 24 hours a day, I thought that was part of being a bloke is?


    It IS and don't let any PC ######s tell you otherwise! :D

  10. Is the war illegal?

    Saddam was warned numerous times about breaking UN resolutions, but he continued to do so

    Israel holds the world record for breaking UN resolutions. What should be done ?

    I think your question is moot at this point, here is where we find ourselves and we must make do with what we have, too late to turn back.

    Very true, silly question. :o

  11. It's relevance to Thailand is that it shows that America's involvement in Iraq is having positive results and, like most of us, our fearless leader likes to be on the winning side. In other words, don't withdraw Thai troops from Iraq! :o

  12. This is a very sad, ignorant post that does not belong anywhere here or anywhere else.

    I won't even go into how the USA is supporting Israel in their quest to exterminate the Palistinians. The picture is much bigger than what you see on TV Sir!

    I think that yours is the sad, ignorant post Sir. If Israel wanted the Palestinians -and all the rest of Arabs- dead. They would be.

    Israel has kicked their cowardly asses over and over again. They outnumber little Israel 100 times, but they are not men. No wonder they have to send their woman out wrapped in bombs.

    They are chichen-sh1t scum who sink to terrorism, instead of fighting their tiny enemy fairly.

    Israel's problem is too much democracy and too much humanity, not too little, and, you Sir, are a fool for pretending otherwise! :o

    Yes, it's a real fair fight when one side is supplied with a billion dollars a year of US tax payers' money and the other side is thrown scraps of bread.

    More silly ass, ignorant B.S. Do not forget that the Arabs have all that oil money and 100 times the population of Israel.

    On top of that, Israel kicked their butts initially with no help from anyone, including America.

    They are heroes.

    The Arabs are cowardly dogs who send their women and children to slaughter defenceless civilians because they are frightened of real soldiers. :D

  13. Yeah, sounds like the bear climbed up from the pit.

    IMHO Aznar knew very well that sending troops to Iraq and thus supporting an illegal war, was against the will of the absolute majority in the country.

    Like a schoolboy, he tried to cover up and blame the Basques for the Madrid-bombing. Plain stupid he did this in the hot phase of the elections and got kicked out.

    Is the war illegal?

    Saddam was warned numerous times about breaking UN resolutions, but he continued to do so. He just got what was coming to him.

    If it were not for France, Germany and Russia covering their one asses for financial shenanigans with Iraq, the UN would have voted to join the coalition in Iraq, as did Aznar. Why should America have to wait to go to war until it could strike a deal with these countries concerning their criminal behavior?

    As far as Spain goes, at first everybody thought that the Basques did the bombing. They certainly have the track record. Who can say that, during the elections, Aznar didn't believe it also?

  14. I think that it means that he's in Oz with his whole family, on holiday from his toilet cleaning job, launching attacks on Bear-Pit.net, pretending to be a bunch of rappers. :o

  15. You have to get out of Chiang mai. The further the better. You can trek out of Pai. Just go to a guesthouse there and ask ....... they all have treks usually. My mate....a Karen man runs his own treks out of the Duang G/H in Pai. I beleive that using people like him is ok for trekking because the money is going directly to him and his porters. You will trek to his village and will stay one night there...maybe two other nights along the way inother villages.

    This is how it should be....local villagers making the money ....not some agent in Chiang Mai or the UK for that matter. If you want details fromme you can pm me and I wil think about it.

    If you must go and trek you must ask questions to your potential trekking guide, such as : will we see other trekkers, how much money do you (THE GUIDE) pay to the villages along the way,what do you pay your porters etc. Also ask about drinking water.....how do they propose to handle this........there are too many plastic bottles littering the pathways and villages. Carry ALL your rubbish out with you and dump it back in Chiang Mai where it can be properly disposed of. Never leave it in Pai or any other up country town/village.

    Also ask about how many hours a day you will walk. Many treks are for senior citizens and fat usless prats that should stay home. Make sure you respect local peoples and wear appropriate clothing. DO NOT use drugs in hilltrib villages, including alcohol. If you want to give something along the way you can buy vegetable or fruit tree seeds in small cans or fresh fruit from a local market before you go. You will have to carry it and hand it out along the way. This is usually appreciated by the people in the villages.But it does develop a sort of handout mentality. Also, always ask before taking photos. Never just a walk around popping pics...it is a form of imperialism.

    God, a politically correct trek sounds awfully boring! You people take Joe Cumming's advice in the Lonely Planet way too seriously. What kind of constipated plodder would go on one of these? :o

    At least the cheap-skate back-packers try some O and have a little fun. (I bet Joe tried it a time or two before forbidding everyone else from indulging!) :D

  16. This is a very sad, ignorant post that does not belong anywhere here or anywhere else.

    I won't even go into how the USA is supporting Israel in their quest to exterminate the Palistinians. The picture is much bigger than what you see on TV Sir!

    I think that yours is the sad, ignorant post Sir. If Israel wanted the Palestinians -and all the rest of Arabs- dead. They would be.

    Israel has kicked their cowardly asses over and over again. They outnumber little Israel 100 times, but they are not men. No wonder they have to send their woman out wrapped in bombs.

    They are chichen-sh1t scum who sink to terrorism, instead of fighting their tiny enemy fairly.

    Israel's problem is too much democracy and too much humanity, not too little, and, you Sir, are a fool for pretending otherwise! :o

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