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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Do you make this ignorant <deleted> up as you go along?

    Most European intellectuals will admit, off the record, that the European bias towards the Palestinians is nothing but ( the same old European ) anti-Semitism with a new name, "anti-Zionism". As far as I'm concerned, anyone who denies this, is either a liar or stupid. Take your pick.

    I mean the other Arabs do nothing but despise and use the Palestinians. Do you really think that the "cultured" Europeans have any respect for this ornery rabble?

    The only thing that the Palestinians have proven to be any good at, is killing children and getting on your enemies nerves and in your enemies way. That is why the Europeans have taken them under their wing.

    The sheik that was blown up by Israeli security was a Hamas leader who planned multiple suicide bombings. If you call that a "moderate", no wonder Israel plans to take out every scumbag that takes the job in the future.

    They have already got rid of his first substitute, and here's to many happy returns.

    Sissy-warrior, I don't like when people talk out of their ass about serious subjects and make up bull-sh1t history from thin air.

    Go huff and puff at someone who hasn't studied this sh1t!

  2. Sorry sweetie-warrior, but the truth is that the Palestinians sold much of their desert land that they didn't want to the Jews, but then they made the dumb-ass mistake of trying to steal it back after the Jews made it fertile.

    They attacked the Jews and the other Arabs asked them to leave their land so that they could come in and "massacre" the Jews more easily.

    The Jews kicked their cowardly asses, took the land as spoils of war, and that is history.

    You might realize that these dumb-asses have tried to fight what became the Israelis several other times, but they always run home with their tails between their legs, and start sending out their women and children to slaughter innocent civilians for them, while they cry about what victims they are.

    Hey, I always say, don't fukc with people who are a lot smarter and a whole lot bad-der than you are! :o

    By the way, Israel isn't going to disarm. They don't trust us to protect them, and who can blame them? :D

  3. When I first visited Pattaya in about 1989, it was really dirty and everyone was asking you if you wanted to buy Heroin. Also, all the rich tourists that now go to Phuket were going there so it was expensive, and just crammed with people. :o

    I think that is where the bad rep comes from, but they have cleaned it up a lot.

    I like it now. :D

  4. puddin' and pie...I am to assume from your outburst that you see no connection between Israeli/US atrocities aginst muslims and the escalation of terrorist violence against them and their supporters?

    yes or no mofo...put up or shut the fukc up...

    I think that you have your connections backwards. They commited the atrocities. We defended ourselves.

    If they hadn't tried throwing Jewish settlers off of legally bought land that Muslims sold them, way back when, they wouldn't be in the predicament that they are now, beat to sh1t, terrorist scum without a hope in the world.

    They are reaping what they have sown. :o

  5. What  about  Saudi, a  hotbed  for  breeding  terriosts  and  an extremely  corrupt goverment/ royal  family ?I  don't  have  exact  numbers  but  beleive  most  of the  hijackers in  9/11 where  Saudies.

    All one has to do is -------To remember the pictures in the news on 9-11 of the 10s of thousands of muslims screaming ,hollering and dancing in the streets with joy when the towers came down and so many died. (Moderates my Ass) :D:D:D:o Comments???

    A few of these films were found to be fraudulent, films made long before 9-11 that nothing to do with 9-11.

    Some films were shot when Saddam sent missles into civilian areas of Israel during the first Gulf War. The Palestinians thought that they contained chemical weapons.

    Someone was too cheap to send reporters out for new footage.

    However, most were proven to be real shots of Muslims celebrating 9/11.

    No big surprise really; Barbaric. :D

  6. Makes me wonder if his legal/visa satus was all okay? Someone mentioned visa runs; he obviously worked in Thailand which means that visa runs shouldn't be necessary?

    This isn't correct. Most people who work here still have to do visa runs.

    Not me... I suppose if you wanted to you could opt to NOT get a one-year stay + multiple re-entry permit and just stick to 3 month ones.. but that would just increase costs and inconvenience for no real reason.

    Sorry, but I have opted for leaving the country every 3 months because otherwise I would have pay much higher taxes. I like to travel every once in a while anyway, and I have all the re-entries on my visa that I want for free, so I am not limited by a one year multiple entry visa, at all. Almost all the small businessmen that I know have opted for this option.

    From what I know about David, he wouldn't have wanted to waste the money on unnecessary taxes, and he likes to travel as well. One report said that his passport is at the Myanmar Embassy getting a visa as we speak.

  7. anyobe that supports Israel against the Arab world and US policy in support thereof IS NOT A PERSON THAT WANTS TO LIVE IN PEACE.

    Your opinion and utter ignorant Bullsh1t! :o

    Marshy Posted on Sun 2004-04-25, 03:07:35
    tutsiwarrior,Sat 2004-04-24, 14:20:19

    What about Saudi, a hotbed for breeding terriosts and an extremely corrupt goverment/ royal family ?I don't have exact numbers but beleive most of the hijackers in 9/11 where Saudies.

    All one has to do is -------To remember the pictures in the news on 9-11 of the 10s of thousands of muslims screaming ,hollering and dancing in the streets with joy when the towers came down and so many died. (Moderates my Ass)    Comments??? 

    Much more realistic!

  8. i
    That mountain of mini's is called Ai-e; and it's not-half bad depending on what you're looking for and how long you can pretend you actually like Karaoke.

    The CEC is off Huay Keaw; but I have no idea what's inside.

    Perhaps, I'll spock it out...

    I found out the hard way that the manager of Ai-e is friends with my girlfirend. Woops. Incidently, the girls there insisted that they don't go for short time or long time. Does anyone have an experience that would contradict this? Maybe I'm just not good looking enough.

    Although I am ugly as sin, I have an amazing ability to get reluctant prostitutes to let me have sex with them :D , although I do have to hand over the cash.

    I spent half an hour trying to get any of those girls near Ai-e to give me a fast, expensive short-time. They were quite sweet, but no go. :o

    Maybe, if one spent some time culivating them, but that is not my style. :D

  9. I really have no interest in meeting people from the Internet. I have plenty of friends already.

    I am not my real self here anyway, and I don't really expect other people to be. :o

    I wouldn't mind if the real weirdoes (AKA the gentleman) were forced to post a picture somewhere just to satisfy my curiosity, but I don't really want to meet them, unless it were by coincidence. Coincidence would be cool. :D

  10. when Im not on Thaivisa, I hang around shopping centres (no thats georgie in the rain coat) and open car doors for ugly birds - it makes me feel Im giving back.

    I get called the perfect gentleman, but it seemed to long and also perfcet is hard to spell :D

    The only reason that he can spell "the gentleman" correctly is because it's tatooed on his private part and he spends a lot of time playing with it! :o:D

  11. he had to return to Thailand to be properly treated

    Doctors have to take something like a drill and insert in in his penis and clear the passageway, while he screams in pain.
    is that being properly treated !!!!!!

    he needs to find a new doctor.

    there is no such treatment as you describe. :o

    I think that the treatment is for real. I know that it used to be a fairly common way to treat venereal diseases before penicillin, and if this guy was lying, he could have gotten an Oscar. Also, he knew every Doctor who specialized in STDs in the Chiang Mai, and recommended, me, and my freinds to a few, They all knew him.

  12. So you have to be "a raving left-wing wacko" to not vote for Junior?

    That's an interesting viewpoint, to say the least.

    I'd have though all that's required is to be a religious right-wing NRA fanatic redneck wingnut, but what do I know ...

    All that NBA stuff is not required, but it comes in handy! :o

  13. I know a guy who used to live in Chiang Mai, but now he teaches in the Emirates, or Saudi, or somewhere like that.

    He is a reject; A real weirdo.

    Someone who never got close to a white girl in his life.

    He came to Thailand many years ago when he was in his late 30s or early 40s. He had never slept with a girl in his life. He had never even kissed one.

    He decided to have sex with a prostitute, but he was too scared of the ones in the Farang bars. They were too happy and sure of themselves.

    He went to bunch of dirty, cheap brothels for Thai men and looked for a very young girl that he wouldn't be afraid of. They were mostly just dirt huts with tin roofs and a few tattered girls in each one. He found a Hill-tribe girl about 11 or 12 whose parents had sold her for 10,000 baht. She was mousy and plain and had to have sex with up to 15 men a day for 100 baht each. She got almost no money for herself.

    Anyway, he screwed her, and she had tears in her eyes because he was rough and he stunk and he didn't know what he was doing, but he used her with no condom and came inside her, and he was angry because she was crying and he left.

    A week or two later he returned to America with a case of the clap. Apparently the doctors in America were not used to such strong strains of STDs and didn't give him a strong enough type of medicine.

    To make a long story short, he had to return to Thailand to be properly treated, however, he had waited too long and now he has to be treated for the disease that he caught for the rest of his life.

    Every few months, Doctors have to take something like a drill and insert in in his penis and clear the passageway, while he screams in pain.

    My point is that this guy hates and is obsessed with prostitutes, just like erco. He even has a miserable, mousy, unattractive wife who lives with him in the Mid-East and who wasn't a prostitute, who he treats like sh1t.

    Could erco be the same guy? I have been wondering about it since I read his first posts. :o

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