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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. I see some newbies showing up (without any profile info !! :D ) posting a remarkable amount of reactions/opinions/critics within (sometimes) one day after their entry as a member.I sometimes wonder how it can be that somebody does have so much knowledge about almost everything :o

    Because of my own situation, I object to the term "newbie". It sounds almost like an insult. :D

    Because of certain illuminating, but rather blunt posts, that I have written, I maintain the philosophy that, for the grace of God, there go you or I. :D

    I prefer the PC term, "Recently Re-incarnated Former Members under Unfortunate Circumstances", and I believe that we should maintain a "Don't Ask, and Certainly Don't Tell", policy concerning former incarnations. :D

  2. There seem's to be a minor problem with one moderator who tends to get involved in arguements instead of staying "above the fray".

    If he wants to do this he should refrain from falling back on his moderator position when somebody disagrees with him. To lower himself into the forum he should make a new moniker. We'd all no/know who he was as he has a certain style.  :o

    It does get hard to put up with some members Lamphun. Particularly when they personally attack admins.

    Dr Pat Pong, you and ###### are also instigators in many a flame war - you seem to believe, you can say and do whatever you want to do, but when someone sticks up for them selves, you take an admin stance, when in actual fact you started it in the first place - look at your own threads/posts - you antagonise people, then they post something you dont like and so on, until it escalates into them getting banned. It seems finally that a lot of the members here are starting to speak out - it is about time, you guys were suspended from George, then maybe you will feel the frustration that we feel, for something that could of been stopped in the first instance.

    Look through a few threads that have been moved to this section - for 1 week, you guys and others, have had a go at me and now George has reinstated my membership you guys are having a go at me again for replying to your own flames towards me - if you dont want a "war", dont start one.

    You guys, need to be brought down to earth!

    No this isnt a flame, its my beleif and the belief of many, by how many people have pointed it out.

    a moderator is a position that does not give you a biased stance.

    I agree with you regarding myself getting out of hand on the bear pit - but go back once more and see where it started.

    You guys keep going on about me threatening people - the two actual posts you refer to were as follows - socal? said he would come down to Phuket and I would hide - I said come...... - who was the instigator of the first threat?

    Please post the so called threat against Georgie Porgie!, you will see it wasnt a threat as such, but how you guys have been talking about it, it has escalated into an untruth of what was posted.

    You piss people off and thats how they stay - maybe if you were doing your job properly, it wouldnt get to that.

    I will not return to the bear pit, I will carry on on this forum, if the powers that be let me, if not, thats life. Please just leave me alone and let me get on with it - this is my last complaint regarding admin/mods, from now on I will leave you all in peace, just leave me be also - have a nice Sunday!

    To give the gent his due, I don't think that his threats were serious, and in some cases, he was not even the provoke-er. My real complaint was that he wasn't reprimanded right away, so that it would be obvious that that threats were not acceptable here (particularly from a self-admitted, one man killing machine).

    I also don't think that he is a Nazi. I think that he has bought into the left-wing bias against Israel, which, IMHO, if one looks closely, is usually just anti-Semitism with another name, but I don't think that he, and many other people, are aware of that.

  3. I particularly like to wake up with a raging hangover, switch on the laptop, tune into thai.visa to see who I've either enlightened or insulted the night before...

    as a sado-masochist the remorse can be thrilling and devouring when I have misbehaved...as a megalomaniac tutsi's righteousness comes forth when I have defeated the evil that posters on this forum do...better than tomato juice for a hangover...

    thai.visa...better than sliced bread for your local upcountry maniac...

    I'm afraid that tutsi and I have a lot more in common than I realized.

    Do you get a real sense of satisfaction every time that you successfully log in, because you haven't been banned (yet)? :o

  4. One problem for regular posters is that the "rules" are not the "real" rules. If they were, this would be one of the most boring web-sites in existence. However, because posters are allowed to bend the rules on Thaivisa.com, this is one of the best web-sites around, but, once one makes friends here, it can get nerve-wracking trying to decide how much the rules can be bent - completely in the interest of a more interesting post, of course - if one doesn't want to get thrown off for 1,000 days, or even 1,000 years. :o

  5. IT

    I like it here.

    I understand how difficult it is to run this site and run it well, however, some things that you do are really going to piss some people off, and sometimes it will be rightly.

    Just look at the way that you have changed: Just a few months ago, you were the considerate, nice-guy admin, but lately you've been leaning more towards being the fascist one.

    That doesn't mean that you are wrong. You've just got to find the personality that works the best for you for getting the job done.

    The things that I mentioned before are things that different people have said to me in PMs, and, obviously, I think that they are worth mentioning.

    For myself, I have to admit that I'm tired of having to worry if I've stepped over the line and am going to banned, when I really don't know where the line is.

    When the gent was banned for 1,000 days, what was it that he did wrong? You had said the day before that if we kept it between ourselves, we could pretty much do what we wanted, and then, you ban him for 1,000 days, and tell me that I just missed it. For what?

    Was it the Nazi stuff? If so, you should have said so.

    What did I do? Nothing that I haven't been doing on here for the last 3 months, but you told me that you voted for me to be thrown off and you told the gent that you voted for him to be able to stay. What is that about?

    As far as the gent coming back, I initiated it so that he could participate on the nice forums, but now you guys are going to stick him back in the Bear-Pit, and you think that it is going to be different? Fat chance.

    Look at how he acted today, on his best behavior!

    Why bother throwing him off in the first place?

  6. The mystery ? What mystery ?

    First rule of Thaivisa; Don't talk about the mystery.

    Mystery? Im still trying to get ###### to teach me the secret hand shake. Or was it the secret wai? :D

    It's a wai. When you are an established member, you get the apron and rubber thongs and get taught the wai by an elderly Zen Designer.

    After that you become a Gentleman and get annexed for 10,000 days. :o

    you are on a power trip ###### - if thats the strength of your power, you seem to have none. You are an antagonist and waffle on in stupid garb, to make yourself seem important - Whilst you consume copious amounts of Chang for political correctness, us inbreds consume a nice red with a nice meal.

    Read your own forum rules and then you wouldnt get as much flak - you are only a man, like the rest of us men - act like one.

    I know it's a hard life you live, but at the end of the day, I really don't know what you are talking about.

    You are essentially a troublemaker, short in the brain box, who in my opinion, we would be better off without.

    The few salient, intelligent posts you make are far outweighed by the garbage, again merely my opinion, and as to power trips, well, it wasn't me discussing violence against members. To me, that is the power trip.

    So, we make a new place for you and your chums to play. Stay there.

    Please don't turn it into a slanging match either. If you are to be believed, it's beneath you.

    Also it wasn't me who kicked you out last time.

    This is getting out of control very fast.

    ###### says that he is making us a "new place to play", and to "stay there", however, the gentleman was asked back with the proviso that he not contribute political posts, which means that he is not allowed in the Bear-Pit, so why is he being told to post there?

    The whole thing was completely out of control before and the gent was banned and I came close. Why does anyone think that it is going to be any better now?

    Either you plan on suspending everyone every time we get out of line, and boring everyone silly, or it will be worse than before.

    You acted as if the whole thing was quite distasteful and you were happy to shut it down; What is admin.'s purpose for starting this up again.?

    I think that it is time that admin take some credit for the Bear-Pit and the cat-fight that is going on in there. You have been told repeatedly that Americans don't want The Bear-Pit, but you act like you are doing us a favor by allowing it to exist. You know dam_ well what is going to happen when you put it there, but you pretend that it is just two nuts fighting it out, and nothing to do with you. Well who is setting the whole thing up?

    You act as if it were distasteful that the gent and I get so personal, yet it is pretty obvious that the whole thing is a snooze unless we are constantly attacking each other!

    As I've said before, if you guys are so innocent, so holier than thou, shut it down. If you want to entertain the masses with fights to the death, stop pretending that there is any decency to what you are doing. Stop pretending there are any rules. Quit threatening to throw us off and let us get on with it.

    After all, this is a Thaivisa.com production! :D

  7. To blindly assume, is nothing but stupidity!

    As one who usually gives another the benefit of the doubt...oh well, it looks like PUD back to his usual sh1t.

    Your new nick is appropriate, Gent/Andy :D

    Are you for real ?

    You have been back on here for a total of about 2 hours, and you are back to the same old crap. I wonder how long admin are going to put up with it this time?

    Go read what people have been writing about you for weeks, and then try to swagger back on here like you are other than someone who other people feel sorry for.

    That is why I suggested that you be allowed to return. That is why other people voted you back on.

    Everyone knows who Sick Buffalo is.

    Everyone knows who the gentleman is.

    A lonely guy with no real life, who spends hours on the Internet trying to pretend to be something that he is not, and has to try to bring other people down to his level, so he won't feel so bad about his own short-comings.

    Hey, get yourself under control: Forget the fake nicks. You are not clever enough to pull it off.

    Try posting pleasant topics and forget about fighting with me.

    In real life you are stronger than me. You could kick the sh1t out of me, but not here. Never. I am no Einstein, but I am way more intelligent than you will ever be.

    Take comfort in what you are good at, and stop the stupid bickering. :o

  8. ...by the way, you have 8 people so far who want you kicked off and I only have 4.

    The way I see it, is most people figured, if I could forgive you, they probably should.

    As far as people voting against me goes, I'm not looking to win any popularity contests, and what "they" think has no affect what-so-ever on whether I get booted off anyway, so F 'em( especially since "they" were probably "Sick Buffalo" and freinds working overtime!) :o

  9. All I can say is that I voted for the gentleman to be let out on parole. I wouldn't have suggested it, if that wasn't what I wanted to happen. Of course, that was before "Sick Buffalo"! :D

    dr_Pat_Pong Posted: Fri 2004-03-26, 03:38:00 

    QUOTE (manfromoz @ Wed 2004-03-24, 09:56:04)


    How do you know he is not in Thailand? Just curiuos.


    Are your children registered under both nationalities? I am assuming that they will be under which ever country they were born it, but they need to be registered under the other country before you can apply for a passport in that nationality. 

    I was guilty of assumption. Naughty Pat. He isn't in Australia according to his IP 

    sickbuffalo Posted on: Fri 2004-03-26, 11:45:21


    Yes I am not in Australia now, I am away at work, but why on earth would you be checking my IP?

    Thanks for all of your help and I have instructed my wife to apply for passports for the kids.




  10. Ajarn,Wed 2004-03-10, 10:23:01

    I started at AUA in 1986 with Ajarn Oranute, who is still a teacher there. Highly recommended for the serious student. She's a great teacher, and starts your learning by helping you to build a good foundation in the language.... After many years of living here, I still don't consider myself fluent in Thai (the more I learn, the more I realize how much more there is to learn), but it's rare that I meet a farang with equal ability to mine in Thai- mostly, I think, because they rely on their wives so much and still use their native language at home...I was married for 7 years, and I've seen a marked improvement in my Thai in the last 2 (free) years

    I can back the Ajarn up on his fluency in Thai. He was one of those guys that we were all jealous of 10 years ago, and he's done nothing but get better.

  11. dr_Pat_Pong Posted: Fri 2004-03-26, 03:38:00  

    Dr. & Prolific Senior Admin

    QUOTE (manfromoz @ Wed 2004-03-24, 09:56:04)

    Dr, How do you know he is not in Thailand? Just curiuos.


    Are your children registered under both nationalities? I am assuming that they will be under which ever country they were born it, but they need to be registered under the other country before you can apply for a passport in that nationality.

    I was guilty of assumption. Naughty Pat. He isn't in Australia according to his IP

    For more evidence, Doctor Patpong already busted this genius! Very sad. :o

  12. I felt sorry for the gentleman and thought that he might appreciate Thaivisa.com enough to be willing to come back and desist from making political posts in order to be allowed to continue being a member here and enjoying the other forums.

    Instead, a brand new member with similar beliefs and a similar speech pattern (how many people go around calling people "a dictator" as an insult? :o ) has seen fit to attack me and defend the gentleman's anti-Semitic posts.

    What a coincidence.

    Too bad really. :D

    I apologize to the members who PMed me expressing regrets about me getting the gentleman reinstated.

  13. Kind of sounds like your old signature. :o

    I guess that I am perfectly willing to continue this nonsense when the new, improved Bear-Pit opens on Sunday, but I don't want Mr. Secret Identity to bait me into joining him in never-never land meanwhile, so I will not continue to interact with this fellow today (###### ain't in the mood).

    However, I will be glad to trounce him (again) on Sunday -when it is legal! :D

  14. I guess that I am perfectly willing to continue this nonsense when the new, improved Bear-Pit opens on Sunday, but I don't want Mr. Secret Identity to bait me into joining him in never-never land meanwhile, so I will not continue to interact with this fellow today (###### ain't in the mood).

    However, I will be glad to trounce him (again) on Sunday -when it is legal! :o

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