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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Georgie-Porgie was one of the many things that people used to yell at me when I was a child in order to let me know what a worthless piece of sh1t I was. :D

    Some others were:

    George, George, George of the Jungle! :o

    Which way did he go George? Which way did he go? :D

    The ones that my parents called me would get me thrown off of Thaivisa ( once again), so I won't print them here. :D

  2. Boon mee

    So much hostility in the LOS, lighten up.  You obviously watch a lot of sport (American) so you are a sad yank huh.

    Go and help your mates in Iraq, oh you cant as your BG will be straight on her back, he he.

    I'm a happy Yank, erco and you are some sorry a**hole who's old lady is that sperm bank in which the boys down in Klong Tooey make deposits. How does it feel getting slippery seconds, thirds?eh :o

    Actually erco's wife is not that bad Boon. Really loose, and gooey and smells bad, but free is free!

  3. Someone should tell ole CMT

    No need to gloat Doctor. I'm open to the possibility that things may change, but seeing is believing. I personally know a good half dozen walkers who I only see tomorrow and the next day because they are being allowed to cross over and back no problem. When they are all told to leave and only come back when they have the proper visa, I will declare in unison with you that the times are changing.

    I do remember last August when you and others were declaring the imminent end to the walkers. Since then, many guys I know have been to Mae Sai each and every month without incident. No one I know has been told to leave the country. So like I said, seeing is believing. I don't believe yet.

    I have said all along though that you are better off on a real visa. For those who complain that they can't stay here because they don't qualify for a proper visa, you simply don't want it bad enough. Get creative. Do some research. And you WILL get the visa.

    It isn't a gloat CMT.

    Chiang Mai Thai was beside the pool again today with his usual bevy of babes. One of them looked suspiciously like the highest ranking woman official at Immigration in Chiang Mai -wearing a string bikinii. Not bad either.

    No wonder this young pup feels like he can thumb his nose at the rest of us.

    By the way Doctor, beware of his good mate, "Crazy Jan". :o If you rub him wrong, he might try to bite your nose off!

  4. G-P are you OK. A vice of reason. Good for you.

    I have my moments. :o

    Lambastard Posted: Sun 2004-04-18, 13:44:40 

    QUOTE (Georgie-Porgie @ Sun 2004-04-18, 20:41:08)

    One girl was a prostitute who didn't usually sleep with customers, but she worked in a go-go bar. 

    Baw ha ha ha ha ah ahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahah!

    Whew, that was a good one! 

    Listen sonny-boy, it was 10 years ago, and I could care less anyway, but believe me, in this case, it was true. I know too many people who tried.

  5. Since I've been in Thailand (in 13 years), I've fallen in love twice. One girl was a prostitute who didn't usually sleep with customers, but she worked in a go-go bar. The other was a student of mine who I just flipped out over, but I still don't really know why.

    After months of trying, I got the bargirl to have sex with me a few times, but felt that I couldn't love someone who looked at me as nothing but "security".

    I got over her quickly, she found another farang who she married and is still with today, about 10 years later. As far as I know, and I know all of her friends, she is a good faithful wife, and I often see her in restaurants with the farang's family and it is obvious that they adore her.

    The student just had no interest in me and I had just started a new business, so I quit my teaching job because it hurt too much to see her everyday. Actually, I had tried just quitting teaching the class that she was in, but she transferred to my new class (because she liked me as a teacher), and I had to quit the whole school.

    Anyway, the point that I want to make is that there might be all these wonderful "good girls" out there, but many people aren't pragmatic enough to just choose a partner for that reason.

    Maybe they know a few "good girls"but don't fall in love with them; They fall for a hooker instead.

    Should someone deny themselves that chance for love because some other people might look down on them?

    I have seen just as many marriages that were successful with former bargirls as so-called "good girls". Why be judgmental about them?

  6. For San Francisco, it is good but nothing special, however, if you moved Tommy's Joint to Bangkok, it would be the best restaurant in the country, without exemption!

    Yeah, that's for sure! The buffaloes in Thailand don't quite compare :D

    I'd almost forgotten about San Fran restaurants, and one favorite in Oakland, Flynts BBQ on San Pablo. Their links, brisket, chicken and potato pies and incredible sauce are things I do miss.

    And San Francisco Sourdough, of course :o

    Mission Street Burritos, chocolate truffles from Fisherman's Wharf, Chinese food from Clement street, or Chinatown, or just about anywhere, Double Rainbow Ice cream, any desert from Just Deserts, hamburgers from Clown Alley, and on and on and on...

  7. there was a place up the top of one of the hills in SF where you could get a good beer and a feed called Tommy's Joynt

    Tommy's Joynt was a great place in the 50's and 60's, but for the last 30 years or so, it's simply been a tourist trap, with few regulars anymore. My cousin has been a bartender there for 25 years, and my father was one of the regulars for more than 20 years.

    They do have an extensive selection of beers and spirits, and the food is okay. Buffalo Stew is what the tourists flock in to try. The prices were pretty good, as I remember.

    Oh, and it only looks like it's at the top of a hill if you're standing on your head. Actually, it's at the base of a hill. :o

    Tommy's Joint is on Vanness Ave in San Francisco, and there is nothing wrong with it. I used to eat the Buffalo stew on a regular basis and it is much better then ANYTHING found in the Land of Smiles; Supposedly healthy too.

    For San Francisco, it is good but nothing special, however, if you moved Tommy's Joint to Bangkok, it would be the best restaurant in the country, without exemption! :D

  8. I would like to point out to Newbies that Chiang Mai Thai was at one time one of the most notorious "30 Day Walkers" in the country, so not necessarily someone that you want to take advice from concerning Thai immigration.

    I'm sure that Doctor Patpong will back me up on this.

    He is a young handsome man without a care in the world, and it is rumored that a string of gorgeous Thai girls keep him in high-style. I can personally verify that he spends most of his time lounging beside the swimming pool surrounded by Thai babes and his mate Crazy Jan. :o

  9. Doc, I'm not quite sure what you are getting at specifically here. My brain gets fried after a certain number of hours at work.

    If you are trying to prove that you don't have an easy life, or an easy job, believe me, I've figured that out already, any way, I just visited the new Bear-Pit, and it caused me to, once again, change my mind about certain, should-be former members.

    It has been filled, once again with a large number of anti-Semitic articles.

    Hopefully, in the future, I won't have any more attacks of feeling sorry for people who don't deserve it.

    This is what I posted over there:

    By pure chance, I just had a meeting to day with one member of admin. We talked about a lot of different subjects, but one subject was a particularly problematic member who has been known to flood the Bear-Pit with Nazi propaganda.

    I ventured the opinion that this imbecile was too stupid to have realized what he had been doing, and, now that everyone had taken him to task for it, even the members of his own "side", probably he wouldn't do something so idiotic again.

    I am starting, once again, to regret having any kind of sympathy for this person. He blatantly lied about posting this kind of trash under different names, and then claimed that "You know that [he] wouldn't do that", when it was super-obvious that he had, so, therefore, I will be very hesitant about believing him, in the future, when he says that he is not the one filling "The Garbage Pit" with this type of articles now.

    However, there is a very slim chance that someone is imitating this unnamed individual's actions, for sh1t-stirring purposes, but I'm starting to think that, instead, he just wants any kind of attention, is truly brain-dead, should be bounced and is not worth wasting any more time on.

  10. GP

    Why feel insulted?

    You have a profile!

    You are not new.

    Although I not always agree with you , I think you are a normal member isn't it? :D

    I surely do not consider you a newbie

    Don't feel too bad Dutch. GP is down on me too these days, and somehow he has fallen back in love with Gentleman. Hard to fathom really. :o

    Doctor, I am assuredly not down on you; There is only one admin who has managed to get under my skin lately.

    On the contrary, I suspect that you are the one lonely vote that has saved me from serving time in Purgatory, so far (and I wrote this before I saw your last note).

    If something I have said offended you, forgive me, because nothing that I have said was directed at you.

    As far as the Gent goes, it seems that sometimes I can get a little too convincing;

    I don't know, for sure, that his threats were anything but boyish bravado.

    I don't like being threatened, and I wanted such threats to cease, but sometimes it is easy to forget that there are real people behind these nick-names.

    I can see in some of his posts that he wants to be a good person, he is just looking in the wrong direction, so, although he did barrage us with Nazi propaganda, he didn't intend to offend anyone but me, and you can't blame him too much for that. I tend to rub a lot of people the wrong way, and, I don't think that it is going too far to say that I have made a special effort with the gentleman!

    I don't like a lot of the things that he does, but I also realize that, with a little guidance, he could be kept under control.

    I think of the gentleman as the Blaster character in the last Mad Max. Remember how bad Mel Gibson (me!) felt when his helmet came off?

    I'm not saying that he is in any way your responsibility, but for example, if your little Devil was on his shoulder (or another admin :D ), pricking him once in a while, MasterBlaster would be a completely different guy.

    He might even be quite an asset to the forum, if you keep stabbing him with your pitchfork, and whispering directions in his ear (no politics Big Guy!).

  11. After one has been suspended a certain number of times, one starts to worry every time that one signs in, that one of those little messages will pop up telling one not to come back for a couple of years, therefore, it becomes easy to have sympathy for those who have already received the message.

    I suppose that, in my own way, I am preparing for the future. :D

    Georgie-Porgie is too whimpy anyway; Can you think of a really manly nick-name, so that everyone will be afraid to argue with me, or throw me off?

    Do you like Butcher? Do you think that, that is more scary than Basher? :o

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