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Everything posted by steven100

  1. I bet he's always thinking in the back of his mind, if she didn't read that stupid add none of this would have happened.
  2. There's his first mistake ..... as she caused the second mistake. ouch ! expensive wifey !! will farang ever learn ....
  3. I doubt a pressure cooker is needed in the kitchen, it was 60 years ago, but not now, a steamer is great for vegetables, and a crock pot for any stews.
  4. yes, it's outrages !! Netizens speakup !! thai's should never allow this ! farang go home ... haha
  5. A thai would never do this .... this is outrages !! Thais can do no wrong !!
  6. I found this from 2022 .... alot of useful information in it.
  7. in Thailand the parent's aren't responsible so no chance of that. He's probably got a gun in the glove compartment as well and a machete behind the seat. TIT ....
  8. what do you cook in it , and do you put things together ... like a chicken drumstick and corn and a spud together ?
  9. I think the simplicity of the design is fine, but 3 seats ? really ! ...... come on. The same design, but longer and having 5-6 seats would have been more efficient and practical. imo
  10. so the arrests are doing little ... maybe he needs a good flogging and prison for a year.
  11. I hear ya '..... but I think a 9L for a single guy is a bit of an overkill, there's no way I'll ever need something that big, I'll stick with half that size, 4.5L is fine for me. It'll rarely be full anyway.
  12. agree .... a young man missing then found dead. Did he have confrontation with someone in the bar?
  13. so something sinister possibly ...
  14. was foul play involved here ... possibly ...? TIT anything can happen
  15. maybe I'll buy this cheap one .... if I get 6-12 months out of it then it's a bargain. I know the inside non-stick may fail after 3 uses .... but as long as it cooks chicken thighs, drumsticks, vegetables and corn ..... then that's all I need .
  16. I advise some on here to stop talking nonsense claiming what others may have said.
  17. I thought you'd died years ago Elvis ... I still listen to your songs when I'm drunk which is often.
  18. are you saying there was possibly foul play involved ?
  19. This is very sad news for the family indeed. They obviously want answers, was it drugs that got him, was it foul play that got him. TIT where anything can happen in an instant and sometimes the real truth is buried. I hope the family can find the strength and funds to get through this horrible ordeal. RIP young man.
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