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Everything posted by steven100

  1. There's only one or two dishes there that I would touch, the rest looks like tripe ...... it looks horrible ... imo
  2. Larb moo is rubbish. Nam tok is horrible because the beef is like leather and fish sauce is disgusting. Fried beef is tough as the sandal your wearing. The beer is a good choice.
  3. aha .... it seems it's another name for a stubbie holder / cooler ...
  4. This story was back in July 2021 .... but it's not the one I remember. Soi Dog Foundation urges governor to reopen Phuket Stray Dog Shelter amid welfare concerns
  5. let me see if I can find the old story on that .....
  6. can it keep my beer ice cold that's important
  7. That picture is not the landfill rubbish dump location. Those dogs are from elsewhere. The photo is just a file photo from their gallery.
  8. but I believe they tried that in some areas, I just forget where it was.. and it was a failure, the dogs were still a menace and a pest, biting kids and folks going past. either relocate them 1000klm's away or kill them. problem solved.
  9. I'd much prefer these over that thai slop any day OP ......
  10. nonsense, the owner will claim for lost breeding income. you don't know everything, but you think you do .... Lol
  11. the dogs are a pest, as are soi dogs, but you already know that.
  12. yes, it is banned only where the elections are held, and I'm not running this year.
  13. well, that's the Thai way for grazing, they always leave them to wander graze but usually with a kid or someone watching over them. When anyone comes upon sheep or cattle on the road they MUST slow down and pass with caution.
  14. the bull was a prized golden brahman stud bull worth hundreds of thousands ..... he will have to also pay for the lost breeding income from the bull .... so it will run into a pretty penny for sure !
  15. He was definitely the Killer-man that arvo
  16. Lunatic Estonian ..... throw the book at him. It's gunna cost you Kullamaa ... and rightly so !
  17. yes , I hope she gets her gold necklace back but ' ............ sadly TIT if I was her, I wouldn't be counting on it.
  18. no .... what is sad is that Thailand let it get to this point. Thousands of soi dogs roaming the streets and at rubbish dumps
  19. if it's so sad, why not join her and donate
  20. absolutely correct, but some here haven't a clue.
  21. She's got zero common sense. She is only exacerbating the problem. The authorities need to put them down, then start on the soi's in Bangkok.
  22. correct absolutely .... he should be fined or something.
  23. and that's how the system works .... the cops want it that way of coarse ..
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