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Everything posted by steven100

  1. Promises ..... from Trump trash ... who in their right mind would ever believe him. You'd have to be barking mad to believe anything he says.
  2. maybe she's seen the light and Nana has her now !
  3. not sure I'd wanna go out laying on the beach, I mean, everyone walking past you then tape up and everyone watching you lay there motionless. nope ! give me some dignity
  4. Don't you get an sms text message every time a purchase or funds transfer has happened. ? I do, and it's piece of mind to know. check with Chase if that security option is available ...
  5. Sounds like a horror movie scene .... one has to see the funny side of things here !
  6. I've worked you out buddy, did a check. Your best to leave gracefully.
  7. You are full of BS harris , I've worked you out buddy ..
  8. just for your hero .... maybe I can get one for dic_head Vance also... I love it !! you can kiss Yellowtail....
  9. correct .... and that's an insult to the world's intelligence, just as Trump does. IT'S PATHETIC !! these World dictators, PM's, people of absolute high regard, cannot even tell the truth. what chance does the world even have when the top dogs lie all the time.
  10. agree , they knew the problem, the seriousness and the carnage, why wait , were they just letting the US handle it ????????????????? I have said all along, Zelensky has 2 options : ( and I am correct ) Bomb, Nuke, destroy Moscow ... or pack up Ukraine and give it all to Russia and let the EU worry about the rest
  11. You should have sex with Harrisfan .... that would be real funny
  12. It was just for you ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it !!! suck eggs !!
  13. This is for you Harrisfan and your hero love guy ... I chose it especially for you !!! haha !! enjoy ....
  14. stupid comment, but I wouldn't expect any less from you.
  15. it's a bit pathetic and an insult to everyone's intelligence ..... I trust him, I trust trust the president of the US, We all want peace, Russia wants peace, Donald Trump wants the war to end, Vance knows everything in the world ..... IT REALLY HAS GOTTEN PATHETIC .... imo
  16. There is so much fake and bs talk now .... everyday on the WH it's just so much lies. he trusts him the same as a cobra snake
  17. Correct ..... they're just ex-cons ....no professionalism whatsoever ...
  18. and yes, he's a silly old fool, I hope he learnt a valuable lesson from it .... otherwise he won't be around to see next year ....
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