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Posts posted by steven100

  1. latest news...

    Malaysian Airlines now giving a public update ....

    Official basically indicated that there was no new news on locating the missing aircraft.

    Official was asked by Reuters ... Who is Malaysian airlines insurance company , Malaysian airlines official responded that this will be indicated at a later date.

    Malaysian airlines official was very vague on answering any questions asked by reporters from all agencies.

    The debris found in the ocean was not that from the aircraft.


    The Australian government ...On behalf of Australia, I offered two RAAF P-3C maritime surveillance aircraft to help with the search for the missing aircraft.

    Prime Minister Najib has accepted this offer.

    The first Orion will depart for the search area this evening from Darwin. A second P-3C will be dispatched as soon as possible.

    The P-3C Orion is a long-range maritime surveillance aircraft ideally suited to this task.

    On behalf of Australia, I again offer my deepest sympathies to the families of the passengers and crew on board the Malaysian Airlines flight.

  3. Just received a report ..5:00pm

    Another pilot who was flying ahead of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane has revealed he made contact with aircraft minutes after he was asked to do so by Vietnamese air traffic control.

    The captain, who requested to remain anonymous, told Malaysian media outlets his plane, which was bound for Narita, Japan, was in Vietnamese airspace when he was asked to contact the pilot flying the missing plane.

    In using his plane’s emergency frequency, he was asked to try and establish its position after authorities failed to make contact.

    “We managed to establish contact with MH370 just after 1.30am and asked them if they have transferred into Vietnamese airspace,” he told the New Straits Times.

    “The voice on the other side could have been either Captain Zaharie or Fariq, but I was sure it was the co-pilot.

    “There were a lot of interference... static... but I heard mumbling from the other end.

    “That was the last time we heard from them, as we lost the connection,” he said.”


    First officer Fariq ab Hamid ... who was on the missing aircraft. Source: Facebook

    He said those on the same frequency at the time would have heard him, including vessels on the waters below.

    He said he thought nothing of losing contact at first, as it was was normal, until the plane never landed in Beijing.

    “If the plane was in trouble, we would have heard the pilot making the Mayday distress call. But I am sure that, like me, no one else up there heard it.

    “Following the silence, a repeat request was made by the Vietnamese authorities to try establishing contact with them.”

    The new details come as the lcation of the plane remains a mystery.

    Oil slicks were spotted today, which could possibly lead officials to where it landed.

    Source New Strait Times

  4. New possible sighting of debris at sea as China sends warships to join search for missing Malaysian Airlines flight


    photo;South China Morning Post

    The photo sure looks like debris floating on the water to me. Obviously closer inspection by the China Navy will confirm either way.

  5. Just received a report.

    10:30am. Malaysian Transport Minister confirms the search has been extended as they are looking into the possibility of an aircraft ' turnback ' and as such will widen & extend the search area. Furthermore, the Vietnamese authorities are investigating the oil slick to determine exactly what the substance is. The agency and authorities are working with CTU's ( counter terrorism units ) around the region as we speak to investigate the stolen passport and suspect individuals.

  6. Two more Europeans passengers with suspect identities onboard missing MH370

    Authorities have yet to confirm the identities of two more European passengers on flight MH370, adding to two others using stolen passports in the Malaysia Airlines plane which vanished over the Malaysia-Vietnam maritime border yesterday.

    The Malaysian Insider understands that all four had bought their flight tickets from China Southern Airlines, the Malaysia Airlines codeshare partner for the Kuala Lumpur-Beijing route.

    "The background checks with the embassies are being done but these two cannot be confirmed," a source told The Malaysian Insider, adding that both were from the same country.

    The Daily Telegraph's Beijing correspondent Malcolm Moore wrote in his Twitter microblog that the Chinese airline had sold seven tickets for the redeye flight, which carried 239 people, including 12 crew members, when it vanished.

    Read More: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/two-more-europeans-passengers-with-suspect-identities-onboard-missing-mh370

    --The Malaysian Insider 2014-03-09

    This is getting to be more suspect by the minute .... two more passengers with suspect identities.

  7. Manhunt for Swedish fake Rolex Watch seller in Pattaya

    Any update on this guy now on the run.

    This is really .. really ... bad. They need to catch this guy before anyone else is hurt. selling a fake Rolex in Pattaya must be one of the worst crimes I've ever heard of. The Police need to hunt this guy down.

    The Police need to put more resources onto this , maybe get the army involved if need be .... this has to be stopped.


  8. Update:

    Thanks for all the suggestions. We went to Terminal 21, to the foodcourt... She was very happy and we had an excellent view by the window side table. Like I said, she is a normal middle class girl. She did not wanted me to pay anything for her. Even when I insisted, she really looked at me angryly, so I just let it be, I guess she don't want people to think of her being a bargirl or something who leeches of the farang. So I understand and did my best not to make her lose face in public. After that we went to have a few drinks at soi 11, at those old skool VolksWagen-transformed-into-mobile-bar kind of spot. I did not tried to get her drunk, no need to, she ordered some very strong drinks for both of us lol. It was fun, we had great laughter. After that we went to my place because it was late already and the BTS closed down and she said she lived so far and going alone in nighttime as a lady is dangerous. So, as the kind gentleman I am, offered her to sleep at my place until the BTS are open and the sun comes up, when she will be safe to travel by herself. I saw her eyes lid up when I said that, did not expected that...

    Well, the rest was history. I did not expected this outcome for this date. I mean to hit ''homerun''. I guess It all depends whether one has a good time or not that makes a Thai girl decide to stay with ya at the first date.

    Oh Robinbkk, you took her to the Terminal 21 food court where the average meal is 40 baht ..... so sweet .. and then onto the clapped out remodeled VW combi van for a couple of strong drinks .. not Chang beer I hope... very nice evening .. then home to bed to ...^*# well you know what I mean. Sounds like you had a good time , I'll bet your grinning like a Cheshire cat right now. wai2.gif

    so when's the next date !

    • Like 1
  9. Latest news 10:25am Sat 08 Mar14... FLIGHT MH370 on route from KL to Beijing failed to check in whilst in flight over Vietnam air space. A full emergency rescue operation is in full swing at present in an effort to locate the missing aircraft.

    Latest news 10:40am Sat 08 Mar14 ...

    As reported ... the plane was in flight somewhere between Ho Chi Min and Malaysia when contact could not established. Malaysian Airlines has just reported there is no confirmation on a crash.

  10. drx13, as neverdie commented ... there has to be a reason why the driver told you to get off.

    Are you too fat ?

    Were you just wearing a singlet ?

    Were you smelly of sweat ?

    Did you stuff around with the seat belt ?

    You were told to get off the bus because of something .....

    you figure it out and let us know ..wai2.gif

  11. I might be there next week, your post slightly alarmed me...

    I just checked agoda (one of many websites on which to book hotels).

    There are loads of available hotels... 23 which are available for two weeks... (None near Central though).

    In what way are you attempting to book them that leads you to believe every hotel is fully booked ?

    Give any of websites latestays / direct rooms / agoda a try...

    Yes, there are lots of available hotels in Phitsanulok. I go regularly and always have used the one close to the train station, I forget the name. It only costs 430 Baht per night, there is only one plug in the wall, and the air condition is garbage, I am now looking for another one. I tried to book four in a row which said they were unavailable on the day I wanted to book. I still cannot understand that.

    For a decent hotel that provides water & electricity .. you will need to pay more than 430 baht. Mosquito's are free. xmellow.png.pagespeed.ic.HU9LzmAHjt.png

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