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Posts posted by steven100

  1. You need to get on your bike so to speak and have a look for yourself instead of having others here on Thia Visa do your homework for you. There are many places in Soi 22 & 24 for Baht 3500 -- 20,000

    Go and spend a day walking to check them out.


  2. I hear people with sattelite dishes (one-off payment with no monthly fees) can't watch the Euros either (on the free thai channels).

    Is that True Visions' fault or is it GMM's?

    That is something I don't understand. Our apartments have one of those dishes you mention. On the first day of the Euros, we turned telly on, selected channel 3 to watch the game. All we got was a notice on the sreen, in Thai saying that we could not recieve the broardcast. so changed channels until we got a picture of sorts, I took the ariel out, stuck a screwdriver in the ariel socket, almost perfect picture. Next day bought an Indoor ariel for 200bt perfect picture.

    What I don't understand is if the Euros are on free to air. Why can't we watch it in the normal way? Dish/ Ariel (<deleted>)

    Still after tonight, me thinks it would be better not to be able to see it? COME ON england. thumbsup.gif


    good on ya !! englands going down !! they lost the rugby & the cricket and now the football !! whistling.gif

    what cricket did we lose ??

    the ashes ... 2006 ermm.gif

  3. Hi All,

    EURO 2012 Games are available to watch on Thai Expat TV, we have BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, ITV2, ITV4, Channel 4, More 4 and Film 4, UK TV channels.

    Sign up for a free 2 day trial today (Windows PC only) and start watching instantly!

    We have just updated our software today and fixed a few bugs, anyone that previously had any issues please try again.

    If you have any questions about our service please send us a support ticket from the main website.

    You can find our banner at the top right of this post under the sponsors section, or just look in our Thai Visa profile.


    Thai Expat TV

    everyone trying to get in on the act !! $$$ clap2.gif

  4. I hear people with sattelite dishes (one-off payment with no monthly fees) can't watch the Euros either (on the free thai channels).

    Is that True Visions' fault or is it GMM's?

    That is something I don't understand. Our apartments have one of those dishes you mention. On the first day of the Euros, we turned telly on, selected channel 3 to watch the game. All we got was a notice on the sreen, in Thai saying that we could not recieve the broardcast. so changed channels until we got a picture of sorts, I took the ariel out, stuck a screwdriver in the ariel socket, almost perfect picture. Next day bought an Indoor ariel for 200bt perfect picture.

    What I don't understand is if the Euros are on free to air. Why can't we watch it in the normal way? Dish/ Ariel (<deleted>)

    Still after tonight, me thinks it would be better not to be able to see it? COME ON england. thumbsup.gif


    good on ya !! englands going down !! they lost the rugby & the cricket and now the football !! whistling.gif

  5. Its all about "Loosing Face" A thai would prefer to die than Loose Face.

    Yes its a gang mentality here.

    absolutely incorrect ... what rubbish !!

    ' Loosing Face ' is false ... it simply means ' how much money will i loose ' or ' geeze i'm gunna look bad from my friends perspective because i was stupid ' or any reason where a thai has lost out instead of winning ..... it's as simple as that and it's common guilt know to man for hundreds of years ... only thai's use the ' save face ' excuse which is so false.


  6. The suspects can't be real bright .... wouldn't you realise the police would be looking for the rental car at every road checkpoint ?

    Sounds like gangsters watched to much of keystone cops ... cheesy.gif

    Anyway , there still one suspect ' still at large '

    I think there's more to this episode regarding the car parked at the supercentre and having the jewelry sitting in the back ... we haven't been told the full story here in my opinion. neus.gif

    • Like 1
  7. All in all cost me about 5000 baht.

    On these figure you give, Sorry does not add up

    Bus each way from BKK @ 575 = 1150 baht

    Tuk Tuk to Boarder @ 150 baht each way = 300

    Visa to Laos = 1,500

    Tuk Tuk to Embassy 100 baht each way = 200

    Thai Visa 2,000 baht

    So far = 5,150 baht........... did you not have to pay for the bus each way in No mans land ? [over the bridge between boarders]

    Pay the Lady-boy to fill out the forms ?

    Pay for a Hotel ?

    I ask because when I went I checked out the prices there was no difference......... Re you say "Spoke to one guy and said he was on a visa package that cost 6500 baht, all inclusive"..... This included a very nice Hotel + 2 wonderful breakfasts just down the road,+ an evening meal, everything was done and arranged, forms filled out........ The Mini Buses were 9 seater's so lots of leg room.

    bus to mukdahan 575

    tuk tuk to thai border 150

    bus to loas border 50

    laos visa 1500

    tuktuk to embassy 100

    ladyboy form 40 baht

    visa 2000

    hotel 400

    back to laos border 100

    bus to thai border 50

    Got a lift to mukdahan bus terminal with a farang and his thai gf

    bus to bangkok 400 baht, (was just standard a/c)

    so 5365 baht. As i said about 5k.

    To be honest id rather go alone even if its the same price, Takes the same amount of time and chances are you meet less freaky farang.

    did you tip the thai girl & farang for the lift to the Mukdahan ? say 20 baht ... just kidding.

    Fly up there ... get the visa done as quickly as possible and get the hell outa there...

    Fly back and I have the limo waiting for me at the airport ... then proceed to the Marriot for a couple of drinks to close the night.

    why penny pinch and account for every baht you spend ?

    I stayed at the Savan Vegas and just got the Visa a quickly as I could....

    anyway, good luck.

  8. Sorry no Pity for the Girl not saying she deserved to die but when you mess with people emotions it is inevitable that bad things will happen just like guys jumping off condo buildings etc this bar girl was 34 years old and most likely done this many many times over since she is a MRS Jantree too so she has been at this game a while this time it caught up with her.

    I have seen too many guys get fleeced out of there life savings to feel sorry for these girls anymore, this one paid for it with her life.


    agree ..... many play with fire only this one got burnt. If you cheat , lie & deceive you run the risk and if you get caught .. you know there will be concequences.

    Some people just don't get it when someone is taking care of them.

    • Like 1
  9. This is what I call an impressive tool kit.

    Holes and poles,pumps and dilators for all occasions,metric and imperial.

    Even more probes than the government,

    Signor Marco also looks as though he's about to conduct the Boys in Brown Police Choir in the chorus from Rossini's Barber of Seville- Fingaro.

    he looks like the owner of a Pizza restaurant ....

    maybe he's explaining the in's & out's of what his tool kit is used for.


  10. KFC taste rating ..10 people took part in this survey. bah.gif = tasteless . bah.gifbah.gif = very bad. bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif =yuk

    KFC bah.gifbah.gif

    Macdonalds bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

    Chesters Grill bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

    Subway - reasonable

    Pizza hut so so

    Pizza company bah.gif

    Burger king so so

    Moss burger reasonable

    Most considered Subway sandwich as the best of a bad bunch ( fast food outlet ) also Moss Burger.

    I haven't had a Moss Burger. Where is it?

    Moss Burger is a Japanese style franchise burger chain. They do a variety of burgers as well as hot dogs. They are located in Emphorium, Terminal 21, Paragon, and a few other larger department stores.


  11. KFC taste rating ..10 people took part in this survey. bah.gif = tasteless . bah.gifbah.gif = very bad. bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif =yuk

    KFC bah.gifbah.gif

    Macdonalds bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

    Chesters Grill bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

    Subway - reasonable

    Pizza hut so so

    Pizza company bah.gif

    Burger king so so

    Moss burger reasonable

    Most considered Subway sandwich as the best of a bad bunch ( fast food outlet ) also Moss Burger.

  12. Zebra crossings are a designated zone in which a pedestrian being that of thai nationality or farang are required to use when crossing any roadway or vehicular throughfare.

    A person using this crossing shall do so at there own risk.

    The crossing also acts as an easy location zone should any pedestrian be run over as the emergency services will proceed straight to the nearest Zebra crossing rather than complicated directions.


  13. Thais must learn english.

    I have been saying this for the past 10 years and they are still dragging there feet on this issue.

    The old ' thais don't need to speak english as there native language is thai which makes them unique ' doesn't hold water.

    This is a load of rubbish as all nationalities need to learn english even if it's just basic english, as long as you can communicate effectively.

    The world over uses english as the #1 international language through every day business dealings and general communication.

    How can school leavers ever apply or even be considered for a position in another country if he or she cannot speak english ?

    Tourism revenue accounts for some 80% of thai income .... so with this revenue being such a large chunk of the countries income ... wouldn't it be a priority to ensure the population and especially those working in the tourism industry can speak english ?

    How can the country move forward when the younger generation cannot understand any english ?

    If Thailand doe's not make english mandatory for school student and include it in the curriculum it will be left behind.

    It will continue to become know for it's lack of motivation, planning and development for the young and it will continue to be 50 years behind the times.


  14. After reading many of the posts on this topic one can clearly see and identify concerning issues that need attention as quickly as possible.

    With the strength of 'word of mouth' , should these problems not be address...

    Thailand will become less favourable as a tourist destination as years go by.

    But one important point here !

    Does Yingluck ever read Thaivisa ?

    Is she aware of these serious issues ?

    If the PM is not aware then how can these be addressed ?

    Its fine to point out problem after problem .... but really , Is the PM aware of any of this and the outcome if nothing is done.... ?

    Just my opinion.jap.gif

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