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Posts posted by steven100

  1. I expect you will have a problem. Because you are taking 250 wooden units to sell... the thai customs will require some form of paper work and there may be a cost.

    Also, some countries will not allow wood to be imported as it may carry borers or parisites. So it could be subject to fumigation requirements and they may be kept for a couple of weeks.

    It depends on your home country regarding laws and amounts on import duty.

    You will need to check the amount, if any is payable.



  2. For me it is different places, different attitudes.

    The hours these people can work for not a lot of money when they see others spending far more than they can earn in a week must be hard to bear.

    In recent months I've seen fewer tips being left and many of those that have been left are quite small. Whether this is down to bad service or not I'd not like to say. Yet if I get a smile and good ( not perfect ) service I leave a tip. I tend to use those places more often and have no real complaints.

    I was in Pattaya Soi Diane near Lk Metro a bar to the side of it and hotel called family bar in April, 4 guys in their early 60's I'd say use the bar regular and watch the football and sit for around 3 hours or so having a few beers each.

    These guy's dress quiet smart and come across as quite okay for money when you talk to them.

    I nearly spat my JD and coke out when I saw them check bin and leave a tip on tray.

    A nice shiny 5 baht coin between the 4 of them. IMO why did they bother leaving the tip at all as I saw it as an insult to the staff who had served them with a smile and efficiently.

    The look on the girls face as she went back to the bar with the 5 baht and held it up to show the cashier and mumble away as she put it in the tip tin.

    What she said I know not but I bet it was not nice.

    No wonder some staff dont give a sh*t when that happens.

    Tipping is not compulsory but to leave 5 baht between 4 is a joke IMO.

    and how the hell does he expect the girls to split it up evenly ... ermm.gif

  3. I'm just wondering if anyone else finds the hospitality industry & service here has gone down hill very fast in the past couple of years.

    I go to many restaurants and eatery's every week and I can tell you that I have really noticed that the waiter or cook or cashier or bar staff are becoming more ignorant, lazy, unfriendly & rude day by day ....

    I am not sure what it is but it's like when you go into a subway for a sandwich and you get a drink from the fridge ... you notice the drink is not cold ..in fact it's just below room temperature because the owner doesn't want to lower the setting as that costs money.

    You simply advise the cashier that the drink isn't very cold ... so she looks at me like it's my fault. !

    Same thing with ordering breakfast at the restaurant, I ask the waiter can the cook please make the eggs medium to hard ..not soft, not runny. The waiter finally understands after explaining it slowly and pointing to a picture ... however, the feeling I get is that the quick chat between the waiter and the cook was somehow sarcastic and the response is like you asked them to hand over there gold necklaces...

    Same same when you go shopping at any reputable supermarket, they treat farang like an alien .. What ever happen to customer service in Thailand .. It doesn't exist !!

    Thailand is really becoming a sad and sorry country from what I can see and this is a simple example of how thai's in the hospitality industry treat westerners ...

    I consider myself to be fairly fair in being judgemental about anything as I always see two sides to any story but this is just so blatant and inexcusable.

    I would be interested if others have had similar experiences....


  4. " Yesterday, Pansiri chaired a meeting of senior Phuket officers at the local police headquarters, during which he stressed the importance of restoring tourist confidence following the incident.

    He said police would get tough with local influential figures who abused foreign tourists and caused much damage to the country's tourism reputation. "


    ' Amazing Lieland '

  5. Chalerm .......... Please don't insult my intelligence .....



    Thailand is so full of it !!

    I see the news tonight regarding the complete disregard for human trafficing and the plight of Mayanmar refugees working in factories on the outskirts of Bangkok. These factories supply goods to Walmart for god sake ... what does that tell you ...

    Is anyone in this world actually serious about helping poor people and there plight or am I correct that 90% of corporations don't really give a shit ... it's all about $$$$

    oh .. sorry ..of coarse it is.

  6. Let me set the record straight for all the Thai Visa Jack Lord wannabe's .....

    1. The 2 Portuguese men are being sort by police as they were the last to see the sisters.

    2. They are not suspects at this stage and are being sort purely for questioning at this stage.

    3. The Police commander knows these two men are Portuguese as one was staying at the same hotel as the sisters and they have a copy of his passport.

    4. The Police commander has been privy to the CCTV footage for some time and chose only to release this information at this time as any evidence being sort may be compromised if released to the media prematurely.

    5. The Police commander did say ' may have been accidently poisoned ' so as not to incriminate him or the investigation in case further evidence is forthcoming which provides more clues.

    6. Yes , it is the Police commanders job to limit any bad publicity which may tarnish Thailand's tourism reputation and as such is treating this case with careful analysis and scepticism , much the same way any other country would do similar.

    The information is being released on a need to know basis so as not to cause unnecessary or incorrect assumptions regarding the outcome.

    I expect the truth will eventually come out once the autopsy results have been identified as well as the questioning of the two Portuguese man.


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  7. The father of an Australian man who Phuket police say was in a motorbike accident believes he did not crash but was beaten and left for dead.

    Muay Thai fighter Daniel Ketley, 21, suffered life-threatening injuries and needed 45 stitches in his head after an incident near Soi Saiyuan in Naiharn in the early hours of June 8.

    His story has emerged following reports an Australian woman was stabbed to death on the Thai holiday island last night .

    Mr Ketley, who was raised on the Gold Coast and now lives in Phuket with his parents, left a friend's house and was heading to another friend's house when he was allegedly attacked.

    His last memory is seeing a petrol station in the Soi Saiyuan area and thinks he may have been assaulted while stopping for fuel.

    Local police are treating Mr Ketley as a motorbike crash victim despite his family, friends and family doctor disputing the claims.

    His father Steve told ninemsn they believe he was savagely beaten, robbed of his wallet and phone and left for dead.

    Mr Ketley was picked up by an ambulance at 2am and was admitted to hospital sober, with no grazes, a fractured skull and haemorrhaging and compression on the brain.

    He also had a shattered eye socket, a broken jaw, four lost teeth, a fractured vertebra, nerve damage to his neck and shoulder and a fracture in the skull between his nose and upper lip.

    If his neck had not been so strong from his Muay Thai training and conditioning, doctors said the accident would have been far worse.


    Continued here.

    Sources: Steve Ketley, The Phuket News,

    Author: Ali Best. News editor: Henri Paget

    News report: www.ninemsn.com

  8. I usually get the driver to take me to the Marriot for the lobster buffet or over to the Sheraton. The buffet is excellent and your can be assured the food is fresh. The food courts you mentioned are noisy and cheap, although it seems there is a market for this arena.


  9. I am confused, does this girl not suspect her illness was connected to the other girls deaths?

    I wish we had more info on when she got sick and what the three girls consumed together. Clearly the Scottish girl does no know what she had, but she would have a lot of important information. Maybe there will be another interview with a paper that is more concerned about the case then they are about a glitch in a girls travel plans.

    I'm with you on this one.

    If she was sick before the other two then what in common was consumed ?

    Was she also sick in the room ? If not then how can it be suggested that leaking gas or cleaning fluid may have been the cause.

    It's not rocket science ! ..... if the girl was also sick before the other two went to there room then where were they together and what was drunk or eaten at that place ?

    I believe there's some pieces of information being held under raps here ... it just don't add up ... there are to many gaps and not enough facts to draw any sort of possible conclusion.


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  10. Sukhumvit Spa and Massage

    This beautifully decorated 8 year old massage and spa is conveniently located on Sukhumvit soi 23, very close to many hotels as well as the BTS Skytrain and MRT stations. Nearby shopping areas make this a busy area.

    Last year's sales totaled 3 million Baht with a net profit of 1 million Baht after expenses were deducted. The 400 sqm spa has a monthly rent of 40,000 Baht and 20 staff working on a commission basis.

    The owner plans to leave Bangkok and so wishes to sell the business.

    ASKING PRICE: 3.2 million Baht

    This could be you !!! thumbsup.gif

  11. The issue with the current government is there is a minority bunch of 'do gooders' in the country who oppose turning away refugees.

    There agenda is purely political and if you told them that there will be a processing centre built in there street they would object. They are nothing more than morons and hypocrits !!

    Why is it that Bangladesh can turn away a boat load of refugees but australia cannot ... ?

    The Howard Government was the best government that Australia ever had in dealing with these boat people .. he inforced the policy that no boat people would make it into Australia and subsequently they would all be processed off shore on Christmas island and Nairu ...

    Australia is now seen as a soft touch for these people smugglers and I hold absolutely NO pity for there stupidity and there do gooder policy ... !!!

    I am absolutely sick and tired of governments who put rules and policies in place just so it won't go against some minority group or fraction of society.

    Now the result is that tax payers have to fork out more to cover the cost of housing , food , education, etc .. ect ... etc ... to the tune of millions of dollars and the boat people smugglers are laughing all the way to the bank as well ... they get there dollars per refugee and while Australia is so stupid in letting boats arrive it will continue to happen.

    You don't have to be Einstein to figure that out ... Australia made there bed then they can lay in it !



  12. A foreigner, using a gun, yesterday stole 2.5 million Baht from a Siam Commercial Bank on the holiday island of Koh Tao.

    On Friday morning, a French tourist used a gun to rob a Siam Commercial Bank on the holiday island of Koh Tao.

    He arrived at the bank on a motorcycle at about 10:20am. Inside were Thai and foreign customers.

    Using his gun to threaten the tellers, he demanded that they handed over all of their cash. He then attempted to flee but didn’t get far. Bank customers and local people were able to apprehend him and he was finally arrested by the police.

    On searching his body, they found 2.5 million Baht in cash and also the gun which turned out to be fake.

    The suspect gave a full confession to the police. He told them that he had been travelling in the area for many months and had run out of money. The Frenchman was then sent to appear in front of judges in the court on Koh Samui. It is not known how he expected to escape from the island.

    Source: Thai Rath

    : Thailand News

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  13. Write a letter to your relatives back home and ask them to send you over a few million baht. Then go out and buy a bar and a massage parlour.

    This is your best option and the work will keep you busy for a few years. welcomeani.gif


    Dude, did you get onto the relatives .. ? have you checked out any bars for sale yet ?

    I am ready to support any bar you open ... :)


  14. Write a letter to your relatives back home and ask them to send you over a few million baht. Then go out and buy a bar and a massage parlour.

    This is your best option and the work will keep you busy for a few years. welcomeani.gif


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