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Posts posted by steven100

  1. I know people who went to Bangkok for 2 weeks just to watch the riots and protests last month. I think this kind of tourism is quite stupid and arrogant, but it is popular.

    This is not some kind of a game. The stupidity of some people astound me ... but these people just don't think I guess.

    Sent from my TR736 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. This is a very serious cause for concern as the country is obviously falling into disarray without the police doing a damn thing to catch these paid gangs to cause mayhem. This is danger with a capital D. The army must take control NOW before too many more deaths of innocent lives occur. The PM is not capable to do her job ... the police are not protecting the people .. the army should step in now with heavy force.

    Sent from my TR736 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. ^ david48, yep I don't understand the pussy foot stuff around indo. Boats entering Australian waters originating from indo where greedy corrupt ppl in position of authority turn blind eyes to a huge illegal business that's booming.

    Keep ur stinking boats indo and clean up ur mess or you''ll be dealt with. Sick of Australia taking backwards step to inconsiderate neighbours.

    If they really want to stop the boats, criminalise the Indo crew with a substantial prison penalty, and once the word gets out, they won't be able to get crew to sail the boats.

    Correct ... and go after the corrupt politicians and indo police who are taking bribes. Pressure the government more .. threaten to stop any further aid if it doesn't start cleaning up it's human smuggling problem. I can tell you that the majority of the Australian population are sick and tired of the millions upon millions of tax payers dollars being spent and wasted on this issue. I sure am .....dry.png

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  4. I just came back from Chaeng Wattana. The military all around talking with Suthep, I believe they will force the government to go. Also back at Sukhumvit military moving down. I seen a truck shifting troops on the highway. This seems to be getting closer to the end so hopefully this won't go on much longer and end without violence...wai2.gif

    About 60+ minutes ago saw about 100 or more police trucks/minivans in convoy heading to CW from Pahon Yothin Road.

    Military are getting involved now. Chaeng Wattana and thousands of protesters converge and other sites. Yingluck has not been seen so ho knows what will happen in the coming hours.

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  5. I just came back from Chaeng Wattana. The military all around talking with Suthep, I believe they will force the government to go. Also back at Sukhumvit military moving down. I seen a truck shifting troops on the highway. This seems to be getting closer to the end so hopefully this won't go on much longer and end without violence...wai2.gif

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