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Posts posted by steven100

  1. George ,

    I believe the View New Content layout is terrible ... not as pleasing and easy to read as the old one , also I can't check my post history as before ... when I click on my profile it doesn't seem to do anything where as before it would go into my profile and bring up 6 or so headers to choose from.

    Personally , the old one was better and easier to navigate... just my opinion ..

  2. bah.gifsick.gif do yourself a favour and go straight past !

    by the way that white stuff squirted all over everything you see in the picture is ' thai salad cream ' or poor man's mayonaise .. it tastes gastly !!!

    While we are discussing the subject of fast food ... I've got a comment on KFC & Mcdonald's ...

    How the heck can anybody consider a chicken burger from KFC even tastes remotely to that of a piece of chicken ... It is nothing like eating chicken meat ... it just tastes revolting !! imo.

    As for any Mcdonald's burger ... you've got to be kidding ! how can anyone with any sense of what tasty food should be consider one of there burgers as that ... ' a beef burger ' I would probably consider calling it ' the ketchup taste burger ' or ' the cardboard burger ' or the burger you want to have if you would like to feel sick soon after consumption. sick.gifbah.gif


    • Like 1
  3. Go to some money changers who will take your money here and give you money wherever you want it. The Indians call it hawala. Do it through the bank of Thailand is impossible unless you can show you transferred the money into Thailand.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Yeah sure ... just pop into one of those honest money changer boths along the soi and hand him the 5,000,000 baht in a bag and tell him you want to collect it in a few days in the US.

    I'm sure he will be only too willing to help you !


  4. I do not think great effort needs to be spent on teaching kids to speak English. I think the time needs to be spent on teaching them to read and understand written english and to write it to some extent. The focus should be on reading.

    Spoken english is very hard to learn without exposure to good spoken english constantly.

    The ability to read English enables access to a wide world of material as it is one of the international languages for business and science.

    While I respect your opinion harrry, I have to disagree .... it's no good being able to read english unless it can be pronounced in a fashion that most can understand. If a thai has a job in the hospitality industry which account for tourism also , it won't assist him if he can only read ... he needs to be able speak english confidently and have a good understanding of what the meaning of his spoken sentence entails ..


  5. They should have adopted this approach years ago ... and I have always said that when they introduced the one child / one computer scheme some time back it should have been mandantory to learn to speak english as part of the program. !!

    Years wasted when students could have been made to learn to speak proper english and then they would have opportunities to apply for jobs outside Thailand.


  6. Yes .. El Diablo'S is good mexican food. I have extensively travelled and eaten at all Mexican restaurants in Thailand and other parts of the world. The food portions are reasonable and the taste is ok.

    Just want to add that I dropped into Sunrise Tacos at Emphorium on Saturday just to see if the food quality had improved. Absolute rubbish ! I had 3 tacos and they were the worst taco's I have had in a long time. No flavour whatsoever , it was like someone just half cooked the beef and threw it together. Very minimal cheese ... tiny bit of lettuce, ... it was tacos shell with mince and a sprinkle of orange cheese ... Cancelled forever.

    Anyway , try El Diablo'S .... :jap:

  7. It's obvious she wouldn't have told the 26yr lover about her singaporan cash cow. The guy should have wasted her and and sent the other guy on his way.

    You can't say it's the lovers fault for what happened. Hope he has a good lawyer to get him off. Then go after her.

    Some people just don't realise how good they have it until it's to late. !!

    IMO. :blink:

  8. I would certainly buy copies any day of the week.

    What they don't mention is that if the vendor is stopped from selling fake goods then he cannot continue to employ maybe one other person as well as send money to feed his family.

    Thailand's poverty and impoverished society is high enough now without adding all the vendors as well as the producers of copied goods.

    Don't they know how many people are working day and night just to make enough to feed and house there children and parents.

    The street sweeper or garbage collector will never have enough money to buy a gucci or rolex so what is the problem with him buying a copy, at least he's helping the seller and other connected.

    Good luck to the street vendors ....

    These name brands are a rip off anyway so i wouldn't care one bit if they went out of business.

    That's my opinion & alot of others would agree.


  9. As mentioned earlier , somewhere between Sukhumvit Soi 31 & 35 on the same side .... ( not across the other side of sukhumvit )

    There is a growing number of office workers in this area and lunch times are very crowded....

    There are a couple of high rise office blocks on the corner at soi 31 and as well , any location up to soi 35 should be good.

    Try for a vacant shop along the front thereby staying out of the high rises ... the rent will be alot less.

  10. Try a few of these activities to help stimulate your boredom :

    Bungy jumping at night

    Tiger wrestling

    Cobra spotting

    Croc catching blindfolded

    Elephant ride in a tesco carpark

    Theres lots to do in thailand.


  11. Hi my name is Oliver.

    I am English, 61 years old with a Thai wife and live in Mae Sariang in the Mae Hong Son district. Despite having no official teaching qualifications, I have the commitment and patience and would love the opportunity to teach English to the Thai children at a local school. How do I make contact with the authorities to apply for a teaching post ?

    Many thanks.

    You head down to Khaosan road and acquire all the necessary docs ... then head on over to the ministry of education and ask to speak to the boss.

    Then hand him a brown paper bag loaded with baht and tell him you wanna teach. :clap2:

    Seriously , you would need to contact the ministry of education , however I would think they will advertise these jobs when they become available.

  12. Unless Thailand is willing to adopt some practices followed in Western education, the teachers will not be able to influence the areas which are in desperate need of development. There are a large number of reoccurring problems in Western/Thai classrooms, and unless they are addressed from the top-down, no real improvements are possible.

    The fear of failure is a real motivator, but the system for failing students is just a sham here. Students are obviously pushed on through the grades regardless of the academic achievements. Most of the good, certified western teachers I meet over here complain endlessly about this issue.

    A much larger difference which continually create problems in "farang-led" classrooms is that westerner students are taught and encouraged to be individualistic and act as free-thinkers. Thais typically do not value those sorts of skills, and in fact they are discouraged subtly and overtly. Raising one's hand in class is often seen a sign that that student doesn't understand - something which is terribly embarrassing in the group-think environment.

    Of course, the west doesn't have a corner on education and they're not doing everything correctly, but there has been a LOT of good work done in the last 30 or 40 years which has not been adopted here in the Land of Smiles.

    exactly , I agree totally. sadly , unless teaching english is implemented properly throughout all thailand schools there will be a continued lack of school graduates who fail to speak the most widely common language used throughout the world.

    How can a well educated thai work internationally when he cannot even speak english ? he can't .......

    The government needs to seriously implement english speaking into the school curriculum ...

    The government needs to make it compulsary , that every child going to school must learn english ... this will give each and everyone of them a better future through employment in future years.

    Some years ago , they introduced the 10k computer deal for students ( cheaper now of coarse ) ... this was in part a good idea , however it didn't go far enough in that there should have been a requirement that any student wanting the computer must learn english also , this would need extensive monitoring through study and exams.

    I am not an english teacher , but I do know that if something like this is going to be applied , you need to do it correctly or not at all ... otherwise it will be a waste of time ... meaning , in five years we will be back to square one.

    Just my opinion. :jap:

  13. Yeah , just chuck the misses aside , i'm sure you'll get another one for a while. And say goodbye to the kids ... just tell em your gunna nip down to 7-eleven . If there's any pets involved ... give them a new toy to play with, they'll like that. Best to slip away in the middle of the night , probably after 1.30am , that way the whole family should be asleep.

    Give it a few weeks and they will all have forgotten about you ... misses will be out searchin for a new one.


  14. Vientiane Thai Consulate will not issue double entry Tourist Visas if you have multiple TV's in your passport already. You may receive a red stamp indicating ' the holder of this passport may be denied a visa in future application '

    Read it how you like but in simple terms ... if you have three TV's already in your passport you may be denied another tourist visa , either a single entry or double or what ever....

    This survey is useless and will not provide any usefull information whatsoever. Everybody knows that Vientaine Thai Consulate can be difficult ... and as such I guess thats why no one is replying to this poll.

    What is the purpose of this poll ? If the Thai Consulate in Vientiane hear or read this post they could very well take a dislike to such information being released on a forum on the internet. And it could make it much more difficult for those applying at there consulate in the future.

    Just a thought. :jap:

  15. Scumbag of the year award goes to Suthep !!

    What a <deleted> ... I call a spade a spade ... and he has said he doe's not respect farang ..( westerners ) .... he has said what he has said and he knows the exact meaning of ' not respect'

    so suthep ! Iv'e got news for you ... I don't respect many thais either ... especially those in government.

    Westerners need to get together and make there vioces heard !! Suthep .. you must go ....

    Someone saying this needs to be taught a lesson !! :angry:

    A few expats outside his residence with placardes will soon get some attention... who the hell does this guy think he is ??

  16. Welcome to thailand and cambodia ...... unfortunately , that's the way it is and if you feel you have been overcharged or whatever you want to call it then leave. That is the way thai immigration and cambodia immigration and the thai people think.

    You mentioned that you are not used to this sort of thing in the west, I'm not so sure on that.

    Maybe it's not as pronounced but prices do go up ... prices increase for all types of items as well as any immigration requirements. It just that you see it here as a sort of extortion, but it's the same as a price increase.

    Is it worth complaining to the British embassy in Bangkok ? No .. they have no juristiction or power when it comes to the Cambodian immigration.

    You would be wasting your time.

    Change your border run location.



  17. You may be a little bit paranoid. He is simply asking for you to bring your laptop in so he can install a password and I presume he wants to make sure it's working ok after he's finished.

    All you can really do is ensure your place is locked secure anytime you go out. Hide your laptop where it may be difficult to find while your out.


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