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Posts posted by steven100

  1. Please be advised that a Government curfew is in place and all bars will close early.

    This curfew has been issued with respect to the safety of civilian personal in mind and has been imposed as the CRES and government authority considers appropriate.

  2. I don't believe some of the questions I read on TV.

    Is the baht going to collapse !! DUH !!

    Is the ice going to melt in alaska !!

    Why would you post this question on TV for all general jack and toms to answer ?

    Are you going to use there answer to convert thai baht !! I woudn't think so ...

    I mean really .... what does anyone opinion here mean to you for an answer to your question ...

    How about we get a crystal ball and then see what will happen ....



  3. Bring out the tanks !!

    a few overhead shots will soon disperse the reds for sure !!

    China didn't mess about with this type of activity and it's considered terrorism here as the reds are using grenades and whatever live weapons they can.

    The government needs to send in special forces and grab the leaders ... that is the whole problem .. if there are no leaders to instigate the troops then it breaks down.

    Thailand is now an embarassment to the world as shown on international TV. Thailands tourism has gone down the drain forever because of this ... Would you bring your family here for a holiday ?

    The reds have made there bed .. now they must lie in it.

    This is my opinion.

  4. 76% ... good , I hope it goes to 80%

    As I have explained before .. the street sweeper can never afford a rolex or original guicci !

    But remember the small street seller sells a fake rolex ... pays the rent at home ... feeds his family ... maybe employs one other poor thai person ....

    I can never afford an original rolex and I would buy a copy tomorrow if the price is reasonable.

    As everyone knows it's all bought on by Americas pressure to eleviate piracy.

    Well I hate corporate america ... and I hate bank CEO's who squirm when sitting in front of congress after there bailout ... what a bunch of #$###wits !! ( pardon the expression )

    I hope piracy skyrockets and the Guicci's and the Armani's go broke !! selling a copy to a street sweeper or anyone who cannot afford a real rolex does absolutely no harm whatsoever !

    If you ran a poll and posted the same question I'm sure the results would be the same ... Corporations suck !! and most people hate them.


  5. thanks for those replies :) they are quite reasuring :D

    we just got back from the hospital, where i got the english-speaking nurse to read out the police statement. it was pretty much exactly what we told the cop, which was a relief. she had a 5 minute medical - total cost B1400 (including medication!)! we also turned down a request for a dam_n x-ray! that was pathetic but at least, after complaining, they bought the price down, and we got the medical certificate in the end. so that means if the cops get off their fat <deleted> and try to get cash out of us, at least we have this as proof.

    i'm now starting to expect that nothing will come of this afterall, but i'm also so paranoid about my gf not getting the visa. also, i think that perhaps i read tv a little too much. i know you can't be too careful, but sometimes reading the stories of people getting jail sentences when they're clearly not in the wrong is a bit depressing.

    so smokie and gungadin - you're right when you say we should focus more on the future in a better country :D

    Terrible story what your GF experienced.

    Your mistake was going to the police box. The fact is in thailand ... not all thais and thai chinese are nice and honest like alot of people like us to believe ...

    It's bad timing that you were not with your GF at the time ... If you had been I imagine then the chinese guy would not have acted the way he did.

    Put it down to a bad experience and look forward to a better place for sure !


  6. This is what I originally said at the start of the fighting. If this was done at the start there may have been success and less fatalities!!

    Bring out the tanks !

    Once tanks start rolling into the crowds of red shirts they will soon disperse !

    Then get the water cannons out and give them an early Songkran !

    Have the tanks fire a few over head warning shots !! that'll surely work !

    And of course , find the leaders and put em' in jail.

    oh yea that should solve it - do what China did at tiananmen square - kill a few, should be ok, lock em up - throw away the key - job done! wow that was easy... now they will all go away and be quite right? WRONG

    so what do you suggest ?

    come on red shirts ... stop throwing granades and killings innocent people .. come on ... just hold the city hostage ...

    Be good now .... no fighting !!!

    Sorry ..... disagree !!

  7. This is what I originally said at the start of the fighting. If this was done at the start there may have been success and less fatalities!!

    Bring out the tanks !

    Once tanks start rolling into the crowds of red shirts they will soon disperse !

    Then get the water cannons out and give them an early Songkran !

    Have the tanks fire a few over head warning shots !! that'll surely work !

    And of course , find the leaders and put em' in jail.

    oh yea that should solve it - do what China did at tiananmen square - kill a few, should be ok, lock em up - throw away the key - job done! wow that was easy... now they will all go away and be quite right? WRONG

    Has there been any problems in china since then ? No

    the defence rests your honour ...

  8. This is what I originally said at the start of the fighting. If this was done at the start there may have been success and less fatalities!!

    Bring out the tanks !

    Once tanks start rolling into the crowds of red shirts they will soon disperse !

    Then get the water cannons out and give them an early Songkran !

    Have the tanks fire a few over head warning shots !! that'll surely work !

    And of course , find the leaders and put em' in jail.

  9. Considering that the vast majority of Tourists to Thailand get a FREE Visa on arrival, and that even if they had to pay an approximately $20 Visa fee, none of this nonsense would make Any impact at all in the amount of Tourists that come to Thailand, or how much they would spend once they arrived here.

    Does it take more than 1/2 a Brain for someone to realize this?


    exactly! foreigners have no clue or care about external visa regulations etc. if on my first visit someone told me to pay 1000 baht i would of done! and not given a <deleted> about it!! if you r going to spend 3/4k$ on a holiday 20/30$ is a piss in the ocean.

    Agree ... when a tourist enters thailand by air they are given a visa exempt 30 day stamp which is free.

    How could a free Tourist Visa benefit the government and increase tourist numbers .

    Its the most stupidest thing I have ever heard of. If they want to increase tourism then start by cleaning up political situation first , then make airlines offer cheap flights , then have 50% discount on all hotels ... then run promotions on top of that in Japan , Australia , Europe .... run a tourism commercial with a buy 2 get 1 free for accomodation , car hire & flights .. These are the things that people look at !!

    But sadly , Thailand just don't get it ... I truly believe it's almost finished as a choice for a holiday destination for the average family and I expect counties like Vietnam , Malaysia & China will surpass thailand as the place to go for a vacation.

    IMO. :)

  10. Am I not correct ?

    If the government had have arrested the leaders and speakers days ago there may have been a lot less violence.

    This would eliminate the verbal intising and pushing reds to act.

    Once the chiefs are gone the indians don't know what to do and would have dispersed !

    I truly think this was what should have happened ... even now they talk of 27 arrest warrants but not one person in jail. What's the problem with locking them up ??

    Do you agree ?

  11. Bring out the tanks !

    Once tanks start rolling into the crowds of red shirts they will soon disperse !

    Then get the water cannons out and give them an early Songkran !

    Have the tanks fire a few over head warning shots !! that'll surely work !

    And of coarse , find the leaders and put em' in jail.

    THE NATION: tanks/armoured vehicles have been seen in Bkk today.

    What did I say earlier .... :)

    Now i take this back ... wrong information given out earlier !

    ' Security officer dismissed reports on Saturday that tanks were seen in Bangkok to provide protection at Privy Councillor's president Gen Prem Tinsulanonda.

    The officer said that they are not tanks but armoured personnel carriers and humvees that are deployed in the capital.

  12. Bring out the tanks !

    Once tanks start rolling into the crowds of red shirts they will soon disperse !

    Then get the water cannons out and give them an early Songkran !

    Have the tanks fire a few over head warning shots !! that'll surely work !

    And of coarse , find the leaders and put em' in jail.

    THE NATION: tanks/armoured vehicles have been seen in Bkk today.

    What did I say earlier .... :)

  13. Bring out the tanks !

    Once tanks start rolling into the crowds of red shirts they will soon disperse !

    Then get the water cannons out and give them an early Songkran !

    Have the tanks fire a few over head warning shots !! that'll surely work !

    And of coarse , find the leaders and put em' in jail.

  14. Bring out the tanks !

    Once tanks start rolling into the crowds of red shirts they will soon disperse !

    Then get the water cannons out and give them an early Songkran !

    Have the tanks fire a few over head warning shots !! that'll surely work !

    And of coarse , find the leaders and put em' in jail.


  15. It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

    A message to the good people of Thailand.

    I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

    And how would you know"the vast majority" of foreigners support Abbisit? And with confidence? Have you personally polled all foreigners living in thailand? What a dumb post that is

    No , he is right...any person with the slightest savvy of intelligence supports Ahbisits government...

    It is illegal to block roads , smash parlimentary gates !! , cause shops to close !!

    These red shirt chiefs are criminals !! arrest them and water cannon the rest !!

    enough is enough ! get rid of these protests ... Thailand has sufferred severe embassasment and needs to act now.

    If there is anyone on this forum that agrees with the red shirt action then you have lost the plot as well ...

    What next ... throw more blood around ? !! :)

  16. Kewl display - I wouldnt do it, but I give them credit they set out and did what they said they would do. Visuals are powerful and this one is wicked. :D

    'Wicked' in the old sense of the word, yes, perfectly vile and nasty. What an absolute disgrace to the country are these awful 'red shirts'. This has nothing whatsoever to do with democracy or justice, it is all to do a bunch of people, fooled by that evil ex tyrant Thaksin, trying to regain for him a whole load of loot that he stole from the Thai people in the first place. The 'red shirts' are a complete and utter disgrace and should fall on their knees and deeply apologise to all Thai people for their grotesque behavior. :)

    Agree 100% ... just a disgusting act.

    Oh well .... next show ... buy your tickets now .. lol

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