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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. In their wisdom the management of Hang Dong Golf course have decided that from October it will no longer possible to book a caddy. This applies whether or not players have a regular caddy, even if that has been over a number of years- you will now not be able to book that caddy. These caddies have built up their client bases over the years and it is their income. For reasons unknown management are simply going to remove that income! Apparently around 35-40 caddies have regular customers and will be affected! They have no voice TIT What can we do if anything? Please keep your comments related to the subject. If you don't play Hang Dong feel free not to comment, unless of course you consider it is really relevant to the thread and could add value.
  2. Thailand


    Good it may well be Mainland cheese repackaged.
  3. Yep, had a double blood pudding egg burger with edam slices for lunch yesterday. Black pudding from Greens.
  4. Thailand


    I think the slices were around THB135. The Vintage and Tasty blocks were THB 240.
  5. Thailand


    ARO have gone in to cheese. Tried the Gouda and Edam slices which were fine and yesterday saw they now have Tasty and Vintage blocks. Bought a Vintage at Makro but yet to try.
  6. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/25/politics/kamala-harris-israel-policy/index.html
  7. Omelets are pretty much a staple diet in Thailand.
  8. Hasn't this been going on for years?
  9. Man up, tell DWP you have fraudulently been collecting a pension you are not entitled to and you will pay it back! Then I woke up!
  10. Still not available on ABNB!
  11. It is likely that Musk purchased TwiXter solely to create a platform for MAGA hence his massive contributions and endorsement of Trump in the last few days!
  12. Do you think Vance was chosen so they don't have to get new headings on the stationery if he becomes VP? Only have to get a few scribes with rubber stamps to change Pence to Vance? As for the Muslim comment, dumb as they come!
  13. Has anyone seen my post it, had it earlier?
  14. The other choices must have been awful. Probably the one choice that could be the spark to get Bidens campaign back on track perhaps? "July 15 Reuters - Eight years ago, in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, J.D. Vance was a bitter critic of Donald Trump. Publicly, he called the Republican presidential candidate an "idiot" and said he was "reprehensible." Privately, he compared him to Adolf Hitler."
  15. The shooter who tried to assassinate President Trump at his rally is 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.
  16. Dreadful thing to have happened should be no room for violence glad it was not too serious and hopefully he will have recovered in time for his sentencing in September!
  17. The taxation of worldwide or income brought to Thailand is going to be a huge feature. I already know of two people who have already started their 180 day cycle in a year out of Thailand. They have been here for years now their contribution to the economy is much less. There are no doubt many more expats doing the same thing or even leaving for good. Me, not enough income to be concerned about taxation!
  18. Had severe Ulcerative Colitis a few years ago that at it's height required visits to the toilet some 30-40 times a day completely changed my life and cost me my business overseas which was part of my retirement planning. Fortunately the treatment and change in lifestyle and eating habits finally saw me in to remission after a couple of years but still there although always the worry it will return. Still have the feeling 24/7 that I "need to go" but that is something I live with! Creams to soothe, bum squirters, and alcohol free baby wipes are still the order of the day. Due for another colonoscopy next year as the risk of colon cancer is increased with UC. Rarely come across people here who have had/ or are suffering from severe UC , but then not exactly a conversation starter Any other sufferers out there?
  19. I will ask AI if I should reply and revert!
  20. It appears a number of people are hard of reading!
  21. Glad I noticed the three branches where they are offering the promotion! Would have felt very silly crowing at my local Chiang Mai KFC!
  22. This relates to duty free on arrival not duty free on departure where most people will do their shopping. Simply duty free on arrival is non profitable so sensible to shut them down?
  23. Pretty much the most important part of a car as the only part of it in contact with the ground ( under normal circumstances). New tyres on the front almost without exception, checked and balanced -all steering related. Check pressures once a week when you get fuel etc. Tyres and brakes, almost as important.
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