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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. He won't think so when he is sued biggly!
  2. Quite standard responses nowadays, sadly!
  3. And Beef Dripping! Used to have it on toast regularly as a kid!
  4. Kamala would be chomping at the bit to go on the most MAGA social media site to be "interviewed" by the MAGA in chief Musk- NOT! Wonder if the aged fat guy will remember his dentures this time?
  5. And Musk and Trump will be doing another MAGA to MAGA whatever it was on Monday 19th. Obviously learnt nothing from the first fiasco!
  6. Greens Looked like it would not make it a few months ago but now lots of new stock, but definitely leaning towards the Brit palate!
  7. Just looking at the website and it is saying that foreigners can make international transfers of funds Vaguely remember that you have to have a work permit to do international transfers. Anyway, what are the requirements? Thank you
  8. So who was he before transitioning?
  9. But being in Thailand as civilization as we know it ends takes a lot of the pain away!
  10. I think you need to upgrade your awareness social media is having massive effects on everything nowadays and currently in particular on politics. Twitter and the millions of posters have enormous influence and there are dedicated paid influencers from all sides of the political spectrum in general spouting misinformation and terminalogical inexactitudes at one and another. On a positive note Twitter invariably has the "news" as it happens. Generally quicker than any other media sources out there.
  11. Step 1 is that I tell the wife we are nearly out of bread and she makes some more and I eat most of it, about as much as I know!
  12. Just one style straight out of the oven. Awesome toasted!
  13. Someone who makes THE best bread, and all round great cook!
  14. TwiXter is basically a MAGA media site, can plainly see that many of the non MAGA posters are having their accounts compromised in one way or another. Most advertisers don't really want to be associated with a Trump vehicle, Monday night interview with Musk upcoming, and have simply pulled out. Musk is probably losing even more money now hence the lawsuits which would be difficult to win.
  15. I would have said trolling but I much prefer "Sound bites without depth"!
  16. My take on the original question. He is a fat old man with multiple physical and mental ailments. He is under tremendous pressure and stress levels must be really high from the current assault by Harris combined with an assassination attempt only a couple of weeks ago. Cardiac arrest would be the most likely cause of his demise. Sooner rather than later? No idea. He has however shown even more golf prowess with consecutive eagles on par fours with a pitching wedge from 140 yards yesterday so who knows!
  17. Don't think he answered one question during his debate with Biden? Doubt if the Fox moderators will be able to control him either, it will be up to Kamala not to let him get up to his tricks. Remember Clinton where he strolled up behind her. Kamala should practice falling over backwards and grabbing his nuts to steady herself if he tries that one again!
  18. Thailand


    Now also have a Colby block 245 baht. Edam ,Gouda cheese slices gone up to 155 baht
  19. Exactly, was just waiting to see how long before like minded posts came along! Thanks
  20. Guessing you do have a regular caddy at HangDong?
  21. Saving the contact does nothing would still not be able to book them, from October it is pot luck! Bring your own? Do you play Hang Dong? Patronizing another business does not exactly help the caddies does it? The point of the thread is to try to save the caddies livelihood.
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