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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. Very misleading headline. I was wondering how there were wildfires with all the rain we have been having.
  2. 18 months jail time suspended. House arrest with ankle bracelet. Very limited travel and weekly reports to probation officer. Trump will break all of those within a month or two so will eventually end up in jail.
  3. Won't such transfers now be liable to tax or has that been resolved?
  4. Had a bad dose of Covid in February, throat so sore almost closed up, could not eat, barely get fluids down for a couple of days. Around 10 days in total, lost nearly 4 kilos. More than a month before fatigue subsided, 77 years young!
  5. "In Ban Mae Lan Kham, northern Thailand, villagers are gearing up for their annual land-clearing fires as the haze season begins," It's June and the wet season has just started?
  6. Then what would be the point of social media and forums!
  7. If anyone actually cared to read the first post and the reference to a previous thread and the reason given for rejection- it was/is a glitch in the system! Nothing to do with hotels, postal applications or reporting too early or too late.
  8. "incorrect entry date upon entry into the kingdom/ Incorrect visa expiration date." Quite a few people rejected with that same response included er indoors recently, there is a thread about it. When asking drive through immigration at Chiang Mai what the problem was I got a smile and the completed 90 report.
  9. TX6 dual-band WIFI Bluetooth Android 9.0 4k network player 4G + 32G 1049 baht Lazada works fine. Installed Kodi with Scrubs/The Crew. Cinema HDV3, LiveNetTV.net, Brave browser VIPBox.lc for live sports and a few other bits. Clean cache etc regularly.
  10. I drink about half litre of milk , usually Meiji, before I sleep and usually about 8-9 hours!
  11. https://www.google.com/search?q=sunak+sky+tv&oq=sunak+sky+tv&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEINTAzNmowajGoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:aa193060,vid:MZkMq6F6ZHY,st:0
  12. Tommy Cooper "I inherited a painting and a violin which turned out to be a Rembrandt and a Stradivarius. Unfortunately, Rembrandt made lousy violins and Stradivarius was a terrible painter"
  13. Guess it depends which view you take, the use of groynes vastly reduces the erosion on beaches particularly on exposed coasts. Despite the structures on the beach still looks quite good does it not? And they don't have to replace the sand after each high tide.
  14. Groynes where I come from on the very eastern most part of the UK, and they work!
  15. I guess the username and password have not changed? Assuming you still have access to the Wordpress site you would just enter general settings and reset the url? Or the hosting company would be able to assist? https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-change-your-wordpress-site-urls-step-by-step/
  16. Looks like MAGA just got conned with a huge hoax over a "juror" that told a cousin that they were going to convict Trump before the trial was over. Looks like they all fell for it and are claiming mistrial.
  17. This was Thaksins baby back in 2006 before the coup in September, since he came back here we go again. Chinese money and expertise (Macau) will probably be the catalyst!
  18. No prison for Trump, the absolute ideal punishment for him would a minimum of two years house arrest, ankle bracelet, highly restrictive travel and weekly probation submissions!
  19. Convicted felon Trump does not look too well hope it is not something too serious.
  20. So there are people in America who still want a convicted felon, rapist and all around conman to be President of the USA? Will somebody please explain that to me in the way they have explained it to their children.
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