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Everything posted by koolkarl

  1. A convicted felon and anyone over 70 should not be allowed to run for president. Even Christine Legarde is a convicted felon as head of the ECB. They can't find anyone better?
  2. His covid is likely staged to give him an excuse to quit if he can think of the words to say.
  3. If you stay in CM long enough, get a chest x ray and then reconsider.
  4. Thai women, insatiable greed and whiny voice. Try a Japanese or a filipina.
  5. Not only he is the sickest but stupid as well, targeting the wrong group. Deserves the worst fate.
  6. Eventually a muslim government and same for Canada and Sweden.
  7. And you want to live in a country where there is no such thing as justice?
  8. Should be mandatory for all politicians, elected or not, to take an IQ test. In Canada, KFC has now introduced halal chicken. Adios Canada.
  9. No miscount. Only allowed 28 days. Been rechecked.
  10. Zero interest with their tinkering.
  11. Finally a country did the right thing in deporting this character. Too bad Canada and other countries hasn't the same mindset. These protestors are protesting the wrong group. Hamas frees the hostages and give themselves up, and all stops.
  12. Terrorists at work again. The politicians in the west have started this problem by letting in a group who have no intention of integration but to eventually form their own political party in time. If caught, throw them in jail then deport them, the tattoo sounds good too.
  13. Sounds like immigration is gathering info for Thai tax dept.
  14. According to George, 60 day tourist visa has started. And she is allowed 28 days for sure.
  15. They only gave her 28 days, not 30. She last left Thailand last Dec. 25. Thought if one travels by air, they can enter any number of times.
  16. My gf from the Philippines, arrived at Bangkok early this morning. She has never had a problem with immigration here. They pulled her aside for 2 hours and allowed her to stay here 28 days. Thought the Philippines was allowed 60 days on arrival these days. Anyways, soon adios Thailand to their attitude and the CRS.
  17. All building up to the implementation of the CRS agreement. Sleep well.
  18. They are mostly interested in buy 1, get 1 free and all you can eat buffets. Aren't desirable tourists.
  19. Normally I couldn't care less but these 2 individuals are as slimy as they go and hopefully get locked up for 20 years and fined 21 mill. sterling.
  20. There are almost 2 billion muslims in the world today and breeding fast. . Check how many mosques there are in England now compared to 10 years ago. How do you think this guy got elected?
  21. And the road for Muslims to take over England continues as the politicians sleep. Canada is next.
  22. There are already far too many people in this world, especially 1 group.
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