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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. I have no axe to grind for either side but I wonder: is there any chance of Thaksin (and his wife?) doing the prison time they were sentenced to? Whether there are new elections or not soon, unless people believe their convictions were politically motivated - and even Thais I know concede they probably were guilty of wrongdoing - they shouldn't be allowed to simple return home and get off Scot-free should they? what do people think?

    It was a witch hunt in the first place I bet all those that put that case togheter if be known would all be guilty of some sort of corruption within there goverment position.

    its a 2 faced joke and all part of this problem

    If you do a crime then pay for it with time but it has to be the same for all and unfortunately its only for thaksin

  2. I'm a little sick of hearing the redshirts this and the redshirts that. This is democracy in motion. If a ruling party refuses to openly compromise then the outcome can be violent. People here are passionate about their country. I admire them for that. They are willing to give their life for what they believe in. You whiners that think your opinion matters are just adding to the problem. The Thai people have a leader they believe is illegitimate and they are acting as such.

    Many years ago our countries did the same thing the Thai are doing now. GIVE THEM SOME SLACK!!! Your opinion as a farang means nothing but your trivial rhetoric may create discontent that isn't needed. We are bystanders. Pay some respect and allow the process to come to it's conclusion. It is coming soon. I believe we will have a better country that we are visiting than the one that exists now.

    Good Post Mate

    your Spot on

  3. No matter who killed the solider in the end any violence from here on out in my opinion is RED. The government has bent over backwards to avoid conflict.

    If the red shirts keep trying to block roads and reek havoc on citizens, they have to know the potential for violence, and cannot act innocent.

    They could easily go home and start to prepare for elections in less than a year.

    If the government remains passive for too long, innocent citizens become at risk.

    They learnt form the yellow Shirts when they took over the airports if you hold out long enough you will win only diff is the military last time refised to confront the yellows but if they had it would of been the exact same as whats happening now

    you easily forget

  4. This was of course i new none provokated attack by the army. Freindly red shirts just come wakjing up the street and suddenly the army opened fire at them. Of course they didn´t try to brake threw the barracdes. The innocent red shirts!!!

    This was of course (i new none??????) provoked attack by the army. Friendly red shirts just came walking up the street and suddenly the army opened fire at them. Of course they didn't try to break through the barricades. The innocent red shirts!!

    Have I translated this correctly?

    Unbelievable ! Who are you?

    who you

  5. I understand that the moderators need to be cautious during this time of unrest and sympathize with the difficulties they face doing a thankless job. Since we're no longer permitted to post and discuss news clippings in the General Forum, I thought I'd bring a story to your attention here. Abhisit told the BBC on Tuesday why he won't call for a new election.

    Thailand crisis: Red-shirt protesters and troops clash

    On Tuesday Mr Abhisit told the BBC that while he wanted a political solution to the crisis, immediate elections were not the answer.

    "There is a clear threat that if we hold elections too soon, with the mood running as high in terms of divisions and in terms of tension, elections would turn violent and they would solve nothing and we could be back into this vicious cycle of demonstrations."


    He forgot to add he would also lose and he dont want that right now

  6. Great pictures on tv of about 50 military all firing in sync what look like shotguns at red shirts (unarmed) on motorbikes

    You must be a really sick mind. They killed one of their own men. Shooting into people is not "great" unless you are blessed with a very low social IQ

    What you onna bout

    On the BBC they are showing what looks like at all out war with 50 military all shooting at the reds with shotguns looks like something from a war movie

    "looks like", mentioned twice in one sentence, does not show a great confidence in what you are stating

    Just watch the BBC news then DH

  7. Great pictures on tv of about 50 military all firing in sync what look like shotguns at red shirts (unarmed) on motorbikes

    You must be a really sick mind. They killed one of their own men. Shooting into people is not "great" unless you are blessed with a very low social IQ

    What you onna bout

    On the BBC they are showing what looks like at all out war with 50 military all shooting at the reds with shotguns looks like something from a war movie

  8. From reports I don't think there's an question the unfortunate soldier was killed by police fire. The question that remains in my miind, due to the sympathies we've seen from most police, is was the killing intentional?

    I wouldn't be surprised if tonight's government/army briefing to the Thai people would claim that a red shirt stole police uniform and equipment, went behind "enemy lines" and took out a soldier, in order to blame it all on the government.

    Exactly :)

  9. Both BBC and CNN have said that the soldier that died was shot from behind in the head by police forces.

    A BBC reporter is stating that it "appears" a soldier died from friendly fire. That assumption is not supported by any facts. Until something is proven it still could be from either side.

    Exactly. Utterly ridiculous to start pointing fingers right now or claiming 1-ups.

    I will beleive the BBC and CNN any day over the NATION

  10. I'm feeling less and less for the red shirts. I think this will all end by the time the rainy season starts. Reds will go home to tend to their farms. The government only has to hold out one more month. I hope the rainy season comes early.

    I think that kind of attitude is what got us to where we are today. I remember Suthep and other government officials talking in the media a month ago saying that this will all be over in a few days and the reds will go home, etc.

    But in fairness the BBC did report that the confrontation stopped because of the rain as the vis went down to 30 meters

    So I guess rain could stop it lol

  11. I wonder if it's time to re-evaluate the dangers of rubber bullets. If my count is right, 26 people have now died and over 800 have been injured by rubber bullets. Maybe live ammunition should be used instead...maybe it's less dangerous.


    Rubber Bullets are supposed to be aimed at the body ONLY however if aimed at the head it almost certain its a kill shot

    If they are aiming at peoples heads it will be another positive case for the reds to accuse the goverment of murder as it is well known rubber bullets to the head KILL

  12. :)
    LOL he just could not agree he was not voted in by the people could he LOL simple clear consise question

    If he cant answer that he should not be running a country

    But he was voted for by the people. The people vote for MPs. He is an MP. MPs vote for PM.

    Thats exactly what its all about he came through the back door people did not vote for him and thats what the problem with his office is

    He was voted for the same way Thaksin, Samak and Somchai were.

    You obviously have no idea what you are talking about so whybother

  13. :)

    LOL he just could not agree he was not voted in by the people could he LOL simple clear consise question

    If he cant answer that he should not be running a country

    But he was voted for by the people. The people vote for MPs. He is an MP. MPs vote for PM.

    Thats exactly what its all about he came through the back door people did not vote for him and thats what the problem with his office is

  14. PM looked good on BBC Hard Talk. Interviewer really tried to paint him in a negative light, and he rebutted every one of her assertions and looked very good, imo.

    However, if a person ever interrupted me repeatedly, like that, I'd but my foot in their ass. (Which is what the PM did).

    You gotta be joking mate he did not look good at all

    I thought he did okay though not perhaps brilliantly.For those who criticise the interviewer's style (which personally I thought was fine) I would point out that Abhisit knows the rules and can handle incisive questioning very well.Tim Sebastian was far more direct in his approach by the way.And I thought Abhisit made a great point when he observed the red blockade would not have been tolerated under the UK's Public Order Act.Basically Abhisit did what needed to be done, and came over as a reasonable man.

    I agree reasonable but that one question made him look bad she asked a direct question and he dodged it knwing there was only one answer

    It was clear for everyone to see

  15. Nothing will happen you will pay the normal 200 baht and that will be it

    With regards to license and hitting someone mine was expired I was drunk as a skunk and hit 2 cars I was fined 1000 baht for being drunk nothing for having an expired license and of course paid for the damage to one car.

    Of course this could go the complete other way and you are locked up for life

    Did I mention I was a <deleted> for driving drunk on a powerful motorbike

    Might be lenient penaltys by the BIB but you pay in other ways like 400,000 hospital bill busted up pretty bad and worst of all me bike was damaged.

    Now before I get all the dikheads posting serve you right and other flippant comments let me help out

    Yes I am a Dickehad

    Yes you should not drink and drive

    Yes I should of been put in jail

    Yes serves me right

    Yes I wont do it again

    Yes Thank god I did not hurt anyone but myself

    Yes I mentioned I was a <deleted>

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