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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. Try finding a single Thai person who isnt a red shirt now who doesnt think they are violent. Impossible

    Its called brainwashing have you actually seen what the thai channel spews out my wife is so brainwashed by goverment TV she cant see her nose in front of her face.

    Anyone exposed to the reds knows many of them are thugs. No need to watch media to know that. Just takes being alive.

    A small amount are Thugs the vast majority are not

  2. Did someone say they don't have weapons?

    I have no problem with people like that being shot anyone with a gun being shot but I have also seen videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military

    theres no doubt some are armed but when you meet violence with violence you get blood

    The right way is to take away there ammunition and that is easy just hold an free and fair election JOB DONE everyone goes home and the rightful leaders will win the election

    '''videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military''

    lets see the video then .......come on, its good to share

    Its on here somewhere quite a grissly video though cause the guys head is blown to pieces maybe someone else knows there the link is

  3. Did someone say they don't have weapons?

    I have no problem with people like that being shot anyone with a gun being shot but I have also seen videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military

    theres no doubt some are armed but when you meet violence with violence you get blood

    The right way is to take away there ammunition and that is easy just hold an free and fair election JOB DONE everyone goes home and the rightful leaders will win the election

  4. Thai soldier shot, court to consider dissolving ruling party ...

    By RFI

    Thailand's Constitutional Court has agreed to hear a case brought by the Election Commission alleging misuse of funds by the ruling party. The government is locked in a standoff with Red Shirt protesters, which Wednesday turned violent when a soldier was shot in the head.

    A soldier was shot in the head Wednesday in a confrontation Red Shirt protesters in near Bangkok's Don Mueang airport. Sixteen people were hospitalised for injuries.

    The status of the soldier is unclear, according to an army spokesperson.

    Some 2,000 protesters, who support deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawattra, had left their fortified base in trucks and motorbikes and were confronted by 900 soldiers and police officers.

    The leader of the Red Shirts, Nattawut Saikuarm, told reporters the convoy was going to offer support to people in an area where protesters had been arrested Monday for trying to block troops from entering the city.

    "We will offer moral support to the residents," Nattawut said. "We will go to meet and talk to people along the route."

    Army spokesperson Sunsern Kaewkumnerd said Tuesday that security forces were waiting "for the right time" to retake the protesters fortified area in the centre of the capital's commercial district.

    Wednesday morning the country's Constitutional Court agreed to hear a case against thePrime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's ruling Democrat party.

    "At a meeting this morning the court accepted the case against the Democrats filed by the Election Commission," a court official said Wednesday.

    The Democrats will be asked to provide a written defence, though no timeline has been set for the case.

    The Court has agreed to hear allegations that the party misused an Election Commission grant. The Commission also alleges the party received an illegal political donation in 2005, a complaint that is to be sent to the Attorney General next month.

    Oopps :)

  5. Was watching Thai tv 3. Shwoing reds throwing rocks and sticks at the police and them doing nothing. They should just go in and end it

    in lees than an hour Annapour's interview with Abhisit on CNN

    Lets see if he chokes on the questions again

    wont be tough like Hardtalk though it is CNN

    there was satellite time delay that made him look hesitant but he did not choke even under the rude and brusque questioning by Zeinab Badawai, who is obviously still pissed off that he made her look like an amatuer the last time they met across the Hardtalk table

    she equates tough with rude and poses questions in such an arrogant way that would be insulting to any normal person

    its clear she is weak in this environment and tries so hard to be unnaturally tough, it becomes an arduous journey for the interviewee and the audience

    i have seen her interview other major figures and she comes over as demanding and at times downright rude

    Stephen Sackur is much more effective, he asks probing questions without being bombastic and gets to the answers from the interviewee without having to resort to being disrespectful

    Time delay was the reason :):D:D yeah ok

  6. We had an eye witness report from a poster about the fake monks hiding weapons here on TV. In any case, it is surely a FACT that some red shirts are carrying lethal weapons. Also, spears, Molotov cocktails, and slingshots can kill as well. Red shirt apologists, please desist from any further silliness of painting the reds as innocents in Bangkok. Sure, they are USING some innocents to shield themselves for cowardly protection and propaganda purposes. AL QUEDA does the same!

    There are reports from journalists visiting the "red fort" abour guards in black with lethal weapons

    Dont post BS unless you post the source too

  7. Soldiers ahve armed themselve up to the teeth for offensive drive. Reds have home made stuff and bamboo poles for defense. Don't let the soldiers become cowards hitting unarmed people. Why no talk offered?

    Nice try. Nobody believes the reds don't have lethal weapons on them. Reportedly some of their fake monks are hiding them under their robes.

    That was my point the hardliners for sure have weapons and molotoff cocktails and if it kicks off both sides are going to pay a high cost

  8. Soldiers ahve armed themselve up to the teeth for offensive drive. Reds have home made stuff and bamboo poles for defense. Don't let the soldiers become cowards hitting unarmed people. Why no talk offered?

    If it kicks off its going to be nasty the reds surely have had weeks to prepare for what they know is coming and I think there will be mass bloodshed on both sides if this really kicks off.

    One automatic weapon fired into a crowd can take out a lot of people no matter which side its coming from.

  9. Red shirt people i understand you might want to ask for political changes or democracy...

    You actually have the right to ask for whaever you want...but please do it from home and stop coming to bkk and annoy thousand of people who tries to do their work, this not good for you, this not good for us, this not good for thailand.

    SO ask for whatever you want but please stay home and start doing some work or the country is heading to an economic crash...

    Best idea so far in this topic!

    Red shirts, F*&% OFF, go home, wait for your chance at the next election...

    For F&% s sake, I really, really think that the "parliamentary system" was invented by morons for the sake of children.

    Thai people, grow up, or be forever labeled as an immature culture that probably *should* have been colonized... BWE - Burma With Electricity...

    Live long *or* prosper (hopefully). (What! U want both!! 5555) :)

    I feel better now....

    Glad you feel better but if they went home do you really think anyone would listen to them ? I dont think so

  10. I just want to applaud the soldiers and police for doing their jobs. They were tasked to stop that convoy and they did. Well done, lets see more of that.

    For the last few weeks I've been doubting they could get anything right.


    Me too. Especially the guy that shot one of his own. They must be really proud.

    You know they shot their own.... how?

    LOL come on now it cant be that hard for you to follow the thread

  11. I understand that the moderators need to be cautious during this time of unrest and sympathize with the difficulties they face doing a thankless job. Since we're no longer permitted to post and discuss news clippings in the General Forum, I thought I'd bring a story to your attention here. Abhisit told the BBC on Tuesday why he won't call for a new election.

    Thailand crisis: Red-shirt protesters and troops clash

    On Tuesday Mr Abhisit told the BBC that while he wanted a political solution to the crisis, immediate elections were not the answer.

    "There is a clear threat that if we hold elections too soon, with the mood running as high in terms of divisions and in terms of tension, elections would turn violent and they would solve nothing and we could be back into this vicious cycle of demonstrations."


    He's probably right about that. So what's taking him so long to (re)start this political solution?? Never mind which side (or no side) you support, Abhisit is failing miserably as a leader. (or even as the establishment's spokesperson).

    Tell us Winnie -------- how could YOU do better? Abhisit has been patient and tolerant and maintained some semblance of normalcy. The reds escalate in the hopes of creating enough blood on the streets to force a change of governent. The reds have failed so far and Abhisit has maintained his cool .... I hope that they continue to play it as cool as they have.

    I would have engaged Phua Thai (possibly but not necessarily including the Red leadership) and come to an agreement on elections. Abhisit has already suggested 9 months, the Reds want 1 month. Enough of this BS already and negotiate something that saves some face all around and gets to elections in half a year or so. Note that not just a timeline needs to be on the table, but also the conditions of the election, or even constitution amendments prior to the election. At the same time, any violent elements in the Red protests need to be brought to justice.

    (Sadly even this statement above some people will see as Red.. that's just sad. There is a clear path forward but Abhisit is unwilling (though more likely: unable) to take it. )


  12. More blood on the Red's hands.

    Your sumit else mate

    the military guy shot in the head was by friendly fire let me spell that out for you

    that means he was shot by his own men not red shirts

    Please let me know where BBC and CNN got the info from. I mean, did they fly in their own CSI crackteam and solved it within minutes of it happening or did they just restate whatever their 'friend' told them to write, like in a few other cases recently?

    BBC has a woman reporter onsite been reporting all day from the middle of the action just watch BBC and you will know

  13. The dead soldier is a war casualty, simply as that. Without the red insurgency, he would be alive. Period.

    you remember that old chestnut that circulates in farang circles

    a car accident is always the farangs fault, if we weren't here, it would not have happened

    same deal here, if the reds weren't there, it would not have happened......

    you been here too long mate if you think thats right

    perhaps you do not understand the meaning of ''old chestnut''

    maybe you haven't been here long enough..........

    Only chestnut I know is chestnut stuffing at Christmas Hmmm

  14. The dead soldier is a war casualty, simply as that. Without the red insurgency, he would be alive. Period.

    you remember that old chestnut that circulates in farang circles

    a car accident is always the farangs fault, if we weren't here, it would not have happened

    same deal here, if the reds weren't there, it would not have happened......

    you been here too long mate if you think thats right

  15. I have no axe to grind for either side but I wonder: is there any chance of Thaksin (and his wife?) doing the prison time they were sentenced to? Whether there are new elections or not soon, unless people believe their convictions were politically motivated - and even Thais I know concede they probably were guilty of wrongdoing - they shouldn't be allowed to simple return home and get off Scot-free should they? what do people think?

    It was a witch hunt in the first place I bet all those that put that case togheter if be known would all be guilty of some sort of corruption within there goverment position.

    its a 2 faced joke and all part of this problem

    If you do a crime then pay for it with time but it has to be the same for all and unfortunately its only for thaksin

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