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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. work by a guy from quebec in canada...........

    Anything comparable in Thailand ??? could be a bit expensive shipping my tank to quebec :)

    loads of good airbrush artists in thailand ..where abouts are u n what have u got to paint ??

    Im in Chiang Mai and I got a kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic 2009

  2. orang! You should have told me you were going to VTE. I was there... and just got back today! lol

    I've been wondering about the Bus to Udon. How clean is it? Like the little potty in the back of the bus. I had been thinking of doing a train ride, but someone sent me a picture of the toilet on the train. :D

    I'm pretty mysophobic so I might just shell out for Nok air. lol

    As for dogs... depends on where you are, but I barely ever see soi dogs(at least where I am - the "suburbs" lol). Most dogs there have homes...or someone decided a BBQ was good for that weekend... :)

    I have notice quite a bit of soi cats... they sound like... I dont know how to really describe it. Like a half small child, ghost, thing crying out. Sounds nothing like a cat. lol

    My mates missus comes from Vietienne and the reason for so few dogs is they eat them there my mate and his missus tricked us after coming back form a familly gathering they bought us some bar b que and we ate it and his bird laughed and said in her non english accent GALLY eat the dog Gally eat the dog

    Yep they fed me dog and you know what the only reason i stopped eating it was the intestines the actual meat was very tasty.

    So next time you in Laos just count how many dogs you see it wont be many for sure not like here in Thailand

    If anyone needs to go to vietinene on the 5th May back on the 8th let me know by PM

  3. I have to go to Vietienne from Chiang Mai to get a visa on the 5th of May and was going to fly but 17,000 baht on thai airways is a bit steep and Nok is 6400baht round trip which is not too bad.

    If there is anyone that needs to go around that time I would prefer to rent a car and drive there (well to the border) I have done this before and its about 9-10 hours and I like driving so no biggie.

    Need to rent a car for 4 days and fuel and split it

    if anyone needs to go the plan would be 5th may leave Chiang Mai early and get to Udon late afternoon check into Top mansion for the night and then nip next door to the beer bar area for refreshments :)

    early next morning drive to the border and get across and head right to the consulate and submit the visa papers then check into hotel for the night next afternoon pick up visa and head back to Udon for the night and start real early the next day to get back to chaing mai on the 8th late afternoon

    Would be an economical trip if can get a couple of people that need to go so if you need to go to Vietienne around those dates PM me

  4. Now theres a new sponsor I guess we gotta go throughthe normal 50 promotion messages daily

    bit boring for sure

    I just need to be told once and I will try it but now we are going to get every little change in the menu new addition to the menu :)

    I'd like to PM you with updates about the exciting typographical changes we make on our menu as they occur in real time. All you have to do is send me a request. By the way, where do you stand on the issue of Calibri typeface vs. Verdana? Yes, this is a test.

    I wont answer you I might get suspended again but you can easily guess what my answer to your post would be

    Have a nice day :D

  5. Now theres a new sponsor I guess we gotta go throughthe normal 50 promotion messages daily

    bit boring for sure

    I just need to be told once and I will try it but now we are going to get every little change in the menu new addition to the menu :)

  6. You all sound like it could not happen

    I was 200ft away when the bomb that went off near mandalay a few weeks ago sitting in Blue Sky havin a beer

    It not like its impossible guys and I am certainly not paranoid either

    Already been established that it was not a bomb, but a "thunderflash"


    all I know is, I was sitting not far away from it and it sounded and felt like a bomb when it went off all I know is if that aint a bomb I dont wanna ever experinence anything bigger than that.

  7. I've just been looking at the internet and "apparantly" it is customary today to let off firecrackers at dawn, but then its supposed to be customary to sprinkle scented water at Songkran.....so no surprise that rockets replace firecrackers really

    this was not at dawn...look at the time of the OP...it was after midnight last night

    I posted within a few minutes of the 3 explosions I have lived here for almost 4 years and know what fireworks sound like and I dont think they were firecrackers it sounded like it was far away but still I could tell they were big loud explosions glad some others heard them too as I was starting to beleive I am hearing things. I never heard any small pops or any other sounds after the 3 big bangs

  8. You all sound like it could not happen

    I was 200ft away when the bomb that went off near mandalay a few weeks ago sitting in Blue Sky havin a beer

    It not like its impossible guys and I am certainly not paranoid either

  9. sorry to burst your bubble, but is this the same Election Commission that Arisman and over 100 reds invaded and terrorised on the 5th April ?

    and this ruling has come from the same EC governors who were told to make a decision before the 20th April or else !

    seems to me that its possible that you might say anything to kick this political hot potato upstairs for deliberation at a later date

    you might even be inclined to follow orders from someone higher up in the food chain to give certain hot headed red folks what they want for now so that they will go home and give everyone a chance to take a breath

    its a sophisticated strategy and the reds will swallow it.

    Veera is already declaring victory and starting the car

    it will never happen though

    the higher court will not agree with the EC ruling

    the election commissioners will say that they ruled under duress/death threats from the reds and it will all start again with new commissioners

    by that time nine months will be up and Songkran 2010 will be a memory

    the mercenaries boss, SD will be dead or exiled

    the mercenaries will have been rounded up, tried for murder or killed in the process of capture

    Thaksin will likely be dead from cancer

    Anapong will be retired somewhere quiet.

    in the interim period everyone who needs/wants money in the country, from rice pickers to Generals will have been filling their pockets with the countries money topped up with Thaksins millions

    there will be a general election

    Abhisit will win the election outright

    You do realize you should not do drug in thailand right ???

    you must be smoking something to come out with a post like that :)

  10. the government should offer huge rewards for the names of the terrorists involved in the murders on saturday night

    it shouldn't be too difficult to find them, one is already boasting/intimating about his involvement

    get him into custody, a little waterboarding and the others should be found very soon


    i would imagine the army aren't best pleased about the losses and injuries they have sustained at the hands of these mercenaries so leave it with them to take them out

    i mean, would anyone be surprised if a report surfaced soon that a disgraced General was found murdered ?

    I am willing to put forward the first name


  11. People shouldn't underestimate the power of disinformation.

    The disinformation which hurt the most the Red Shirt is about the allegations of corruption of Thaksin.

    He is labelled as "Corrupted" so instantly relegated as the bad guy.

    But as everything else, corruption is quantifiable.

    People usually watch the superficial, official story and make up their mind with that. Corrupted=Bad.

    The truth is much more subtle and complex than that.

    Just like the Temasek-Shin Corp deal. People think Thaksin evaded taxes illegally. It is false. The deal was legal. Where he did wrong was that he used his power and political influence to bend the law to allow a foreign company to own a telecommunication company of Thailand, which was impossible before.

    The other corruption accusations.. his wife buying from the IFDF, the appointment of relatives to key positions, etc. Those are relatively bad, but also relatively harmless. Someone overly by the book could argue that no corruption at all should be tolerated in any circumstances, but it wouldn't fit in the real world as corruption is practically everywhere, including in the West. We could argue that the US Republicans were infinitely more corrupted than Thaksin and that caused wars but thats another story.

    This story of corruption was tightly knit by his opponents. This is simply politic warfare, nothing less.

    The fact is, Thaksin clearly improved the living conditions of the often forgotten people living up-country. That is impossible to refute.

    His opponents were mainly middle-class from Bangkok, who felt left-out with "region-oriented" policies of Thaksin.

    Let's be frank here, Thaksin was a successful and ambitious man. Like many men in his position, he misused and abused his power.

    But he's not worst than the others. He's not worst than the current prime minister, Abhisit Vejajiva who cunningly found his way to the top. Abhisit was also charged for a lot of corruption cases (bribes, inflated prices, conflit of interests and shuch) , with the difference that tribunal ruled against Thaksin and cleared Abhisit. He is still under investigations for other cases of corruption.

    Let's not forget that Thaksin got ousted by the military, which is highly undemocratic.

    The Commander-in-Chief at the time of the coup d'état was openly opposed to Thaksin (because Thaksin appointed relatives in the Army) and it explain why the coup happened.

    Let's also not forget that Abhisit party got less seats than the UDD supported Pheu Thai Party and only got power because of a coalition of 5 parties.

    How would you feel if the party who helped you get out of poverty, helped you to get better access to health care won the elections but didn't govern ?

    Most likely, if you are politically active, you would be protesting in the street, like the UDD is doing.

    Now are they right, are they wrong, that's not for us to judge, but its definitely justified.

    +1 approve totally

    Clear consise intelligetn post shame more posters cant follow suit

    +1 more

  12. Let arrange general election ASAP, why do you afraid? You still can arrange a military coup when you fail to win the election. The initial problem is come from you, the rich yellow shirts supporters

    Why not arrange a new election right now? Simply because Thailand has a constitution and is a democracy.

    If any group comes to ask for a new election because they can't wait for a new one, then it's not democracy anymore, it's the beginning of chaos.

    There is no democracy here simple as that with either side

  13. The fact is, Thaksin clearly improved the living conditions of the often forgotten people living up-country. That is impossible to refute....

    Let's be frank here, Thaksin was a successful and ambitious man. Like many men in his position, he misused and abused his power.

    But he's not worst than the others....

    Two things about the quote above: 1) Thaksin not worst than the others? You forgot the 2500 people killed without trial in the drug war and the others who died by suffocate during the war in the south. So, so far Abhisit has killed much much less people than thaksin.

    Now, 2) Did "Thaksin clearly improved the living conditions of the often forgotten people living up-country"? Yes, and it is indeed impossible to refute. And i think the BIG mistake of the current government has been to don't do for these people the same help than Thaksin did. If they were using the 43 billion baths they take from Thaksin wealth to help the poor people, that would be smart.

    Yeah but Abhisit is well on his way though is he not his murder rate is already at 10

    I agree Thaksin is no better than the yellows unfortunately he was better at it that they were and they got upset with him

    Yes but we know the money is probably already in there pockets, they will never use ti for the poor cause they dont give a S*&^%T about the poor

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