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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. Tyrant government who kill their own people. Coward army that fuc_k their own citizen.

    The supporter of this kind of government that are blind, they can not see that majority people will vote for thaksin.

    Keep struggle for red shirts, ASEAN citizen will support you to bring down the tyrant regime

    So the thousands of Thais that Taksin was responsible for having killed were not citizens? Taksin should be in jail for crimes against humanity. If the reds ever expect to be taken serious then they should not take money to protest or vote and they should pick a leader that has at least a little but of morality and not just one that is out to get his cach back at the expense of poor farmers lives. He must really love his people to let them die for his benefit while he drinks champagne in a foreign country.

    Hey Dude the Yellows took money also last year No different also its the goverment killing the people just seen on tv thai soldgiers shooting M16s rounds into the crowd

    hmm thats not a crime huh

    Well Dude, i do not support what the yellows did either. since when do two wrongs make a right? And as for the soldiers shooting into the crowds, I will again say, Please look at the videos that show the front line when this all kicked off.

    The military was right to try and disperse the crowd and put an end to the seige of Bkk. They used restraint for over a month and when the reds clearly escalated the violence the army is then justified to react with equal deadly force.

    Let's not forget who has been preaching WAR for the last month. You asked for it and you got it so just accept the resposibilties of your actions, the governments has (if you are listening).

    I dont support reds or yellows I think they are all the same however I do understand that the reds are downtrodden by the bankok elite and have been for hundreds of years finally the reds are getting themselves a voice and history shows that it takes bloodshed to finally bring change and equality.

    thaksin really has nothing to do with this anymore you dont think they are there for 500baht to be shot at with real bullets there is more too it than that

  2. Like I said before unfortunately Thailand is not ready for democracy best let the army rule as we know if the reds win it will be the exact same thing but this time the yellows out there causing havoc

    no matter if elctions are held and its one man one vote NOTHING WILL CHANGE the losing party will start to cause trouble

    If the elitists were smart they would let the Army rule and then they could continue holding the poor donw while still coercing with the army and filling there pockets.

  3. Tyrant government who kill their own people. Coward army that fuc_k their own citizen.

    The supporter of this kind of government that are blind, they can not see that majority people will vote for thaksin.

    Keep struggle for red shirts, ASEAN citizen will support you to bring down the tyrant regime

    So the thousands of Thais that Taksin was responsible for having killed were not citizens? Taksin should be in jail for crimes against humanity. If the reds ever expect to be taken serious then they should not take money to protest or vote and they should pick a leader that has at least a little but of morality and not just one that is out to get his cach back at the expense of poor farmers lives. He must really love his people to let them die for his benefit while he drinks champagne in a foreign country.

    Hey Dude the Yellows took money also last year No different also its the goverment killing the people just seen on tv thai soldgiers shooting M16s rounds into the crowd

    hmm thats not a crime huh

  4. The answer is simple.......

    The opposition to the reds shirts continually claim they are paid hands....

    Ever heard the phrase 'he who pays the piper plays the tune'?

    Apparently these people are easily bought (according to their opposition)....so 3k baht each to return home would not even make a dent in the billions confiscated from Thaksin

    He pays for the return home of the protestors.....should you believe he was the cause....then quite ironic don't you think.

    Look up the word ironic in the dictionary perhaps

    Ok Irony "an event or result that is the opposite of what is expected".........obviously so far from what I intended must be very confusing for you..... :D

    The irony is for Toxin: Sending home his protesters with his funds?

    I have a better idea that would really piss him off. Use those confiscated funds to but a HUGE monument to honor the coup that overthrew him! :)

    Yeah but we know where his money is really going and thats into the Yellows pockets and make the elitists even richer than they already are. funny how since they care so much for the poor thay have not said we will use the money and make the poors life a little better.

    Nope I think a new Merc sounds much better

  5. Okkkkk.

    I have seen my topic come up and also read the reply's and it seems extremely strange how some people just cant get what I'm saying, so let me clarify.

    1st. As I stated, there was never a "dig" at the bar intended, the bar is well run, the girls are attentive, but never pushy and it is generally a nice place to be.

    2nd. They allow kids, in fact they like kids there and the girls always fuss over the younger ones.

    3rd. I was not saying that kids running around was stopping me enjoying myself.

    I was simply stating that: "There was 1 very young child who unsupervised by his parents was wondering out into the soi between the two bars, When i saw it my heart was literally "jumping".

    The kid was about two "ish" i suppose.

    I have seen the way some people drive down that Soi, (usually "Farang" with big motorbikes thinking it looks cool to rev away quick)

    I was imagining the kid getting splatted all over the road.

    So this was what I claimed to be "Horrific", anyone who disagrees with that is obviously devoid of any human emotions. (like the parents of the child in question)

    Now, does that clarify the topic? or does someone want to ask "where is the best fish and chips in chiang mai" question?


    Where is the best fish and chip shop by the way

  6. I guess my defintion of "horiffic" and yours sure different...

    a bad plane or train crash, a mass grave, a concentration camp, the effects of an earthquake or mudslide, a massive or chemical fire, etc...


    And it could of been just that had the kid ran across the little road and one of the speeding scooters that speed down that soi slam into the kid would that be your definition of Horrific.

  7. Oh gee, I wonder why that happened?

    Now let me see... A legally elected government of red shirt thugs is ILLEGALLY ousted by a military backed bunch of yellow shirt thugs who didn't get their own way, and don't like being not in power. That just about sums it up.

    No question that Thaksin was a crook and needed to be taken out of power. But, the yellow shirts had many years to use the same process of bribing the poor Thai farmers with their own money. Had they done so, Thaksin would never come into power in the first place. Thaksin's mistake was being a greedy megalomaniac who thought he could get away with anything and it was his undoing. But, the yellow shirt group are no less crooked.

    No question that Abhisit is a smart man, but so was Thaksin. Maybe Abhisit WOULD be a good leader, but because he illegally came into power it ruins all credibility.

    I get pissed off when the same type of business backed thugs in Canada get elected, but at least I allow the LEGAL election process to take place.


    I agree 100% in everything you said

  8. The reds are playing the faked clip again and again

    SOP of course they KNOW the must charge up their crowd to manic levels,

    Lies and deceptions are nothing new from their stages.

    THE NATION: Reds leaders told the crowd to get peper and fire crackers ready just in case they encounter police guard dogs.//poor dogs.

    THE NATION: The pepper and fire crackers strategy is from Nattawut, prolly not a pet lover!

    And this bit of madness.

    OK take an attack dog and throw firecrackers at him...

    DUMBASS thing to do...

    oops slipped his chain.

    Pepper Spray freely availabel in any market works wonders on Dogs

  9. I agree. I know one Thai person who supports the socialist wing of the red movement, but hates Thaksin. Everyone else that I know personally, feels that Abhisit has created better stability and growth than any other possible replacement.

    He has stated clear goals and tried to move towards them. What clear mandate have the reds proclaimed other than magic money appearing for everyone when the messianic Thaksin returns? How much of their general statements about equalizing the gap between rich and poor would actually be seen? The red leaders are just another set of rich "old boys" who are pissed off that they were moved away from the trough by another set of "old boys". I really don't see how anything could get possibly better or even be as good as now if a red-influenced government came into power.

    The thing that is really interesting to me is how many of the RED cause supporters come in TV and say how terrible it is when TV posters (of course anyone they don't agree with they instantly call Yellow supporters hehe) start saying dehumanizing things about the rank and file and I agree there is no cause to call them morons or monkeys or whatever the insult of the day is. BUT if you speak Thai and listen to idle chit chat while out and about the average Thai is far more brutal towards the RED rank and file. Not saying I agree with it, but it is a reality that most of them have no idea that they are being made to look like sheep as they are following leaders that ONLY want to destroy a sitting gov't. But they don't have any plans of their own or thoughts of their own.. they simply appear to be doing the bidding of a criminal.

    Nor do they seem to get that if this gov't was toppled and new elections were held due to this RED pressure, and a RED backed gov't came to power that would just fuel the next round for the Pinks or the Yellows or the whomevers to say that gov't was not legit by coming to power in the way they did... and both sides will have their entrenched reasons why the other is wrong and we will be right back at it again in another year..

    Your actually quite right REDS would win and then the Yellows would come out and taek over the airport again so

    Maybe Thailand is not ready for democracy

    Maybe its better just to let the Army run the country

  10. Have you held an election or an opinion poll to determine what the vast majority of foreigners think? No, I didnt think so, in which case this is a guess on your part or perhaps too much reading and also believing the opinions of the Nation newspaper.All of the Fallang I know want to see this Government gone preferably ASAP as it obviously cannot run the country. :)

    Interesting I don't know a single farang OR Thai that wants to see this gov't gone. I am only talking about people I know personally of course. By the same token all are wishing that something would be done to end the RED shirt madness, but are hoping for as peaceful an end to things as possible.. but looks less likely the more the RED leaders are ramping up their rhetoric.

    You must have a miniscule friend circle you need to get out more

  11. As a visitor here in Thailand, I would like to know, which the majority of Thai people support -

    (a) The one they themselves elected or

    (:) The one brought to power by the military.

    Just A or B answers only please.

    Neither. They didn't elect anyone. A coalition was formed in parliament. The Thaksin puppet party won the most votes but nowhere NEAR a majority of Thai voters. Since then, based on polling and events like Black Songkran, polling has shown an erosion of Thai support for the Thaksin puppet party.

    BTW, your question is loaded and based on false assumptions, so if you want an A or B answer to that, you basically want a garbage answer. There is no A or B answer to that.

    So why not hold an election

    Its very clear why they will lose

    The brits just annouced dissolution of parliment and elections in 6 weeks, pretty quick surely abhisit could do the same to put and end to this

  12. :):D:D:D

    Oh i gotta get a breath thats funny

    That's OK.

    I am not pro yellow. I think they are too fascistic for my taste. Their idea about a largely appointed parliament was outrageous. On the other hand, I support the yellow disgust of all things Thaksin. The Abhisit government, which I do support, is not yellow, is not PAD, PAD has its own party. Informed people know that. This isn't about red vs yellow. Red insurgent propagandists try to make it look that way, but its a big lie. It is an insult to be called a yellow when you are NOT a yellow supporter (which for the 1000th time, I am not) because people who aren't fascists do not like to be called fascists. If you are a fascist, that's another story.

    I am neither yellow or red I am more like th Gremans running down NANA naked but without the Big Belly and Small (*&^%

    I actually like Abhisit but he can get NO CREDABILITY until he is elected BY THE PEOPLE (not parliment) I think he could do the country good and seems like a smart guy.

    Hold an election he will most likely LOSE but he is a young guy and can come back and build his following but sas it is now impossible

  13. and so say most of u = oh really -u and your vast majority -- the reality is that most thai want peace = now even the army is refusing to use force -- thai against thai -- the only solution to this situation is to have an election asap = pity (Jingthing is such a diehard yellow supporter

    Jingthing is Not a diehard Yellow shirt.. he just happens to have a brain...


    Oh i gotta get a breath thats funny

  14. If ISA failed, why will a state of emergency succeed?


    I was thinking that.

    The impasse continues and just gets bigger.

    An election, no matter how farcical, might clear the air and allow the political re-alignments necessary to start moving on.

    Like this, just seems we get deeper and deeper into the mud.


    Election will be no solution. It will only encourage the next loosers in the new elections to do the same and claim the dissolution of the government for calling new elections.

    Fully agreed!

    Thailand has a population of about 62 Mill. people. Only a minority is protesting. What does the majority want??? Should they be ignored because they do not go out on the street???

    The Hold a free and fair election and see whoi is the minority that all they are asking for but we know the yellows will LOSE bigtime and its will be the yellows shirst time to hijack the airport again

  15. It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

    A message to the good people of Thailand.

    I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

    so now u have taken up speaking for the vast majority of farang - well sunshine count me out of your vast majority - would u like to qoute what percentage u claim is the vast majority --- sounds like another yellow shirt supporter - illegal - what part is illegial - the illegal government in place or the reds who just claim equal justice and recognition -

    Count me out too.

    Count me out as well

    count me out too

  16. Me, I'm 63 years old so my "future" in Thailand is somewhat limited. But my wife and 3 children are Thai, and I care about their future in this country. I don't want it determined by demagogues of any persuasion, and the reds' leaders are a clear and present danger to rational, benevolent, and progressive governance.

    Thank you for that very credible testimony. Of course, I agree with your conclusion. A Thaksin red shirt dictatorship would be a disaster for Thailand and a huge step backwards. Thailand is running out of time to compete in the modern world. It really can't afford any more delays imposed by Thaksin and the insurgent red leaders.

    And the elitist yellows are better

    Who you kiddin but I understand your thought process

    kick all the poor ass pions back to there rice fields and and let the elitists get back to there gravy train

    Hmmm good idea

    give me a break

  17. Yep big explosion last night

    We were at Blue Sky Bar about 60 metres away sitting outside and it went off we felt the shock and someone said it was a firework I said no way that was a Bomb next minute cops arrived.

    Sobering thought to be so close to an explosion like that

  18. These birds are nutters but they do follow through, a friend of me missus was in a similar situation and had a small 5 year old child (not the farangs) she had no other familly.

    when they split she threatened suicide and then actually drank toilet cleaner or rat poison not sure which as the story was a bit haywire, anyway she died a very slow bad death excruciating death worse part about this story is HOW the hel_l can she do that knowing the kid has no one else only her

    They are mentally unstable and its not just a few of em

  19. I think it's called keloid scarring. After the ex had an operation the surgeon recommended she avoid red meats and durian as they make the scarring worse.

    Yep looks like thats it googled it and seems Asian and African americans are more at risk of keloid scarring well glad thats cleared up now all we need to know is why they cut from top to bottom for cesarians i thought that stopped in the dark ages.

  20. Is it possible your mates wife suffers from that skin condition common in Asians where scars seem to increase in size. My kids have it and they end up with scars from the smallest injury.

    Well she could but I dont think so, however its not just her, I have seen some girls with cesarian scars that go from top to bottom and look terrible like they have been butchered can also you can see some of the girls that have what looks like a TB jab on the top of there arm and the scarring is terrible too, I know you can get an allergic reaction to a TB jab but some of them belie belief. Something seems not right

  21. First of all, sorry to hear about your accident and good that you are healing well.

    FarangCravings, which hospital did your friends wife go to? Just that I actually put a lot of faith in the gov hospitals here..namely Suan Dok and Lanna. I personally had a terrible experience at Ram. I guess its more down to which department and which doc.... rather than which hospital? Luck of the draw?

    Not sure which hospital she went to I know it was one in Cm though as far as RAM I received excellent care the only thing I was not happy about receiving was the Bill.

    OUCH :)

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