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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

    I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

    Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

    Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

    Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

    Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

    Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

    My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

    :) Excellent post!


  2. There is one at the entrance of Rimping supermarket at Kad Farang just before Hang Dong its a thai but he was trained in the united States for years and came back to open a salon he does a lot of farangs. Costs are same as back home UK he charged my 2 year old daughter 300 baht or a 5 minute trim

    So your looking at 300 baht up

  3. For you is easy, you can pick up your bags and leave our country.

    Me where can I go???

    You're country gives my family a new life??

    I was in the Army as well and I know what the soldiers must feel, and so do the rest of Thai people, so why they want to commit violence against their own army and not listen to law??

    Would your country allow protesters to shoot and then just say " aah naughty little boys please do not do this again!!

    do not think so!!

    before my family supported the TRT but since the truth about them has come out we support Thailand as a country and respect the law, but they not even know the law and for last few governments have refused (same as police) to implement the law, so people up country not know law or not care the law.

    You thikn that good??

    Im sorry to say but 99% of thais do not obey nor have respect for any laws you only have to go out on the roads for that to be confirmed with no helmets MASS drunk driving etc etc

    and this is just another case of no respect for the law

  4. all the red shirt have to do if you do if they dont want to see anymore deaths is obey the law

    and be supressed again until this goverment decides to hold an election where the people can choose a leader lets face it that what its all about they just want it right now which I agree is not realistic

  5. NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

    The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

    RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

    He was right in the middle of the gun fight between the reds and the army.

    He had no protection. Did he think he was bullet proof?

    Was he hit by the army? Was he hit by a stray bullet, or just schrapnel from a richochet?

    It's a dangerous job. He should be wearing protection. He should be identifiable.

    Right now, the media is posing a problem for the Army to identify. They are standing in the middle of groups of Reds who are wearing multi colored shirts that are involved in firefights. The soldiers can't take the time to discriminate between one person with a small green arm band in the middle of a firefight.

    Remember, these green arm bands were given to the media by the Reds when things for the most part were peaceful. This is their only identification as some of the Reds are filming as well. Best the media take up positions in buildings and do the best they can from these vantage points.

    At the same time, Kwanchai has been on the Red stage yelling that the media only reports <deleted> and should get out (some have stayed and are reporting live from the stage now).

    Ok answer this the french guy that was shot where was the red shirts with weapons in that picture I did not see anyone armed or a threat to any army personel

  6. Its COLD BLOODED MURDER pure and simple

    The rules of using live fire which was so eloquently told to the CNN and BBC yesterday in English by the Abhisit goverment was no army will fire on the public unless

    1.) They are in fear of there lives

    2.) They see an armed red shirt

    3.) they will fire in the air

    The right after that nice interview BBC and CNN shows the army hiding behind walls firing indiscriminantly into the red shirts then they show the french guy who was shot fell to the ground and then shot while on the ground 2 more times, he was not armed was not thai but was obviously targeted by the military in addition 2 more journalists have been shot

    I see it as nothing but cold blooded Murder killing unarmed people and if someone says he was holding a bamboo stick give me a break unless the guy was making a move with that stick toward a solgier the guy has no permission to shoot him from behind a wall.

    just for your reference, check out this clip, that is another peaceful incident of civilians attracking military truck. perhaps you say it is an 'isolate'd incident' !

    In that case they have every right to use deadly force to protect themselves

    do you see the result of seizure of military vehicle in other part of the world ? simply the soldiers are allow to defend and to shoot, no excuse !

    you can rewind the video and see the soldier just 'wai' to the civilians for peace ! SO, are these Thai soldiers are too kind, or the government is too kind ?

    I don't see your point of 'Its COLD BLOODED MURDER pure and simple' ?

    Lets look at Saeh deng

    COLD BLOODED MURDER pure and simple whether he was a nut or not you cant assasinate your political opponants and to make it worse done in front on the worlds press no less

    Do you think anyone in the outside world believes the goverment when they said they had nothing to do with it when all the news channles are showing thai army firing indiscrminaltey into civilians

  7. But your comments calling soldiers monkeys - is way out of line. Have a look at the reds, even the baby boy waving at camera on the CNN report - is that an example of responsible parenting - taking a child into inevitable harms way? Think you need your head read as to who is what. :)


    I was calling Abhisits press guy who went on TV to tell the world the engagement rules a monkey as right after even the BBC quoted it did not seem they were sticking to what he said

  8. NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

    The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

    RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

    sorry but these people are putting them selves in the line of fire. the soliders have a job to do. i don't think they are going to change tactics because of media just aimless walking arround. chasing money shots. if they want to do iut up to them but if i know where there is going to be a gun fight and walk straight into the middle of it and get shot. then i would think to myself. ( if i was still alive) what the hel_l was i doing there. yes i could have got a money shot. or i could have been shot. if u take a chance a gamble then u might lose. these journolists know that. just annoys me when they blame everyone else when there job is to be nosey and get in the way

    What about rules of engagement

    Bullshit right

  9. NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

    The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

    RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

    He was right in the middle of the gun fight between the reds and the army.

    He had no protection. Did he think he was bullet proof?

    Was he hit by the army? Was he hit by a stray bullet, or just schrapnel from a richochet?

    It's a dangerous job. He should be wearing protection. He should be identifiable.

    The hospital reported he was SHOT 3 times once in the leg once in the midrift and one in the wrist 2 of those bullets hit him as he lay calling for help.

    No shrapnel he was targeted on the ground Period

  10. Its COLD BLOODED MURDER pure and simple

    The rules of using live fire which was so eloquently told to the CNN and BBC yesterday in English by the Abhisit goverment was no army will fire on the public unless

    1.) They are in fear of there lives

    2.) They see an armed red shirt

    3.) they will fire in the air

    The right after that nice interview BBC and CNN shows the army hiding behind walls firing indiscriminantly into the red shirts then they show the french guy who was shot fell to the ground and then shot while on the ground 2 more times, he was not armed was not thai but was obviously targeted by the military in addition 2 more journalists have been shot

    I see it as nothing but cold blooded Murder killing unarmed people and if someone says he was holding a bamboo stick give me a break unless the guy was making a move with that stick toward a solgier the guy has no permission to shoot him from behind a wall.

    just for your reference, check out this clip, that is another peaceful incident of civilians attracking military truck. perhaps you say it is an 'isolate'd incident' !

    In that case they have every right to use deadly force to protect themselves

  11. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but this is a democratically elected government, isn't it??

    Yes and no..

    Yes after much gamesmanship, disbarring of PPP officials, and outright treachery by Newins red faction being bribed to turn.. There was a Democrat coalition formed.. But..

    No.. From the actual voting Abhisit and the Dems have lost repeatedly.. That includes previous house votes as well as from the electorate.

    So its there on a technicality.. But lacking a moral authority.. Hence the demand to have proper general elections again (and perhaps the EC case against the dems be pursued with the same zeal that it was against the PPP).

    Can you explain how Abhisit's election to PM is different to Samak's, Somchai's or Thaksin's?

    All electorates have elected MPs. Any MPs that were banned for electoral fraud had by-elections to replace them. A few MPs decided not to continue supporting an incompetent government, and decided to support the Democrats instead.

    They were paid to switch over

  12. Its COLD BLOODED MURDER pure and simple

    The rules of using live fire which was so eloquently told to the CNN and BBC yesterday in English by the Abhisit goverment was no army will fire on the public unless

    1.) They are in fear of there lives

    2.) They see an armed red shirt

    3.) they will fire in the air

    The right after that nice interview BBC and CNN shows the army hiding behind walls firing indiscriminantly into the red shirts then they show the french guy who was shot fell to the ground and then shot while on the ground 2 more times, he was not armed was not thai but was obviously targeted by the military in addition 2 more journalists have been shot

    I see it as nothing but cold blooded Murder killing unarmed people and if someone says he was holding a bamboo stick give me a break unless the guy was making a move with that stick toward a solgier the guy has no permission to shoot him from behind a wall.

  13. NO EXCUSE for shooting the Press they are not armed and this shows clearly that the engagement rules are pure BULLSHIT those are live rounds only used in self defense or shoot an armed red shirt or in the air

    The french guy was shown on tv BEING SHOT multiple times he was not armed in any way and was on the floor form the first shot when he was shot twice more.

    RIDICULOUS and do these abhisit monkeys really think people cant see clearly on TV that the solgiers are opening fire freely and without sticking to the so called rules of engagment of live fire

  14. I expect that the first explosions will be M79's fired from the Red camp. :) If they could have just kept their fingers off the triggers they would have been sharing somtam across the barricades instead of shots.

    My guess is the second explosion will be in the red shirt's boxers as they run and flee leaving all the lambs they have led to the slaughter behind.

    CNN reporting red shirt leader shot by sniper fire and killed

  15. I avoided wearing a helmet as I felt they actually restricted my peripheral vision plus I liked the feel of wind against my face. I rode my bike defensively to allow me time to avoid potential problems. Just about every accident I have heard of in Thailand that involved a farang and a motorbike also involved alcohol. I'm sure that's not true in all accidents but in Thailand it seems to be a dominant factor.

    Ride sober and defensively and I feel there's only a minimal risk of a serious accident.

    I drive through a junction twice a day that was recently the scene of two gun murders on consecutive days. Also, quite close to where I work a woman was recently shot dead as she got in to her car while holding her baby. If I were to take safety precautions in Thailand to protect my life, I think I would consider a bullet-proof vest long before a crash helmet.

    I know this is unusual but I actually agree with Loaded :) I have rode my Bike from here to Trang and all over Thailand 24,000K and not one accident, my My bike accident was Alcohol related 5 minutes from home completely my fault and I paid for it and rightly so but thankfully not with my life.

    But its true if you drive defensivly and expect cars to pull into the fast lane, bikes to come out of know where and the other crazy manouvres we see here you can avoid accidents.

    I was however wearing a Helmet which I believe saved me further damage although I think it did knock some sense into me.

  16. I think the British authorities are waiting to DNA test a certain Thai Tourist Policeman but unfortunately the Thai authorities can't find him!!!

    Are you talking about the one who calls himself Tony? He was back predating on people a few years ago. There was a thread about his antics on TV. The only reason they can't find him is they don't want to.

    All in all, one of the nastiest stories I knew of in my 14 years in Thailand (and that's saying a h*ll of a lot).

    Tony is easy to find just head over to the TPD office

  17. What sort of rumours? Please be more specific. There are plenty of rumours going around about almost anything, most of them with no basis in fact (witness all the unfounded speculation that was written on this topic on Thai Visa after the murder). Do the rumours you are talking about come from a source who might actually know something? My understanding is that this is an open and shut case and the accused are not people with any sort of influence who might be able to affect the justice system. What have you heard that is contrary to this and that is credible?

    During a Tourist Police training seminar this case was used as an example and we saw all the crime scene photos of the murder and a case study and how they arrested 2 of the 3 perpetrators which was not hard since they were associates of the deceased and there were pcitures of each of them on his camera.

    2 of the 3 were arrested with piles of evidence and the other one was on the run seemed like an open and shut case.

    I will say though these guys looked rough and dodgy as hel_l and seemed to have the run of the deceaseds home based on the evidence presented. either way seemed like a easy case to procecute as none of these kids had any money nor were from the right ride of the birdge.

  18. 99% of the time.

    And during that other 1% on very short trips, I'm asking myself, "Why didn't you put on your helmet?"

    Nobody here is wearing a helmet after 5pm. Cops are off work. Lots of Thais might think that wearing one is to avoid paying 200 baht. A lack of education? Because everybody is doing it?

    I'm also still recovering from an accident that broke my leg five times, but I was wearing a good helmet. I've seen young boys dying after accidents without a helmet, before any rescue workers arrived.

    Another scary thing is that I had to learn NOT to stop when seeing an accident, a very high possibility that suddenly you had caused the accident, just trying to help.

    My Thai friends' son was trying to make his way to the next town together with a friend, pretty drunk. They both fell on their head doing about 80 km/h. One recovered, the other one even lost parts of his skull. One year ICU, wheelchair forever. Brain completely damaged. No helmets.

    Coincidence Sisak

    I too broke my leg 5 times hip femur x 2 tibia and fibula how long have you been recovering I am at almost 6 months still on crutches and the knee is the main issue but I have terrible arthritis or what feels like painful aches in the break spots

  19. I have to admit that I don't on short trips....less than a kilometer and only for longer trips do I wear one. I know it's stupid, even for short trips, but it's bloody HOTT with a HELmet.

    I'm waiting for someone to invent an airconditioned helmet

    Just as a bit of Info my friend who died just nipped less than 1/2 K from his home so it was one of those short trips that ultimately ended his life

  20. I think what he's saying is that you'd have to get George's permission first, and if he goes along with it then it'd likely mean that one of the CNX based mods would verify the account number, and then post it.

    ThaiVisa generally does not allow collection of funds through the forum for non-legally recognized charities. Even then, generally we only allow announcements of events, such as a fundraising fair. This is to protect both our members and Thaivisa.

    That said, there has been no request for permission to post.

    Can I post there bank info ?? thanks

  21. The other night a friend of mine died in a motorbike accident and it seems from reports that had he been wearing a helmet he may well of survived his accident.

    After having a bad motorcycle accident myself 5 months ago (of which I am still recovering) it certainly rams it down your throat just how dangerous riding a scooter or motorbike is in this country and even more so if you dont wear a helmet.

    I thankfully was smart enough to wear a helmet and all the gear which most likely saved me from more damage than my smashed leg

    So lets see how many of you admit to not wearing a helmet when out on there Honda Wave or clik or Scoopy or whatever.

    If you don't wear one why not ?

  22. Steve's Wife and mother in law are at my house now and I have the bank information can you please ask George what I need to do to comply with TV rules

    thank you

    I have forwarded the bank information to SUPPORT

  23. I stopped going to the Dukes because of their high prices, and because they charge you an extra 9% for VAT....

    Why didn't you ask for the 15% discount given to those who can speak and read the Thai language? Clever little man.

    That's a real smart marketing ploy for a farang restaurant place a 15% discount notice in Thai so 99% of it farang customers can read it and ask for it


  24. Admin / Mods are a bit slow to act on the request of several members to arrange a collection for the deceased's wife.

    Pity they don't show the same diligence as when policing the boards and deleting inane posts.

    Thin ice there. Note the following rule:

    25) Members are forbidden to solicit for or accept donations, gifts etc. for providing such advice to visitors and members.

    If you wish to follow through then you need to contact George or support[at]thaivisa.com and not through the open forum.

    Not clear

    So does that mean TV will not allow a collection for the deceased 3 year old daughter ??

    Since nobody is soliciting but it was offered not sure if you are saying TV will not allow it

  25. I stopped going to the Dukes because of their high prices, and because they charge you an extra 9% for VAT....

    It did get a bit more expensive yes.. But... what awesome quality and quantity, and super authentic if you like American food. Sure, the price does mean I only visit a couple times a year, but when I do I really enjoy it.

    Matter of opinion on the awesome quality and quantity

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