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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. I would like to try and assist in helping collect donations for his little daughter just not sure how to organize it but would be happy to do what i can to assist

    I am trying to see if I can get the Wifes Moms bank account information (he lived with her and wife and Ananda his 3 year old daughter) so deposits can be made directly to them I am having my wife try and get the info will post when I get it.

    Steve's familly is on the way from the states

  2. Hi

    and RIP fellow travellor...

    I'm not sure I knew him, the only guy I know lived there was a largish

    American guy, slightly balding with medium lomgish hair - with a family. I met him at the last TV night in Tuskers

    and again at Rimping @ Kad Farang, but might not be the same guy.

    Would like to contribute too . . .

    Now I understand why my wife doesn't 'allow' me out on a motorbike!


    That sounds like Steve to a T

  3. RIP

    Condolences to his family.

    There was also a similar case in the Thai newspaper a couple of days ago. It said by Makro Hang Dong Rd. Motorbike rear ended and motorbike rider died. Does anyone know where the latest tragedy occurred.

    I believe it was right between Hang Dong and Kad farang

  4. It is with sadness that I report that SWAIN a TV member died last night as a result of a motorbike accident, he is the husband of my Neibours daughter, and a teacher here.

    According to my inlaws via my missus around 1am last night coming back from a local bar here in Hang Dong he was hit by a car and ended up underneath it so the car was on top of him.

    He passed away onsite

    My condolences to his wife who happened to be in Bangkok at the time as her father just passed away.

    As I get more info it seems he was the victim of a hit and run the first car knocked him off and sped off and the second car could not stop and was the one that ended up on top of him

  5. I was thinking of taking the bus on the 10th, Monday night, that would put me there on the 11th, which should be when the free visas start.


    I am renting a car with Bluegrass and another member is your interested we have one more seat it will be real cheap between all of us

    Pm me

  6. Well according to this report (attached) there is another side to the topic. Check out the Thailand country profile for expat experiences.

    "However, the luckiest expats for finding love were found in Thailand – some 47%

    admit finding love since moving to the country. This is in stark contrast to the

    worldwide average of just 20%.


    Or think they have found love till the money runs out or she cleans him out

    Now I am only going by the people I have met and the tons of storys of guys losing Cars Motorbike Houses money Gold

    Yes I do know of some that are happily attached like myself and many of my friends but I think there are just too many storys of guys lsoing everything for it to be ignored.

    Yes there are good thai women (most are ting tong anyway) and I have lots fo friends that have been with there women a long time and some were previous BG and they are very happy together I think those sort are hard to find though

  7. On a daily basis, I read posts which deride Thai women as being money-hungry scam artists, of being stupid, of being unable to love, and so on. I read posts which deride Western women as being sexless harpies who hate men, take everything in a divorce, are "fat, disgusting slobs," are "bitches," and so on.

    Well its true is it not ??

    I dont think those that post are lying they are telling it the way it is in there experience here I have met so many guys that have been ripped off albeit there stupidity but in any other country its Fraud but here its accepted a thai bird can clean you out of everything and then move onto the next guy.

    it cant be denied theres hundreds of cases in thailand

    It not illegal to be stupid which is what most of these guys are but I still feel for them

    I watched one US tv program about a guy who was doing the same he got 8 years in jail for making an American bird fall in love and give him all her money he did it to 3 women and was eventually arrested wnet to trail and jailed.

    Shame its not the same here

  8. The free visas have begun already. I just did the Maesai trip on the 25th of April and it was free already. Vientiene has already confirmed that they are doing the visa free now too.

    The government has already told ALL borders that they cannot use the excuse " sorry we havn't got that notification yet". lol

    Not sure I understand

    Mai Sai does not issue visas whats the relevance

    Just checked the Visa forums and all official indications tourist visas are not free until May 11th 2010

  9. The best Sunday lunch in Chiang Mai hands down, surely has to be the buffet at the Holiday Inn.

    Choice of soup, carvery, seafood, Japanese, pasta, salad, cakes...... you best be hungry :D

    Seafood, Japanese Pasta SALAD

    Were talking about Traditional English Sunday Lunch Here you have metioned everything that is nothing to do with a traditional English Sunday Dinner

    What are you on about..... there is a carvery, roast potatoes, yorkshire pudding, cravy sauce plus the extras I've mentioned. Ten times better......

    Surroundings are more sumptuous than a pub, more family oriented....

    Have you ever eaten at the Holiday Inn, or is it out of your price range :)

    You actually did not say it had all that you focused on the seafood sushi Japanese now if yo had said what you are now saying ok.

    As for out of my price range I shall not bite Im trying to give teh Mods a day off :D

    How much is it anyway

  10. The best Sunday lunch in Chiang Mai hands down, surely has to be the buffet at the Holiday Inn.

    Choice of soup, carvery, seafood, Japanese, pasta, salad, cakes...... you best be hungry :)

    Seafood, Japanese Pasta SALAD

    Were talking about Traditional English Sunday Lunch Here you have metioned everything that is nothing to do with a traditional English Sunday Dinner

  11. IS there really a newspaper we're not allowed to name?

    I wish there was a list of forbidden topics somewhere!

    Got my wrists slapped last week for mentioning a banned member!

    IF we're not supposed to mention them, then put them on a list please

    rather than punish us in our ignorance!


    Unfortunatley David they cannot do that it would take up way too much Bandwidth to list everything were not allowed to talk or mentions :)

  12. I might join you as i delayed my trip cause of the free visas dont start giving out till the 10th so I might ds a Mai Sai trip as I have to be out on the 6th and then do the Vietienne trip

    I have drove several times bout 9 half hours straight and not difficult I did it in my Grandis and the fuel was 4500 baht but it not as good on fuel as a vigo.

    I should know in the next day or so what exactly I am doing but i think that sounds good I know for sure I wont be taking a bus after seeing how they drive

  13. I heard that Steven Seagall is a Thaivisa member

    You've mentioned that before, boss. Is it really you.... Steve?

    He might have celebrity status, but to me he's just an uncouth, vile mouthed, self opinionated Cook who's up himself.

    Yep, he's a tit.

    Hey I like tits

  14. I dont think Mr Ramsey gives a toss what a bunch of losers living in Thailand think about him as he heads to the bank to deposit his next million bucks.

    I notice its the usual crowd throwing the insults around as usual

    A sacked volunteer tourist policeman calling other people losers :D

    Sacked is a bit strong implys I did something wrong i prefer to say I was let go lol :) any by the way I included my self the my previous post

    And I'm including myself. Can we kiss and make up FG?

    Only if i can slip my tongue in :D

  15. Yunnie: Prices range from 195 baht for the Roast pork to 325 baht for the Garlic Lamb. If you are resident in Chiang Mai for more than 4 months of the year you can apply for our gold Card which gives you 10% off our prices.

    Toolz: I think you'll find our portions are pretty large! Try us out and if your not full, I'll give you a refill free. How about that?

    Thats an offer that nobody can turn down. :)

    Only a real TOOL would turn that offer down :D

  16. I dont think Mr Ramsey gives a toss what a bunch of losers living in Thailand think about him as he heads to the bank to deposit his next million bucks.

    I notice its the usual crowd throwing the insults around as usual

    A sacked volunteer tourist policeman calling other people losers :D

    Sacked is a bit strong implys I did something wrong i prefer to say I was let go lol :) any by the way I included my self the my previous post

  17. I dont think Mr Ramsey gives a toss what a bunch of losers living in Thailand think about him as he heads to the bank to deposit his next million bucks.

    I notice its the usual crowd throwing the insults around as usual

  18. I never saw any volunteer until a year ago approx . Never gave them much notice , but they did catch my eye when I saw them . I don't see anything wrong with any individual who is volunteering himself for everything , thats a good thing .

    Although the tourist volunteers , especially in Thailand , seem to work on my laughing muscles .

    I just can't help it , perhaps because we are fellow expats , and we all can see ourselves in them ......

    The last I saw close went to immigration waying the imm officer , had a small chat , and walked right pass us other expats waiting or number , many of those couldn't hold their muscles under control , I would feel ashamed walking there in uniform like

    look at me , I stay long time in Thailand , just to can feel to be part of something .

    I know its probably rediculous for me and us to react this way , when rationalising a bit , my thoughts really are

    whatever you like enjoy it , and I'm sure you can help a lot of people out , all good , but don't get angry when we see you

    in the interesting police suit and make a laugh or 2 .

    My guess is thats the thing , the police should make you volunteers more useful , pay a salary (expenses ) , or making it

    easier for those too claim residency or whatever , if nothing I personaly can't help it to think its nothing worth it

    for those higher ups to command you , at least to know you , a low profile is much better in Thailand imho .

    Anyway some should agree to disagree in this thread and respect each others opinions .

    Had many a piss take with my buddies here where I was the brunt of the joke and I am quite happy to laugh at myself Im not that serious and if the TPV start paying expenses and residency sign me back up LOL

  19. Well I am trying to keep this civil and nice if I elaborated on your question above it would not be civil and nice would it

    so your right no straight answer but I am sure you can work it out.

    I can only assume that this is some of the bias that you have demonstrated in the past, and it is a good example of a reason that extremely thorough screening of TPV's needs to be done if they are to continue this program in ANY form in the future!

    :):D:D Yeah Ok if you say so

    It just clicked, NO your way off base there chappy, its actually your past posts about TPV which implicates the sort of person you are

    i dont care if your Gay that up to you not my business each to there own

    hmmm your edit got in before this reply.

    The fact that you bring up the gay thing (not for the first time in this thread -- with your oblique reference to the pink shirts etc!) and your public statements in the past bring this post into question,

    We could look at the history of the TPV program throughout Thailand over the years and clearly come up with enough reasons for this to be discontinued nation wide, imho.

    I readily admit I have issues with the program existing at all. I can also back those reservations up with facts and not just anecdotal "I done good" stories :D

    I think you have a big chip on your shoulder JD

    I cant beleive you bought up the pink shirt

    Anyway lets drop it as i prefer not to be dragged into another one of your games and then get suspended again

    So drop it


    i wonder if the Pol Lt col would look kindly on you reffering to him as an organized crime member

    Notice the last line ....... strawan ... Loaded did NOT do what you are suggesting. Loaded aadded a link and quote that was relevant to someone else's statement and did not claim it as his personal opinion. YOU did that for him.

    edit --- this post rebuts post 108 (competely shown to be untrue)

    108 refers to post 104 and does not change anything, he posted a link reffering people to accusations of the TPV RTP being organized crime

  21. And you were sitting with one of the big guys and fraternizing by joining conversations


    i wonder if the Pol Lt col would look kindly on you reffering to him as an organized crime member

    Notice the last line ....... strawan ... Loaded did NOT do what you are suggesting. Loaded aadded a link and quote that was relevant to someone else's statement and did not claim it as his personal opinion. YOU did that for him.

    Yes I stand corrected in the following post by me I only said he reffered people so yes i stand corrected and retract that

  22. Well I am trying to keep this civil and nice if I elaborated on your question above it would not be civil and nice would it

    so your right no straight answer but I am sure you can work it out.

    I can only assume that this is some of the bias that you have demonstrated in the past, and it is a good example of a reason that extremely thorough screening of TPV's needs to be done if they are to continue this program in ANY form in the future!

    :):D:D Yeah Ok if you say so

    It just clicked, NO your way off base there chappy, its actually your past posts about TPV which implicates the sort of person you are

    i dont care if your Gay that up to you not my business each to there own

  23. LOL ok you was not sitting down but still associating with the Pol Lt Col and your happy to direct people to links accusing him of being part of an organized crime syndicate

    im sure he was happy to meet you knowing what you think of him

    This is quite mad. I quote an article and you say I'm accusing someone of being a criminal. If I quote Muhammad Ali, does that make me the black heavy-weight boxing champion of the world?

    It's shocking to think you once wore a police uniform.

    Anyway this diatribe is boring me as you are silly. I'll leave you to talk to yourself for the rest of the evening.

    Now if you read my post carefully Loaded I did not say you accussed anyone I said you directed people to a site that accuses them

    big difference

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