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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. WOW one black shirt well that justifys all the civilians killed

    you are aware are you not of the grenades and petrol bombs being lobbed at the soldiers?

    that there are persons in the rally area shooting at soldiers?

    not to mention the bricks, paving stones, slingshots, etc.

    what constitutes a civilian in this case?

    The military snipers if any good could easily pick off the guys in black that has a weapon any red that is armed with a rifle handgun etc ok take him out however if he is throwing stones molotov cocktails, slingshots you CANNOT JUSTIFY murdering them plain and simple.

    However we are not seeing guys in black are we we are seeing civilians medic and journalists being shot by the military

    Ever taken a molotv cocktail to the face? how about a stone to the forehead or marble slingshot into your pea brain? They don't need to justify sh**! Surrender, go home or stay put sitting on your hands but advance towards the military with ANY kind of weapon and ANYWHERE in the world under a this kind of emergency situation and soldiers, national guard whatever are going to put you down plain and simple.

    The crap above posted by a known troll about medics and journos getting shot by military doesn't even deserve a response

    What utter rubbish so you think in th euk they would start murdering demonstrators i dont think so dude

    looks like your the troll

  2. Armed men in black in action

    OK. Red shirt supporters. Defend that!!

    Obviously a fake black shirt. :)

    They won't comment on this. They are in denial. They just regurgitate the same old boring propaganda.

    I notice the other video accusing the military of being snipers has been quoted multiple times, so here's my bit.

    Like I said ONE black shirt guy with a rifle OK take him out but the killings of civilians shootings of Journalists, medics and children is just way out of whack.

    But those on here all it takes is one video of one guy with a rifle to try and justify the murderous campaign the goverment is running

  3. So your looking at 300 baht up

    Overseas trained or not, they saw you coming. I had a haircut the other day from my guy round the corner, total cost 40 baht. I get as good a haircut from him as I get in Australia for $25. If you tell them how you want it cut/styled they will oblige, but you have to tell them. It's no good sitting there and mumbling haicut.

    Sounds like the OP got an indecent proposal from his last visit as well as a lousy haircut. :)

    I actually never went the missus took her in and as you know thais dont like to make a fuss so she just paid it when she told me I was <deleted> she is 2 years old with hardly any hair to cut. It was a clear case of taking advantage but no biggie we have never used it form that day to this.

    I like you get a 50 baht cut and am very happy with it

  4. WOW one black shirt well that justifys all the civilians killed

    you are aware are you not of the grenades and petrol bombs being lobbed at the soldiers?

    that there are persons in the rally area shooting at soldiers?

    not to mention the bricks, paving stones, slingshots, etc.

    what constitutes a civilian in this case?

    The military snipers if any good could easily pick off the guys in black that has a weapon any red that is armed with a rifle handgun etc ok take him out however if he is throwing stones molotov cocktails, slingshots you CANNOT JUSTIFY murdering them plain and simple.

    However we are not seeing guys in black are we we are seeing civilians medic and journalists being shot by the military

  5. A tongue in cheek joke I suppose. They where neither unarmed nor passersby. Infact, they are the typical wall-building grunts that enable this mess and the actions of more heavy armed insurgents to act out against the army.

    I understand why they get shot at.

    they were Unarmed with guns...only stones, sling shots etc. No match for rifles and this kind of killing is uncalled for

    You need to keep up

    WOW one black shirt well that justifys all the civilians killed

  6. Link to the video of the leader of the reds Assasinated by the government please showing the shooter in uniform. Your credibility is sinking with each post my friend.

    I guess you believe the goverment when they say they had nothing to do with it RIGHT

    At least my cred is sinking the goverment lost theres a long time ago

  7. No the two (spotter and shooter) from about 53 onwards.. Those are snipers / sharp shooters.

    does it matter?

    would it be preferable to have untrained conscripts firing blindly from behind sandbags?

    or better to have trained 'snipers' shooting single shots at people throwing petrol bombs?

    Errrr they have both of what you describe just check out CNN BBC lots of conscripts hiding behind sandbags firing

  8. Sadly the child was collateral damage because he ignored warnings to leave the area.

    Is a child of 10 years old able to reason enough to heed those warnings?

    According t most of the idiots on here yes

    If the Military had any ideas what they were doing they would actually block off the area and use Concrete bollards to avoid incidents of anyone trying to drive through lets face ti they have had over 2 months to get organized but instead they choose to open fire at stone weilding idiots.

    Where are the water canons and normal tactics in a situation like this lots of tear gas and water canons which can knock you right on your ass real quick followed by arrests.

    No they prefer to Kill them instead

  9. I have NO DOUBT that the military will win with there muderous tactics however I dont think this will go away it will turn out like it is in the south with the Muslims it will become a guerilla war with bombs and attacks if teh PM does not hold elections.

    They will just go underground and continue the fight using guerilla tactics.

    The only way is to hold elections ASAP

    and when they loose?

    Or Win

    The its the yellow shirts time to take over Bangkok again and the aiport but of course they wont be prosecuted withing 24 hours and jailed like the reds

    Complete double standard and exactly part of the problem

  10. I have NO DOUBT that the military will win with there muderous tactics however I dont think this will go away it will turn out like it is in the south with the Muslims it will become a guerilla war with bombs and attacks if teh PM does not hold elections.

    They will just go underground and continue the fight using guerilla tactics.

    The only way is to hold elections ASAP

    Personally I think you underestimate the PM or possibly confuse him with the incompetent military.

    If he survives in power I think he will rapidly call elections. As you say it is the only sensible way. He withdrew his offer of an early election solely on the basis it was conditional on the protestors ending their protest. He made that offer (which in some ways made him look weak) so that he was in a strong position to act if it was refused. When the Reds go back he will offer them an election again and my guess is that he will win.

    Abhisit is a very smart guy. Whether he can actually survive this whole farce and remain PM is anyone's guess.

    I agree with you what I dont agree with is the indiscriminate killing that going on by the military who are completely incompetant

  11. I am in Bangkok and have been throughout these protests. For people outside the country looking in it is difficult to understand the situation. It is easy to sympathize with poor people protesting for a better life. That is not the case here in Bangkok. Poor people have been paid to protest and are being used as human shields to protect militants in the Red movement. These protests are controlled by former PM Thaksin in an effort to overthrow the current government which is legitimate and elected. Perhaps more so than the former PPP government which was disbanded due to electoral fraud.

    I am dismayed to see the foreign press portraying the victims of the current voilence as civilians. It is true that they have taken off their red uniforms but within the protesters there are armed terrorists fighting a guerilla style war. They are not civilians in the true sense. Everyone in Bangkok understands which streets are currently restricted by the security forces. The only reason protesters venture into those areas is to attack the soldiers. Using slingshots, M79 grenades, moltov cocktails, guns, and other weapons they are fighting with the army. If they were not attempting to breach the government barricades they would not be in immediate danger.

    Journalists have been injured, they are going into dangerous areas and are difficult to discern from the Red fighters who have no uniform. Shooting journalists intentionally and blaming the army would certainly be in the protesters interests to bring international condemnation. Journalists in the area are often under the protection of the army, and should use their own judgement as to whether it is safe to enter areas with gun battles ongoing.

    Last night with 2km of my home well outside the protest zone there was a grenade attack at the Bangkok Bank at Khae Rai, there is a secondary protest at the Thaicom offices less than one km from this attack. Even outside the downtown there is danger for the true civilians of Bangkok, and that danger will not diminish until the protests end.

    The leaders of the Red protest can at any time order the end of the protest and allow the people to return to their homes. This would be followed immediately by a ceasefire from the army. As long as they remain calling for the violent overthrow of the government people are in danger. Criminals should put their arms down first, not the police.

    Well Said. I just finished explaining the situation to a friend back in Canada. They aren't getting the real story back there.

    I could have just cut and pasted your explanation instead. :)

    Chingachgook couldn't have said it better!

    ABSOLUTE SHIIIIIT legally elected by who ? NOT THE PEOPLE

    The real world is getting a very fair view of whats happening a CLEAR PICTURE of the military firing on unarmed civilians they even get to see the leader of the reds Assasinated by the goverment while being interviewed by NY times

    I think they are getting a very accurate picture

  12. I simply do not understand what the military are doing.

    They are a trained military force. Surely they can achieve a strategic objective against a rabble.

    They have made no attempt to close down the protest and seem to be playing deadly games with the more ignorant and aggressive but probably not well armed protestors on the edge of their encampment. Is the idea to starve them to death?

    If you insist on shooting Thais at least achieve something.

    I am beginning to wonder if someone isnt playing a game with peoples lives..

    We know the Rabid Red leadership would happily let their supporters bleed for media exposure.. But the weakness of the army, the total lack of APC's and tanks, the lack of water cannons, the weakness in giving back already won ground. The whole basic premise of 'just set up sandbags and take pot shots' at Thais.. Surely they are not so lacking in leadership and abilities.

    All this makes me wonder.. Are there other hidden forces, within the military side, who benefit from this situation escalating / continueing ?? Who benefit from lives lost on all sides ??

    Do I just second guess everything too much.

    FINALLY someone that is seeing what i see

  13. I have NO DOUBT that the military will win with there muderous tactics however I dont think this will go away it will turn out like it is in the south with the Muslims it will become a guerilla war with bombs and attacks if teh PM does not hold elections.

    They will just go underground and continue the fight using guerilla tactics.

    The only way is to hold elections ASAP

  14. don't worry about farang cravings. he watches one video and talks aobut one controversial unrelated topic to the video. he knows nothing about the facts and hasn't seen the ENORMOUS amount of reds causing mayhem.

    moral to the story: don't listen to your thaksin-supporting bar girl "girlfriend" while living up north away from BKK.

    My wife actually HATES THAKSIN with a passion and also hates the red shirts

    You can clearly see what is happening on CNN BBC etc good reporting with very clear pcitures of thai military hiding behind wall under NO THREAT emptying there clips

    Plain for the world to see and then pictures of dead civilians and kids

  15. Maybe he shot that redshirt guy who blew out the brains of that soldier they dragged out of the truck at Din Daeng.

    Maybe he shot that red guard caught on video firing a grenade launcher.

    Maybe he shot that guy in black running around with a machine gun that we have all seen.

    Maybe he shot that redshirt sniper that was taken down yesterday.

    Maybe he was the one who shot Sae Daeng.

    If he was responsible for any of these I hope he gets promotion and a nice pension.

    HMMMM funny how we have only seen DEAD CIVILIANS then if they were taking out all those you mention

  16. So how did the kid get a bullet to the chest them

    i think your the one whos a bit of an idiot here open your eyes

    Because he got shot by somebody that WE DONT KNOW.

    Enough with the kid's death?

    If you have any proof I would gladly see it. But you don't. Just keep pulling stuff out of your arse and try to sell it as facts.

    Its prett funny huh every time someone gets killed like the kid or da saeng nobody knows who did it well im sorry its VERY CLEAR who is doing the KILLING and that is the THAI MILITARY there is absolutely no doubt just check the hospitals

  17. Thai army snipers in action

    If that are snipers, you better go back to K-1 you Mo##@n

    Are you blind you can clearly see a sniper with scopes taking pot shots maybe he was the one who killed that poor 10 year old yesterday

    COLD BLOODED MURDER the Thai Goverment should be ashamed

    At least the world is seeing the thai goverment for what they are MURDERERS

    Hang on there a minute, pretty sure to a man, everyone on here has expressed their sadness over that young boy, but to say he was ordered to be killed by the government is complete and utter crap.

    As a parent, if I let my child go anywhere this kind of area, I should be charged with criminal negligence.

    Sadly, these things happen in a war zone, but I am sure you are also the first to whinge when (I assume) your western government drops a bomb on some village.

    Nobody said he was ordered killed but he was killed nevertheless by the military end of story

  18. Thai army snipers in action

    If that are snipers, you better go back to K-1 you Mo##@n

    Are you blind you can clearly see a sniper with scopes taking pot shots maybe he was the one who killed that poor 10 year old yesterday

    COLD BLOODED MURDER the Thai Goverment should be ashamed

    At least the world is seeing the thai goverment for what they are MURDERERS

    You are both blind and seeing things that are not there.

    There is NO snipers in this clip.

    There are some soldiers that fire their shotguns with rubber bullets and then later a marksman using his scoped M-16. NOT a sniper.

    And there is NO EVIDENCE or even fantasies that the 10 year old boy was aimed upon or any other child for that matter.

    You are truly a sad piece of work.

    You didn't happen to be on stage yesterday?

    So how did the kid get a bullet to the chest them

    i think your the one whos a bit of an idiot here open your eyes

  19. To "farangCravings" If the word 'MURDER' fits into this picture at all, it describes the red-shirt leaders......... They have through their own selfish goals, led all their followers over the cliff............ CHEW ON THAT FOR A WHILE.................

    I only see Civilians DEAD not armed red shirt even a 10 year old boy shot by the military

    Hmmmm pretty clear

  20. Thai army snipers in action

    If that are snipers, you better go back to K-1 you Mo##@n

    Are you blind you can clearly see a sniper with scopes taking pot shots maybe he was the one who killed that poor 10 year old yesterday

    COLD BLOODED MURDER the Thai Goverment should be ashamed

    At least the world is seeing the thai goverment for what they are MURDERERS

    Obviously you don't have a clue whats going on up there in Chiang Mai. You sound like an i_diot. If they were murderers they would've already bumped off the 3 remaining ring leaders. The gov't has put off this necessary action as long as possible to spare lives. You can't let these thugs cripple the country and more than you can let uninformed fourm members call the gov't murderers.

    So you just MURDER them in cold blood just like Da Saeng shot in cold blood by the goverment of course they denied it but come on its plain to see

  21. so the army is still just surrounding them and not actually going in to the red camp. The reds are coming out to attack the army. What do they expect to happen to them? fair enough i say; cnn now say army is being attacked by gun and grenade, fair enough, the more terrorist they kill now the less to make trouble later! red leader should let all the kids out and stop to use them as shield; cowardly scum bags.

    HE NATION: My mother-in-law said pppl wanted 2 bring home their children & old ppl from rajprasong yday but was refused 2 leave by r-guards..

    Unbelivable now you say the reds are holding civs against there will how low will you guys go

    The goverment said all the deaths are becase the reds are shooting each other LMAO :):D:D do they really think anyone will believe that

  22. Why don't the red leaders just let their supporters go home????? They aren't likely to gain anything now and it could save lives. I think they don't place much value on their 'sacrificial sheep'............................. And while I'm on the subject, why aren't those leaders at the front of the protest lines????????? They never get close to the action ------- COWARDS, deep down, I think................ all mouth, no guts........................

    Because they will go back to be down trodden on and nothing will change the elites will win

  23. Thai army snipers in action

    If that are snipers, you better go back to K-1 you Mo##@n

    Are you blind you can clearly see a sniper with scopes taking pot shots maybe he was the one who killed that poor 10 year old yesterday

    COLD BLOODED MURDER the Thai Goverment should be ashamed

    At least the world is seeing the thai goverment for what they are MURDERERS

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