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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. The TM30 has everything to do with TM47 (90 day report) because they need to see a TM30 on file before they will allow a 90 day to be filed.
  2. Bully for you, you keep on posting this, and if anyone pays attention they are likely as not to have a wasted journey if a hard copy TM30 is requested and they don't have one - particularly with a change of passport number which as far as I can tell was what required me to do a TM30 before I could do a new 90 day report. I had a TM30 filed when there was the TM30 enforcement in when? 2018? and was never asked for hard copy until I changed passports ahead of my 90 day report and then was asked for it again when I did my extension a few weeks later (CW).
  3. Next report in person (90 day report info page confirms this) and new passport number requires new TM30 (filed before new 90 day report)..
  4. Let's be sure people are properly retired and likely to be well behaved and not here for sex by specifying: 1) No longer capable of producing motile spermatazoa. 2) Testosterone level below 300ng/DL 3) Over 60 4) Free of any conditions that might require hospital treatment, unless they put up a bond in advance to pay any likely costs (insurance might not pay).
  5. I think you are going to have to explain that one to us. Seems we can't get it on our own.
  6. I don't know, but at some level of assets or usefulness to the Thai economy you cease to be such a threat to "National security" that you have to report every 90 days.
  7. this is peanuts and Thailand doesn't need it
  8. So true, and that was before it became Soi Watchseller*. I think some of the wine bars and restaurants are looking a little marooned now. *allright, Soi Wheelieluggage if you prefer.
  9. Contrary to what many think, the Thai authorities don't want us to learn the language and integrate. They would prefer us confined to falang ghettos.
  10. I think it is probably the most likely scenario. More likely than grandfathering. This is after all what they did with 400k and 65k proof. They are not going to grandfather the requirement for criminal record check or insurance if these are applied, so how can they grandfather only the money? They could perhaps but you would still be required to furnish other requirements. THEY DON'T CARE and neither does it seem, do our embassies. I reiterate, when Hapkarn said it was "too easy", IMO he clearly meant that to just be over 50 and meet financial requirements was not enough.
  11. I couldn't/can't fault the CW counter staff. They were pleasant/businesslike and efficient. They were not looking for any reason to reject and I was NEVER EVER asked for any "tip". In fairness the same applies to the new younger staff member I had last time. I am less fond of the people making the new rules and policies.
  12. Historically they have been very sensible but it seems old counter staff were replaced with new ones.
  13. Also, we should all be checked for syphilis. Don't want foreigners bringing diseases here. Everyone, Elite Visa, also VE/VoA/TR. It is after all a requirement for "foreign experts" who come to work here.
  14. They assume every third party is prepared to go along with their requests.
  15. Why stop there, we have just had an Elite Visa* murder it seems, also VE/VoA/TR. Hard copy on boarding and at Imm on entry. Has to come from your HOME country for OX visa, so let's implement it like that. Criminals don't need a full year to start committing crimes, some get busy within 15 days and then overstay. Let's not stop at criminal records, obviously need to check people don't have communicable diseases: - Leprosy - Tuberculosis - Elephantiasis - drug addiction and third stage of Syphilis. Anything else the people who "thought" up the new long stay visa classes can come up with. *seems criminal checks don't keep out the kind of people who murder and dismember, so how much use is it?
  16. For the last few years since Hapkarn's changes I have handed over a bank statement. It has never been handed back. I just feel for Bt200 and SCB not having a branch at CW, just get it at the same time s the letter and hand it over. Yes, it would be interesting to withhold it and see if it was demanded, but why blot your copy book.
  17. Will they accept it at IB offices for OA? OA maybe has very specific requirements and likely they will be very pedantic about accepting them - I thought only the Thai insurance was accepted for OA/X so that counter staff could understand it. here is OX requirement. Health insurance (as per the specifications of the OIC office with coverage of OPD of at least 40,000 baht and IPD of at least 400,000 baht Please check http://longstay.tgia.org
  18. yep, thought people retired here must be using a "retirement visa" - and OA issued by MoFA seemed to be the one.
  19. I still wonder if he was aiming at people on IB one year O retirement extensions i'e' people retired here, but it got applied to MoFA "retirement visa" i.e. OA by mistake.
  20. Actually, you are quite right. I stand corrected here. It was Anutin who brought in this change. My personal view was that he meant the O visa extension issued in country but when researching "retirement visa" thought it was the MFoA issued OA. If you got an OA and THEN the change, I take back my comments. I dn't know why, my best guess is because the OA gives one year (more?) in country without need for funds in country - hence the need for insurance to value 400k. It has never been stated as such by Hapkarn or IB but quite possibly the 400k 'year 'round was meant as ensuring funds for medical coverage was available in country. The difference may be explained by the fact that right from extension date O holders would have 400k in their bank here whereas OA would have a one year period where there was no such deposit so hence the requirement for insurance. My best guess.
  21. I seem to be a lot better educated on visa matters than you - you chose an OA <deleted> You don't come across as "fine" having your OA. It seems to be eating away at you.
  22. Because it dates back to when Thailand was less restrictive about people staying long term.
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