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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. It's not. You chose a visa type that came in later and had all kinds requirements. Check this beauty out that came after OA: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwidscHpqMSAAxX_7TgGHcTPDNYQFnoECAsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbangkok.immigration.go.th%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022C1_20.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1E5oyJ1ln4_6Y8nF6AyfR7&opi=89978449 Were you required to confirm to the authorities that you don't have Syphilis or did you get some kind of preferential treatment?
  2. OK so why didn't you get a VE/TR and convert in country, rather than choose a visa that seemingly has ruined your life. As for me being "uneducated" I am trying to EDUCATE YOU and others who hopefully this will help avoid a poor visa choice
  3. In fairness Mike that's your personal circumstances affecting visa your visa choice. Take your point about UK O.
  4. We don't receive preferential treatment, we just opted for a better visa/extension type. You could have had an O just like us if you had come on a VE or TR and converted in country. I find it hard to believe your country offers OA but not O, as OA is much more recent.
  5. You didn't do your research. You could have come on a VE or TR and converted to O in country. HTH.
  6. Huh? How are those on OA "discriminated" against? they made the choice to make a poor visa choice. If anything the OA should be abolished as it is doing Thailand a disservice as it is making staying in Thailand appear more complicated than it is - you actually have people choosing this visa because they don't know better and then it appears they get really bitter about their poor, uninformed choice..
  7. I think it might be that they have "earned" the right to jump the cue.
  8. Golf cart to the execution shed at Bang Kwang maybe.
  9. Just need to offer better trough access.
  10. It says at the bottom of both forms "attendance is requited in person" They added the "unless incapacitated" shortly after someone was pushed 'round CW in a hospital bed complete with IV drip. It was surreal seeing that. Jomtien I hear you can do both without attending. I don't think you can do standard PoA on an extension other than for a handful of cases, or maybe just medical - presumably the agent submits some questionable paperwork. CW without attendance is long gone. PoA can be done for other things e.g. TM30. Re entry permit attendance enforcement seems to have tightened up at CW - taking your photo now.
  11. Strictly speaking your attendance is required in person for the first two. I'd be interested if this is at CW and all goes through OK.
  12. I thought that was the cost of new builds, not the resale price on the market. If you mean buying an option on a new build and selling on completion maybe it applies. Those who know feel free to come in and correct me if wrong, but i think this type of figure is used to bamboozle people into thinking their condo investment will appreciate.
  13. According to the internet the alleged murderer was on an Elite Visa which requires a criminal record check, The analytical side of me deduces that criminal record checks won't prevent the type of people who murder others and cut up the body from staying here. QED
  14. People on O visas are not receiving preferential treatment, they just did the smart thing and avoided a bad deal. It is not that they are getting preferential treatment, rather it is YOU that selected a bad deal. If you didn't do your research and went OA with all its requirements like lining up insurance cover dates with extension dates that's your problem. We all make mistakes. Act in haste repent at leisure as they say. Why on earth anyone would go for an OA let alone an OX eludes me. As for mandatory health insurance I assume you have some kind of gold plated Govt gopher deal. Better have as the law of karma is a bitch. For most of us it ends at 70, Thai insurance companies have it all their way, outside Thailand private sector insurance you buy as an individual that covers a long illness is very expensive and you need to have been on it for a long time. There is no guarantee they will pay. I have been paying my medical bills cash, but will go back home for end of life care as it will be free. So why would I buy the low limit "accident" insurance which the Thai insurance companies are really offering.
  15. In other news we have another murder of a foreigner by another foreigner. No doubt Hapkarn will be checking out what visa the chef was on - it seems chef in Spain not here (at least not officially) so time to rein in VE/VOA and TR. These are "too easy" requiring as little as Bt20,000 and a return ticket - no checks, no nothing. If the chef was on a WP then obviously need to bring in stricter requirements there.
  16. You need to get out more. Outside your little world prices are increasing. Som Tam has increased. Prices that were stable have started to rise aggressively. Some things like healthcare have steadily increased.
  17. This is what I mean by people falling through the cracks and not being able to comply with any new requirements. Those saying the authorities should tighten up should be careful what they wish for - it might came back and bite them on the rear. They might not be able to prove no criminal record and have to leave while the criminals bask in the Thai sun having used the usual channels.
  18. Did you have the "has Thai child" visa? - it would only apply to a Thai child so they would know your son was Thai etc. anyone file a 90 day/TM30 at old address? etc
  19. I'm afraid all day protection only comes from the gooey type that takes ages to dry. I use Nivea black charcoal. Forget the designer stuff - if you can't go home and shower you will be very smelly by the time you meet your date in the evening.
  20. All this is just the trail left by your visa/extension applications and grants and doesn't indicate any knowledge beyond that, surely.
  21. I think it is the Beijing model that is being planned, although they might not know it yet.
  22. They have the number of times you have tried to access forbidden web sites on record and what category, e.g porn, anti establishment etc. not really (at least as far as I know), but it sure made some of you choke on your cornflakes, no?
  23. Due to the wording of the reporting perhaps, a lot of people are assuming it will be a financial increase , and likely it will if changes are made, BUT: IMO the point Hapkarn is actually making when he says it is too easy is that all you have to do to qualify is be 50+ and have 800k/65kmonth. I think what he is getting at is that there needs to be (in his view) further requirements to qualify than just those in order to keep the "bad" farangs out (and to hell with collateral damage to "good" farangs).
  24. No country for old men. I will be leaving for healthcare reasons at some point. I am already feeling a sigh of relief that Thai Immigration changing the rules will not be something I have to worry about. The risk is being too old to start again somewhere but no longer eligible for new requirements. Thailand is NOT a retirement country. If it ever was it ceased to be when Hapkarn changed the financial requirements without grandfathering. AN's financial titans seemingly always left 800k to rot in a deposit account paying paltry interest, but retirement for most/many means reduced income and lack of financial flexibility. I repeat Thailand is NOT a RETIREMENT destination. It is workable if you have somewhere you can go back to with nothing more than getting on a flight and turning the key in your front door back home. Key takeaway: Stay in Thailand retired one year at a time but DON'T sell up/burn your bridges to back home. All of you who think it will just be financial upping might be in for a shock - there might be some other requirement, such as that you are "educated" which in Thailand means Masters degree. Nobody of my generation bothered with that. An unlikely case I agree, but one of the new (albeit specialised) visas requires a Masters degree despite it not being the norm outside Thailand/years ago Malaysia has explicitly stated that it only wants people who will make a meaningful contribution to Malaysia and if you look at the new BoI 5 year visa types, that is basically the criteria. 65k/month doesn't hack it for that test. Possibly it will only be these visas that are offered in future.
  25. They said that about TM30 enforcement - has lasted a bit longer, as has 400k in the bank year 'round, others.
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