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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. She needs to brush up on Thai law as it is applied. If the foreigner wasn't in the country the accident couldn't have happened so it must be the foreigners fault. Whether her special exemption for being Chinese overrides that is yet to be established. She may find it would have been cheaper to have paid herself than raise eyebrows about the "unusual" profitability of her restaurant business.
  2. Seems this is usually an exercise in funds transfer - transfer of your funds to her - the land is sold or hocked.
  3. It is/was being cracked down on at CW from what I have heard, although competing factions in a power struggle can often be the case, rather than an absolute crackdown. There is a risk your agents contacts could be on the wrong side of that. Receipts are important - if someone is freelancing outside the system you could have your extension or whatever revoked. Freelance is what gets busted, I have never heard of 'the system' being busted. As a general observation not aimed at the post I highlighted, it is truly amazing how whenever there is post on agents there are scores of people posting who clearly know noting about it and even go as far as "correcting" the handful that do.
  4. Probably down for linking to other databases.
  5. Wait 'till Hapkarn hits him with the visa offences. Visa and TM30 in one province but residing in another.
  6. So much for the crackdown on outlaw motorcycle gangs.
  7. You forgot to elaborate on this easy path for the under 50's. The board is all ears.
  8. I used the term "requirements" without specifying solely financial requirements. The TM30 is a requirement to do an extension now.
  9. I think the current requirements are an unwanted legacy. We had Hapkarn recently saying it was "too easy". I think he was referring to the fact that all you need is the financials and to be over 50. Presumably he was thinking of other criteria being needed, but likely if changes are made the financials will be increased. The new long stay visas require Bt3m on deposit. All it took for OA insurance requirement was ONE person (Anutin) to get a bee in his bonnet. Likewise the 400k year 'round.
  10. Because if it wasn't taxed people would simply switch from ordinary beer to cheaper non alcoholic beer.
  11. In 2010 you were not required to keep 400k in the account year 'round - or are you going to tell me it hasn't changed because it is still 800k like Hapkarn did? Don't remember any risk of being caught out by falling through the cracks with TM30 e.g. landlord dies at an inopportune moment. It doesn't matter what they were it is what they will be. Are you sure that there will be no changes going forward and we can all retire with peace of mind? You need to come out from under your coconut. What do you do when you are 60+ and now all visas require insurance? When they make changes they don't think things through and people fall through the cracks - possibly being unable to extend until things are adjusted - if they ever are. This seemingly happened when the compulsory insurance was introduced for OA - seems over 70's were excluded initially.
  12. Ah yes, when you'd get them back to your place and you'd sit them down and say there was a special thing you wanted her to do for you which other men probably didn't ask for. What is it? she'd ask, and you would ask if she could sew some buttons back on your shirts (and they did).
  13. 800k in the bank - or an income of 65k is not the new visa types. Do try to keep up. New = $80k PA pension* for one type, Bt3m in the bank for OX. I wasn't talking about the O extension - I was making exactly the point that they regard being able to afford 800k as too low a barrier. *You would have had to have worked for US Govt/UN/Red Cross etc to have that kind of pension.
  14. Only problem is it is becoming increasingly evident that Thailand doesn't want people who can't afford to retire in their own country. As evidenced by the terms of new visa types, it only wants "rich" retirees.
  15. Mama's monthly salary should be in there too. You have to be doubly lucky. It's no good having a girlfriend who makes reasonable demands for herself if there is a greedy Mama in the background. Likely she is being "remoted" by the old biddies in the village.
  16. Presumably they are not worrying about the visa rules changing after they sold up to move here.
  17. If you've been there and you retire to Portugal you will be looking out over the ocean knowing that cross it is Brazil.
  18. There have been recent reports on here of people having their online TM47 rejected due to no TM30 on file. This is very recent, months not years and coincides with CW getting excruciatingly pedantic about TM30 amongst other things* and TM30's being needed for literally everything now before they will proceed (some posters it seems have special exemption but that seems not to be the majority experience). *e.g. having to show your bank book to change passports at L section if on 800k method.
  19. Are you filing TM47 online, and were you able to do so without first doing it in person?
  20. They have the passport number as a requirement. https://www.immigration.go.th/en/# The online service do NOT support if: – There have been a change of new passport. The foreigner have to make the notification in person or authorizes another person to make the notification at the immigration office located in the locality in which the foreigner have taken residence. After that, the foreigner can make the next 90 days notification by online service.
  21. How recent was this? - nobody required a TM30 for anything until a few years ago. there wasn't even a desk at CW where you could file one if you wanted to [apparently]. If it was before the TM30 clampdown, then why are you sharing this info?. It is misleading to others. If after, fair enough.
  22. Good luck next year. Remember not to do it as you don't need it. Hope you don't have a wasted journey as many will if they assume your experience is typical.
  23. I am sure that is true, but it is an atypical situation and people would be well advised to have done their TM30 especially in a situation where it seems it is always required - new passport and new TM30 and that is what we are talking about here.
  24. I had to refile TM30 after new passport before I could do 90 day. I suspect it was the change in passport number that triggered this.
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