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Posts posted by TPI

  1. To make a large pizza, with an adequate covering of "tastes" should not cost more than B100! The base and the filler can be sourced locally, the only expensive topping is the cheese which can now be sourced and delivered to anywhere in Thailand! 8 x slices at B30 should give you a reasonable profit...a word of advice...keep away from local farang, they're all experts at "something" and will actively rather tear you down than build you up!! Set up near a large school, the pupils are like a ravening pack of wolves at home time and lunch...good luck in your venture, remember trust nothing a Thai tells you about business! ???? 

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Enoon said:



    It all started with a piece of paper........


    "In 1947, Haji Sulong, founder of the Patani People's Movement, launched a petition campaign, demanding autonomy, language, and cultural rights, and implementation of Islamic law. In January 1948, Sulong was arrested on treason charges along with other local leaders branded as "separatist". Sulong was released from jail in 1952, then disappeared under mysterious circumstances in 1954."


    .........from people with zero interest in "world dominion".


    The nature of this attack probably indicates that those who do have such an interest are probably now active in Thailand.


    Had Thailand, all those years ago, chosen to return the disputed area back under the auspices of the traditional ethnic area from which it was torn, in an agreement between UK and Thailand, there would be no "story" to tell about how it turned, and became, as violent as it is today.


    The people in that area would just be getting on with their ordinary Malaysian lives.


    Failure to give up its occupation of the area brings Thailand to where it is now.


    It will now have to deal with real Jihadis.


    Hotel and other tourist attacks are now to be expected.



    Don't you think you have the story backward? Rama 5 gave the British the 4 most northern provinces on the peninsula so that the British could form the Federated Malay States, Pattani had been gone for hundreds of years prior! This "revolution" is merely a group of "bandits" (Mafia), if there was enough work for the population and the communities had pride in their history do you think these guys would get the support they get from the local community? Their members are all disaffected young men, if they had a chance to create meaningful lives would they be behaving in this "derring do" manner?


    "Forget about Trump for the moment. Just imagine any situation where a senior official in the administration appears to favour Russia, such as taking Russia's side against the advice of the various agencies (CIA, NSA etc) who are tasked with protecting the interests of the USA, having meetings with Putin with no officials present and where the translator was forced not to divulge the content of the meeting and had to hand over the notes (normally such meetings, even if classified, would be recorded for posterity)."


    Ok, let's look at HRC, when she was Sec. State she had many meetings with donors to the "Foundation", where are the notes for posterity? Where are the notes for the Uranium deal? where are the notes for the meetings with the DNC while she was a government official? 


    All I see is a picture of Trump with a baby in his mouth, dripping blood, whenever a "democrat" makes a comment about Trump!


    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 6 hours ago, roquefort said:

    If he is the guy who comitted the rapes then obviously this is a good result. But how do the police get access to supposedly confidential DNA records on the Ancestry.com website? Raises serious privacy questions. 

    I've done that test, but I wouldn't have if I'd known that any police force can get access to the database for a fishing expedition (not that I have anything to hide of course).

    Of course!

  5. On 1/8/2019 at 1:00 AM, Jingthing said:

    You're probably right. However even though I think Individual-1 is a remarkably horrible person and it's tragic that he's president, I just don't see the upside of calling him personally a racist. I think it's better to focus on his lies, statements, policies, and actions which speak for themselves in a very negative way without using that label. Why? Too many white people get very defensive about that and assume we're also calling them all also racist that ever supported him. Of course many of them are but still I don't think it helps to encourage people to be defensive.  He needed white people to win and a key part of accelerating his downfall will also involve white people. It already has in the midterms.


    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




    Maybe using a russian computer has generated "leftist" leanings??  ????

  6. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

    Ah the Catholic Church. Somehow being the guardians of honesty, truth, integrity and fairness just doesn't fit. Now playing politics in a dangerous and volatile election. If they know the results then they should be made to explain exactly how they know. Possibly someone up above told them 555!

    Any religious organisation that has gold reserves greater than France should be viewed sceptically! ????

  7. 3 hours ago, mikebike said:

    That's your defining take-away from 45's admin? That he can make a crap-load more than a small honorary salary as president by corruptly self-dealing while occupying the office? Why do wish this corruption on the people of the UK?

    I'm sorry, I seem to have missed any evidence of "corrupt self dealing" in the news? Do you have any? Perhaps you're confusing Trump with Pelosi?

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 2
  8. On 12/30/2018 at 9:46 PM, marcusarelus said:

    Per capita GDP is 300% greater in Thailand.  $2,303  vs $6,663.  Vietnam is not in the same league.  Vietnam has 23 vehicles per 1000 people Thailand has 225.  It is like comparing the stone age to modernity. 



    So, in your opinion, having the roads choked with cars is a much better way to go? What they don't have with cars they do have with scooters! Millions of the darn things! For me the big point is, these people have courage and honour, they hold their heads high, they allow the government to govern as they are quite prepared to throw them out if they don't govern properly! You quickly learn to RESPECT Vietnamese people!

  9. 8 hours ago, Jim7777 said:

    I took a minute to skim through this and I honestly didn't spend much time reading this maybe 30 seconds to a minute to skim through it real quick but wow anyone who took the time to read this article is now dumber for having read it. I award the author no points and may God have mercy on his soul.  And actually it turns out that the embassy letters being phased out next year is actually going to be a very positive thing at least for those of us who fall within Thai law living here on long stay visas.  I'm glad it'll save me a trip to the embassy all the way down in Bangkok at the end of next year 2019 into 2020 and that $50 dollar fee for their piece of paper.  I actually just renewed my extension recently for 2019 and it honestly wasn't that hard.  I've seen a few different immigration offices and I guess I'd have to see them all to understand what everyone was complaining about because I've never had any problems in 5 years of living here.  In fact I got my extension done a little early this year because of all the fear mongering but at least now I don't have to deal with it in January because it's already done.  

    I'm sorry? Jim, you need to have a lie down and a bex...nobody cares that you have almost beaten the system and have obtained your visa renewal! Go to sleep now there's a good boy! ????

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, zyphodb said:

    I went shopping here in Mukdahan this morning & I'd say that there was 4x the usual w/e traffic driving around town, I'm talking cars & pickups NOT m/bikes. I'm, as always on my "big" bike & it was complete mayhem, the number of car/pick up drivers who were making elementary driving mistakes was something to behold. luckily for me, I ride with the attitude that everyone else on the road are out to kill me & take sensible precautions so, am in my ninth year of riding around here. Having completed my New year's shopping the bike is locked down for the rest of the period & I'm now peacefully drinking, I'm sorry to say, I can't see anything changing the holiday carnage here as, not only are everyone untrained in any kind of driving skills, I think that Thais let go and allow their rebellious spirits out to play in the only arena that they're allowed to. Sad but true....

    After a trip to "Macro" yesterday and after watching the way shoppers were handling their shopping carts I think I can see why they're such bad drivers....they don't give a stuff about other people me me me me!

    • Like 2
  11. 16 hours ago, RamenRaven said:

    I was expecting everyone here to agree with me, but then everybody here is as thin-blooded and cold-intolerant as a typical Thai, even people from cold countries. Why? Is it because you are all older?


    None of my Farang friends in Thailand would think that 20 degrees is cold, so I wasn't expecting these responses. You're all making me feel like a polar bear or space alien 5555.

    Weeeeeeell! If the sandal fits....wear it! You alien you!  ????

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