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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 9 hours ago, Enoon said:


    Actually they weren't.


    They only got 230 out of the 608 seats in the Reichstag and did not come to power until the DNVP (Conservative Party) decided to support them in a coalition.



    Nit picking doesn't help your argument, almost every western government has ruled in coalition for some time, were they all not elected to power??

  2. 22 hours ago, donnacha said:

    I wish the forum would hire an editor to at least trim down these indulgent posts a bit. Aping the style of newspaper opinion pieces is all very well, but the saving grace of print is that there is limited space and, usually, an editor somewhere in the process who is aware that every sentence has to earn the reader's attention.

    Even good writers benefit from being reigned in a bit. Whatever the wisdom of having an official column deride forum members (the people contributing content for free every day) in such superior, self-satisfied manner, this sort of opinion piece should never stray beyond the thousand word mark. 2,230 words of meandering commentary is lazy, disrespectful to the reader, and a poor reflection upon the ThaiVisa brand.

    Awwww! you poor bugger, did your eyes get tired reading all of the big words? Never mind, have a bex and a good lie down, you'll feel better in the morning!

  3. 5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Just because I don't think the death penalty should be applied, that does not mean I have any sympathy for this piece of filth.


    As I said on post 1, he is scum.


    However I do believe that it is wrong for the state to execute it's citizens.


    I believe in harsh sentencing for crimes like theses, very harsh, but I cannot support revenge and that is what the death penalty is.

    Every prison sentence is revenge, to think that judges and juries have punishment on their collective minds denies the cruelty that lives in every modern man/woman...people are not nice, in my opinion the only reason Christians believe as they do is to protect themselves from "blame" at the end of days!!

  4. 21 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    That is not what I said.


    I said there is no proof the death penalty acts as a deterrent.


    What you are calling for is revenge, not punishment.


    I support punishment {and have no problem with harsh sentencing}, but not revenge, therefore I do not support the death penalty.

    I do, why should I pay for this low life to have a long and healthy life, at my cost? Let him live in a room of your house, that way you can feel warm and fuzzy every time you see him eating, watching TV, looking out of the window remembering every time he conned and raped a young boy, wondering how long each boy will live with the horror of a disease eating him alive!

    • Confused 1
  5. When will these sheep get over the 2016 election? Accusations, vile accusations against the proper, legal representative of the people of the US! Whereas with the "D's" there is proof and proof of illegal activities at the state and federal level! Do they think that by screaming and yelling and insulting the majority of Americans who voted for the man they are going to make the future better? What part of "shooting yourself in the foot" and "cutting your nose off to spite your face" do they not understand? Do they really want a civil war? And even if they get "T" out then who do they think will replace him and how will the replacement act differently? Boo hoo, change your nappy and hold your congress to their duty...you know... work together to the betterment of the people! 


    For God's sake!


    Irritated Ozy

    • Like 2
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    • Sad 1
  6. 13 hours ago, poanoi said:

    i have a friend that honestly wanted to learn,

    but he just cant pick up on the tones at all,

    he dont even hear them, its actually worse than that,

    he does not hear them when i say exactly where it is and when i

    pronounce it particularly.

    he also cant pronounce the sounds here

    Agreed, as we get older our hearing goes by the board and our memory has trouble remembering most things...if we could have come here in our 30's or 40's then it wouldn't have been quite the same problem. Now, when we have enough money to live here we can't communicate. I suppose it's one of the main reasons we tie up with Thai ladies in the first place?

  7. 19 hours ago, HOAX said:

    @simoh1490 - To add to that, just use your eyes, “the new era” lives in a fake “luxury/good times”, where even 7/11 workers buys 35k iphones and 700k pickup trucks. What’d you expect. Its like seeing the average western macdonald’s worker driving around in brand new Mercedes benzes. It doesn’t happen, and for good reasons that I shouldn’t need to tell you.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Like how do you "milk a sheep", have an iphone that costs $1000!

  8. 20 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    And you know this because you "Believe Women"?

    Or you saw evidence from a 3rd party?


    Back to the OP,

    Was there any evidence to suggest what she said was true, or is it another "he said, she said"?

    I'm always a bit iffy about women that claim abuse but still stay with the guy.

    Mind you, I'm also a bit iffy about guys who stay with women that keep reporting them to the police.


     I'd be out the door the moment I was hit, or reported for hitting, no matter what the truth of the situation.

    You know not what you speak of! I was brought up in a house with an abusive father, the wife thinks he really loves her even tho he beats her up every time he gets drunk "he's so loving when he sobers up", think, where is she going to go with a new child? who will support her? Of course he's not going to leave his punching bag, why should he? One day you'll see one of these monsters and then you'll know!

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/2/2018 at 9:01 AM, TSF said:

    Looks like all farang living in Thailand on annual extensions will now need to have the 400K & 800K THB in a Thai bank account in order to continue living in Thailand. Now, just wait and see if next year they'll double the required sums. I've been expecting it for a couple years now, but it'll happen because they want you gone.

    If you have the income from Oz then there's no problem!

  10. 22 hours ago, car720 said:

    Every time I order a beer.

    You make it sound as if Singapore is a gulag instead of one of the freest countries in the world.  Least it was when I last lived there.

    Obviously on an ex-pat package! In s'pore your life is absolutely channelled from the cradle to the grave. Try taking your prep student out of their designated "stream", good luck with that! As a Singaporean you could always try and get a job not run by Singapore Technologies, good luck with that as well and don't even think about criticising the government in any way, you could find yourself out on the causeway without a passport! 

  11. On 10/31/2018 at 8:07 AM, MARK74 said:

    It's good that some bigwig can cream some money off introducing new technology to control marijuana.

    In the mean time and after said technology is introduced, everyone who chooses to can just carry on buying readily available, cheap weed as per normal. No extract, no oil just a good old fashioned bamboo bong. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Change the water regularly though ????

    (and <deleted> don't spill it!!)

    Aaaaagh! Bong water on the carpet!!!

    • Haha 1
  12. I really don't understand why they bother to hold elections at all, nothing changes, either the "anointed" ones or their family or nominated cronies are put in charge, the government officers continue to go to work and the farmers continue to grow their rice...nothing changes for the people! And really, who cares? The opposition make noises like beetles in a bottle, the students march and shout slogans and the media report on and give opinion on it all!


    Who really cares?

  13. 22 hours ago, Hayduke said:


    So after these arrests, what happens to the outstanding debts and the ‘black books’ listing all of these debts? These ‘books’ can be immensely valuable.


    If you owed say…a million Baht…would your debt be wiped clean when the loan shark goes to jail? Are the police going to walk away from all this money? Hardly seems possible. It follows that there must be some mechanism to ensure cash flow and prevent borrowers from escaping their illicit debts.


    Therefore it would be logical for the black books to be distributed to ‘new’ loan sharks who would then collect the debt. Loan sharks that have working relationships with the local ’authorities’ and agree to generous profit sharing.


    So...despite all the media hype and PR scripted headlines…loan sharking will continue to grow and flourish. Sadly, it isn’t even close to going away.



    Damn! Just when I thought "something" was going to be ok!! I'm so naive!! 

  14. 50 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

    Actually nothing will be built...except new headquarters for this new branch of the army!


    If these headquarters were built along the Mexican border, maybe Trump could kill two birds with one stone: the headquarters back wall could double as a border wall!


    Meanwhile it seems necessary to remind Trump that American astronauts have to rely on Uber/Russia to get to the space station!


    What's the point of having a space force when you don't have spaceships (and you won't develop them in a couple of years for sure)?

    Very cute reply! It's a shame that there will be at four US commercial companies firing crews into space in the next couple of years as well as Spacex and ULA developing larger and more efficient "lift" vehicles for the military and commercial customers! The "shame" is Op's rely on "fruit Loop" cereal boxes for their science information! ????????

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