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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 4 hours ago, rosst said:

    I agree, shoot him in the legs 

    You cannot! first of all it takes a person trained and confident of their ability to even take a shot, and secondly, how would the shooter justify the shooting? The thief was fleeing and the photo shows that the shooter was not under threat! I first thought it was an accidental shooting done in the heat of the moment...but two shots! Hard to justify!

  2. 16 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    "...The new education ministry directive requires that all educational institutions provide support for pregnant students by offering them flexible education programs and counselling...


    Until the new regulation passed Friday, schools would commonly expect pregnant students to drop out, with some even being expelled..."


    It is a VERY, VERY rare day that I have anything good to say about the Ministry of Education, but this IS good.


    The simple fact is that sometimes students will get pregnant and it behooves a society to accept and support them if/when it happens; it beats the hell out of ending a young person's education in its tracks.


    BTW, the old policy of expulsion was/is plain idiotic.


    Soooo, a rare 'Atta Boy' to the MoE...




    Well said that man! In 20 odd years this is the first time I've been "gob smacked" by the MoE! Now I'm wondering....why have they changed their collective minds? Pretty radical?

  3. On 10/9/2018 at 9:24 AM, t8769 said:

    I do not wish to impugn the good intent of any female who happens to loiter around the shadows of Sukhumvit looking at passing men with seductive looks, whether they happen to originate.

    I naturally assumed that these friendly females were part of a charity involved in providing assistance to weary travellers, and any money given was a donation for their cause.


    One must applaud the sacrifice of these brave and noble individuals, and support their charitable endeavours with both cash and private time.

    Not to do so would be rude.


    I've always thought of them as "Condom" sellers with a free trial thrown in??


  4. 10 hours ago, Bundooman said:

    Well said, overherebc. Distinctly "I'm all right Jack - look at me; how clever I am at obtaining Permanent Residence".

    I'm pleased for you rooster - pleased that at least one of us Brits is going to be OK when the new rules take effect.


    But you don't have to be so <deleted> smug about it and we definitely don't need your patronising, sneering and insultingly, crass comments.

    However. you jolly well 'pop off' to good old Blighty. Enjoy yourself and then everyone here can read on your return, your condescending and sneering comments about "The land of our birth"!


    By the way. One of my pensions is from 26 years served in the Royal Navy. You appear not to have served your country 'of birth' but you may wish to know that it is only recently that the end of the Falklands War was commemorated. Whatever your thoughts regarding Thatcher - Great Britain lost dozens of patriotic and brave members of the Armed forces. 'Down South' during that conflict.


    You sir. haven't earned the right to criticise us pensioners and Thailand certainly hasn't earned the right to tax my Armed Forces pension either!

    While I understand your sensitivity regarding Roosters lack of military service (Malvina's really?) please remember that not everyone has had the privilege or opportunity of serving their country and if he has been here for nearly 40 years then maybe he has a right to "crow" a little? Don't worry, when he has to buy food label'd "halal", no matter where he goes in the UK, don't you think it might take some of the shine off his visit?


    10 hours ago, Bundooman said:



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  5. On 7/9/2017 at 2:45 AM, starky said:

    I dont know what makes 50-60 year old men look for 18-25 year old Thai girls? Haha also loving the I'm late 40's very young looking with lots of energy and I work out so girls in their 20's no problem (hansom man syndrome?) yeah right mate. Try that with a 20 year old girl back in your own country and tell me how you go not with a prostitute or a disadvantaged farm girl who would go with any geriatric for a little financial "assistance". While we are on the topic what is your opinion on the many falang here that choose partners who are not only young enough to be their daughters but more likely their granddaughters?  Any views on that? So I guess what your saying is that it's fine for hansom falang to look for much younger women but not for Thai women to be interested in much younger men as they couldn't possibly have anything to offer.. Racist and hypocritical much?

    Well starky, If I was as bitter as you then I'd probably spout the same angry rant as you? But thank the lord "Huey" I'm just a happy twisted old man!

  6. Women "live" for the chance to claim the "victim" badge, I've seen on at least 3 occasions where women claim rape, assault and imprisonment with young men that were not only totally debunked by the evidence of witnesses but later by the women concerned! The defence they used was "to get even with the man because.......!" In Oz if a woman makes a claim it is considered true unless substantial evidence is produced by the accused in his own defence! It's so much easier for judges in the family court to decide against the husband rather than insist on proof! God help Oz if the SJW's get their way!

  7. 20 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    It's pretty obvious that, whatever it was called and whatever the Thai authorities thought or think (assuming they do), the annual declaration of income could not possibly be verified by ANY embassy even though you produce documents in support. Embassies are not a detective force. All ANY of them have ever done in reality is to witness YOUR signature on some form of affidavit or statutory declaration, with or without some supporting doco.


    If the Thais NOW want REAL proof of income, then demonstration of funds moving more or less regularly into Thailand will be the only way to do it, I should think. Whether those funds have to touch down in a Thai financial institution is an interesting question. In my case, since my large-scale movement of funds for house building ended 18 months ago, I almost invariably use BKK Bank atms to debit from my Australian accounts for daily living funds. These rarely go into my BKK Bank account - I just take the cash & run. When I'm in BKK, I use Citibank atms so no cash touches down in a Thai institution.


    But of course, I'm still bringing funds into Thailand & spending them here ...

    It only costs $22 to transfer funds from Oz to a Thai bank, the funds are transferred at the TT rate so is pretty fair! I've used the print of my statement for nearly 10 years when I've renewed my visa (retirement). the Oz embassy has always ruled that the stat dec they issue is useless in Thailand! It is only valid if used in Oz, that is why they don't bother to check on the veracity of any doco for the Thai govt.

  8. 10 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    It's interesting to read all those negative comments here.

    I wonder how many of the readers ever tried to live on 15k per month in Thailand. Or even 30k per month.

    Yes, it's somehow possible to survive on 15k, but that about it.


    I think teachers, and not only teachers, should get paid a decent salary to be able to live without problems.

    They shouldn't be "forced" to do a second job or borrow money to live a reasonable life.

    Agreed, although in every industry a newbi is always at the bottom of the pay scale! As she progresses up the ladder she will be able to borrow up to 3 million on very reasonable rates, her father and mother will have free medical and she could end up on 50-70K...not bad for Thailand. A good marriage is also on the cards as she is in a well regarded industry! 

  9. 4 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    A few weeks ago there was an article in The Australian talking to how the Trump tariff war with China and some other aggressive moves by Trump will damage the Oz dollar exchange rates, Oz GDP and cost of oil if not resolved in the near future. Cost of petrol in Oz is currently forecasted to cost AUD2.00 a litre by Xmas. AUD to Baht around 18 / 19 baht within a year. Hopefully incorrect, but...

    Crude oil and LPG are delivered from the NW shelf operators, who, held the WA government to ransom when they wrote the initial contracts. Why don't the voters of Oz hold their pollies to the fire and push them to change the pricing structure? Maybe the voters have the government they deserve?

  10. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Only if 'us' is non-white.

    They were grabbing African, Indian, Burmese, Cambodian, etc.

    On the Green Bus up from Chiang Mai to Burma, there's always two police stop and searches each way.

    They shout 'passports' as they enter then give all the non-Thais except me a hard time, search their bags, no interest in my passport or my bag, don't even make eye contact with me, but they often drag a Burmese or two off the bus. One of the few times a white face is handy in Thailand.

    Been there, done that, if you're quick one can even get a quick grin!!

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  11. On 9/26/2018 at 12:41 AM, janclaes47 said:

    Maybe you try to learn comprehensive reading, instead of making ASSumptions then, because I made my reasons clear that is was because "


    "My Thai wife always ask me when will my salary come"


    What that has to do with renting of property goes completely over my head.


    What I do understand is that many members in this thread, as usual when it concerns their 40 year younger spouse, live in denial.


    Until the day that they have to sign up under a new username with a first thread : my friend..........." 55555555555555555555555

    Gosh! is it "children's day" already?

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