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Posts posted by TPI

  1. It is ever thus! Bust them today, sell it back to them tomorrow....open as usual! This goes on and on everywhere in Thailand. It's a bit like the truck drivers wrapping a 50 baht note around a rock with a rubber band and throwing it of the truck window to distract the Hiway patrol! It's all just a game and the locals lap it up as it gives them something to talk about over their Lao cow!

  2. 4 hours ago, Lupatria said:

    The Japanese invasion of Thailand occurred on 8 December 1941. It was briefly fought between the Kingdom of Thailand and the Empire of Japan. Despite fierce fighting in Southern Thailand, the fighting lasted only five hours before ending in a ceasefire.


    In case anyone has a problem to call this a victory, with a version modernised with donations from our sponsors they could dress the statues in "Yellow Shirts" and rename it to: Victory over Thaksin Monument.  

    Lets not forget the 33 hours that the Air Force patriots in the South who fought almost to the last man and only surrended when they were ordered to by the quisling government in Bangkok!!

    • Thanks 1
  3. 19 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Accusations, accusations, and more accusations. Sounds like MeToo.

    How about some evidence?


    Post a couple of picture of her and let's look how many people will come forward with information about what she did in Thailand.

    And then please publish whatever people all this. Because accusations is all we need, it seems nobody cares about facts and evidence anymore.


    Hasn't she a DNA sample on her clothes? Hasn't she submitted them to Scotland Yard? What sort of proof do YOU need????

    • Confused 1
  4. 15 hours ago, smedly said:

    are women allowed to drive cars in your male dominated world, it's like something you might hear from the middle east - you can swing it whatever way you like but it is discrimination


    The stupidity of the uneducated  raises hits head again - it really is time this country gets rid of the buffoons and starts to put in place educated people 


    Lets do a roll call - how many people currently (or even in the past) running this country  have a university education...……………….……?



    All of them have a university education, that's the "kicker"! They have all received their higher education overseas but being true to their culture they promptly forgot everything the moment they arrived back in the LOS! 


    The only way that this wonderful country will survive will be to go down the same road, disgusting as it may be, as Cambodia in the 70's! IMMHO ?

  5. 7 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    "Therea May, what on earth are you doing ?  Why was a British warship ordered to sail close to the Paracel Islands ? Bearing in mind that Beijing claims ownership of the islands.  All you've done is annoyed Beijing. Did Washington say that they would be giving Britain a better trade deal if this provocative act was carried out ? I hope so. If Washington does not give a more favourable trade deal because of this act, then this means you have been silly and ridiculous."

    Britain needs a decent trade deal with China, especially after Brexit. Antagonising Beijing by sailing ships near any disputed islands claimed by Beijing, will not help the situation.

    Maybe the PM has a little hair on her chest? Casper Milktoasts' are always in a tizzy around sailors, perhaps, trade deals aside, some countries need to see that the UK still has some pride? 

    • Like 1
  6. Think about how jealous most of the RTP officers are about the positions that the women officers fill! They seem to be slightly more honest and definitely more conscientious, what's more important they quickly become aware of brother officers "playing around" and, being Thai women just can't help letting the "wife" know! Basically, they don't want to share their ill gotten gains with anyone without a dick!!


    Transgenders loom??  

  7. 1 hour ago, peterb17 said:

    A dichotomy- you will die from the pollution years before the effects of chia seeds , guinoa, paleo diet , clean eating etc etc kick in .

    What is with flax seeds ? 


    You have been sold total snake oil nonsense from the food industry- who can sell all these bogus products at a huge premium - profits are huge. 


    Its utter nonsense. 



    I don't think you understand the problem, if you are on the Keto diet (need to lose weight) then all wheat products are banned as are any vegetable that grow under ground! The diet encourages you to eat as much animal fat as possible, consider, better to put full fat cream in your coffee or butter rather than milk!


    More people die of being overweight than from eating non fattening food! ?

  8. 17 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

    Recommended reading, “Thai Fever”. Opposing pages referring to an issue with one page in Thai, one in English. One of the books to help introduce differences in cultural outlook.

    If you read the book before coming here you would not have come! They tried this in Phrae about 7 years ago....lasted about a week! Farang don't like to do things together!

  9. 4 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    Another smoking gun against the Donald in the high stakes effort....


    Trump and his criminally inclined minions are dumb as posts, not very good businessmen and even worse at political intrigue and international skullduggery.  But they are really, really smart in covering their tracks from an army of investigators, led by a highly experienced man like Mueller.  A man who used to eat gangsters and villains for breakfast, and has virtually unfettered authority to pursue any lead, however insignificant or unrelated it may be.


    Well, I'm glad he's cleaning up a few dodgy characters who probably had it coming anyway, so we can all feel good and morally justified in that.    As well as throwing down the gauntlet in front of the now suitably impressed Russians.  I'm sure the Chinese have sat up and taken notice as well.  Murica isn't to be messed with. 


    I wish The Don would quit using the "But, But, But.. Witch Hunt!" cliche though.







    Don't know where you got the evidence to make that assumption? A "smoking gun" against Trump because his lawyer is being checked out because he took loans from his own companies? I think you were being satirical and I missed it? ?

  10. 1 hour ago, wheelin said:

    This is a very difficult subect to discuss with foreigners who have diferent standard fo thinking. You have to think like local and have compassion.  Instead of condemning children muaythai, may be the know bests should make constructive recommendation how to make it safe for participants.

    Most of these child fighters have fighting heridity, a breed similar to Siamese fighting fish or fighting cocks. They live in their environment which outsiders will not easily comprehend.  Some of these even cry when the promoter cannot find a suitable match.  Of course crying child before a fight should not coerced to climb into the ring.

    True, every school has a Muay Thai team and all students male and female are encouraged to take part! Head protection and 1 minute rounds would go a long way to ensure minimal damage?

  11. 2 hours ago, dhind1 said:

    The trains are already full during the morning and evening rush hours. Until they add more carriages I do not see how anyone else will consider them a viable alternative. Both the sky train and the underground desperately need more carriages for the people who want to use them.

    I have waited for 3 or 4 trains before just trying to get on a train to then stand sandwiched like a sardine, The stations have capacity for more carriages, why are they not in use?

    Because when they initially ordered the trains they only ordered 3 carriages for each train, against all advice! Now they can't get new carriages for over 10 years as the world has geared up and the production lines are only so long!!

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