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Posts posted by TPI

  1. "Warat Phrueksakulnan, the director of Bureau of Scout Movement, Red Cross Youth and Student Affairs, said in an interview with Kom Chad Luek, that kissing the cheeks of a member of the opposite sex or embracing them is “inappropriate”". Said the man who has never kissed or embraced his mother, sister or daughter in public? 


    I don't know why these men ever left the Monkhood?

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, scorecard said:




    Ed. ministry should be focused on education and they have a lot of work to do!


    Perhaps they should conduct meaningful non-judgemental sex education?


    They should have a policy that sex is forbidden on school premises.


    End of story.





    Banning sex in schools? And then what are the teachers going to do in biology? What will the male teachers do with their "playthings"?

  3. 3 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Within 4 months an additional special prosecutor will be appointed and these FBI fascists will be indicted. Bet a beer at Hillary 1 on it.


    Im old enough to remember FBI abuses under Hoover. Im old enough to remember the CIA and FBI scandals of the 70s. Guys like Angleton....men who thought their positions made them a law unto themselves.


    What is sad is that folks let their hatred of Prez Trump obscure the deep institutional problems in the alphabet agencies. I remember a time when the press did more than just cheerlead for their favourite political position, like when they ferreted out real abuses and exposed them no matter whose ox was gored...

    I remember the scandals as well, the ability of those in positions of power in these "alphabet" organisations to abuse their positions is legendary, it would be nice if the pollies were not too corrupt to out these people but.....maybe in the next life?

    • Like 1
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  4. Hanging works every time! After all, all that is happening is the State taking revenge for the killing of a citizen! What's the problem? One would have to be crazy to honestly believe that the true reason for the death penalty is to serve to deter crime, it's obviously meant to clearly state the result of certain criminal actions!


    Of course some members of PETA will have a problem with that but....who cares?   

  5. On 8/7/2018 at 9:09 PM, ThreeEyedRaven said:

    Yes, its very difficult to stage a coup and kick out a democratically elected Government without a bunch of soldiers isn't it?

    Agreed, although a professional, well trained army would be less inclined to commit the crime of "Treason"! It follows that a professional well trained military must be also trained in "ethics" "honesty" and the "rule of law"?


    Next question! 

  6. 8 hours ago, Hank Gunn said:

    I don't want to speak for someone else, but I think CLW was being sarcastic regarding cannabis (i.e. alcohol and yaa ba use result in many problems and deaths, including acts of mayhem and violence as well as crashed vehicles). Meanwhile cannabis is still illegal and treated like ya ba from a criminal standpoint, yet is almost never the source of the problems associated with alcohol and other drugs.


    That was my take on his post at least.

    Mum will forgive him and take him back into the home, he'll be "humble" for about 2 weeks and then strike again!

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  7. 15 hours ago, Thian said:

    Do you think it was good for the image of BKK and Thailand that the whole world knew that on kao sarn road you can buy fake id's, presscards, university degree's, and probably everything else fake...It was just open on the corner of the street for loads of years...

    Yes! Of course, where else could you buy a "talking point" to show your friends back in civilisation? People come to the LOS because it's different, like Kings Cross in Sydney or any other sleezy part of town in any country! Think about how many people rely on the money that these tourists bring into the country....? Have you ever been to Kaow San road??

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