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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 12 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Silly boy, you proved our statements.  The point being that incumbent  governments never win per se,  and at best  get a status quo with the net results being a loss of seats. 

    Take a  look at the results.


    2007-2013: Labour Government; No wins for Labour. 3 Liberal holds, I national to Independent flip and 1 National hold.

    1996-2007: Liberal Government: Held 2, lost 1 , Labour held 4, lost 1 to the Greens. This means there was a cumulative loss to the sitting government.

    1991-1996: Labour Government: Labour lost 2, held 3, Liberals held 5. This means a cumulative loss of seats to the sitting government.


    Perhaps you are having problems understanding the concept of  elections?

    In some socialist utopias, they have their elections  efficiently arranged.

    In Oz, elections are only to change the guard, basically they are only trough feeders, in only to do the 11 years and get the pension...pretty sad really!

  2. 1 hour ago, wombat said:


    I don't think that's true? It was 1.75% of all tax money payed into the soc. sec. fund until 1972 when Whitlam decided he wanted the money to go to "the developers of a surfboard for lesbian surfers ($200,000)! He drained the fund and abolished all of the QUANGO's and absorbed their money as well to fund all of his SJW's dreams! "No problems" he said "we'll pay all pensions out of general revenue!" How do you think that turned out??

  3. 18 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    "Noppadol Nawaariya from Tak’s Phop Phra district, was wanted for rape, which is punishable by a minimum prison sentence of three years.":shock1:


    The 22-year-old Hmong woman drank pesticide on Saturday night :shock1:


    village headman had allegedly committed similar crimes before -– of raping and taking photos to blackmail other women :shock1:


    take this POS out back and shoot him twice in the back of the head.


    next case.




    Here here! I'll supply the ammo!

  4. 'merican politicos 5555555 How can 350 million keep getting it sooooo wrong? Your shenanigans have made the US a laughing stock...on both sides!


    The whole process is so blatantly corrupt, so closed to only the rich and corrupt it's a wonder that the whole system has not totally collapsed under its own weight? 


    Every management level of the  system seems to be corrupt! The people seem to be firmly planted in the system as drones, who, while they grumble sometimes, put up with status quo with barely a quiver?


    Did they put something in the water?  

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Aussieroaming said:

    RIP, cute or not she is a murderer. If she was a genuine victim of abuse she could have walked away and looked for help.

    Of course she should have gone to the police or to the fabled Thai support organisations or shouted out on twitter........sure! You've been around, you should know better than to make such as asinine comments, especially if you live in Thailand! Besides, where's the weakness in her story??

  6. 11 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Idiotic comment. Rape is a criminal assault. Advocating criminal assaults is indicative of  a someone with no moral values and no understanding of the concept of right and wrong. The justice system is not there to torture or to inflict criminal assaults. Keep your perverted violent homosexual fetish fantasies to yourself. Rape is wrong, no matter who suffers it.

    Perhaps he "mis-spoke"??

  7. 19 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    Kosan Rd needs to be left alone, even though it is not my cup of tea.


    Sorry I fully disagree with you. The circus needs to stay and hermits need to stay in their shells. I visit Nana several times a year, go there sit to drink beer and watch all the freaks walking around. I have taken many o people visiting from the US business and tourists and they all love it. I have been enjoying that area and place for over 26+ years now. So, if you live in that vicinity or stay when you are on holiday coming here, then I suggest pick a nice quiet dull area to go to and stop picking on a sanctuary area.

    Absolutely! Kow San Road has an identity all of its own. Like Bugi Street in Singapore, locals and tourists love the interaction and the chaos between vendors and customers. In Singapore the area died when they moved everything to Geylang, what do they hope to achieve in Kow San Road? It's easy enough to organise a clear path through mobile vendors!

  8. 17 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    I dont regret coming here but I have no intention of staying here forever. I dont like the weather for a start, and I dont like the dishonesty and greed either.

    It would be a very sad planet if Thailand was the best place on it.

    I echo your sentiments although the weather is ok! I always intended to retire in Vietnam but thought I'd check out Thailand first......well one thing leads to another and now I've been here for 19 years.


    There is always the future? Vietnamese men are generally "straight up" and women don't play the "no, I can't do that because it's against my culture" game!


    Vietnamese women will look you in the eye and tell you how they feel! What a change!


    Vietnamese men can be similar to Thai men but generally will, again, look you in the eye when they lie to you!


    In V.N. If the Courts find you guilty of fraudulently or corruptly stealing more than $30,000 they put a bullet in the back of your head!

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, sirocco said:



    only the ring and cover are guaranteed 100% aluminum.
    For some parts or objects,
    must be sustainable and solid.
    (Eg chair for motor handicapped)

    But the can can be recycled in various ways and more and more we have done in aluminum.

    In an investigation in Oz they found that the collection and delivery to Alcoa of aluminium cans were in fact sent to land fill as it's too expensive to recycle the cans, it's cheaper to use raw material!

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