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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 2 hours ago, connda said:

    Yeah, I agree.  My fellow Americans can be denser that a pallet of hammers.  But!  I'm sure I could go on to the streets a major city in the UK and make a video showing that Brits are equally clueless.  Actually, if you want to see the master of this type of man-on-the-street impromptu interviews with 'stupid people' then check out videos by Mark Dice.  With that said, I could answer every question posed by the interviewer and if I had the chance, I would have fired back questions that would have left him bumbling.  Clueless people are clueless.  Informed people are informed.  It has zero/zip/nada to do with where your home country is located.  

    Oh, well said that man! Most Ozies would fit that profile as well! :wai:

  2. 10 hours ago, Fulwell53 said:

    No you were clearly blaming thais for ' Believing in inequality ' and that it is the basis of all interaction'.

    Were it not for people on here being so sensitive I would suggest your post was the epitome of racial stereotyping. But I wont.

    I See so many threads and posts on this forum that attribute the very worst of human traits on ALL thais . They are a disgrace and clearly the view of those that havent done a skerrick of research or who rarely interact ( above the superficial) with normal thai people. But everyone is entitled to an opinion regardless of how they come about it despite no evidence.

    BTW not all thai people work in go go bars or drive motorcycle taxis. Truly.

    Now brother this what he meant.....Obviously you haven't been here long, this isn't a critisism merely an observation. The Thai people have never recovered from the coup of 1932, they still cling to "Kreng Jai" which doesn't mean "consideration", it means bowing down to a person or thing that will probably be socially superior to you, the individual. The Thai's had earlier invented a kind of aristocracy by the use of a system called "Sakdina", this system, which was outlawed in 1932 but was conviently never removed, Instructed all Thai's as to their place in the world, it was said that Thai's would be happier if they had a number stamped on their forehead when they were born so that they would automatically know who was superior to the them when they met others. It also put in place a system where some people were above the law, poo yai's if you will, Generals, Admirals, high ranking Police, members of the "elite" , basically anyone who, via patronage, could give you a social or economic "leg up"


    Thai's have never, ever believed in "Equality" the very concept is Western and alien to their society. You should have left your Western notions of democracy and fairness at the airport when you arrived on your "Angel Wings"!!! :smile::wai: 

  3. On 5/5/2560 at 0:06 PM, jaltsc said:

    "While he noted that causes of cancer vary, Thais’ love of “pla ra” or raw fish used in somtam, as well as other undercooked foods are responsible for increased rates of worm infections, which can lead to liver cancer."


    At best, he is illustrating an association, but not a cause and effect scenario.  Considering all the other unhealthy habits and environmental conditions associated with Thai lifestyle (High sodium and Sugar intake, High consumption of reused oil, use of agricultural sprays which have been banned in western nations, tobacco use, lack of adequate exercise, etc.) I find it unrealistic to blame one isolated micro factor. Perhaps further scientific research might isolate the main causes. However, I doubt many can effectively argue that an immediate reduction in the consumption of of the foods containing the elements mentioned above, better regulation of agricultural products, more exercise, etc. would not benefit many Thais. Sometimes common sense is the first step, especially when there are minimal negative side effects associated with those changes in lifestyle. 

    While "pla ra" and "nam poo" are among the most inedible Thai foods, which on the whole is pretty good if home cooked, have you ever tried to convince a Thai that Vegemite or Marmite are good healthy foods or that "blue vein cheese" is proper food?? :smile::wai:

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  4. On 1/5/2560 at 7:30 AM, darksidedog said:

    Clearly these people always assumed that because of their position they would never be prosecuted. The cops don't know what to do, because every person they arrest will increase the likelihood of them being implicated when someone starts to sing.

    The provincial goverments in this country are incapable of regulating themselves, like little boys in a candy store they "pig" out until an adult stops them,,,,,,,but in this case who or what is the adult? The people expected to protect the innocent are the main perp's!!!!!  :post-4641-1156693976::wai:

  5. 2 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

    Breath testing is not a measure of a police state. I suppose you don't agree with seat belts or helmets either on the same logic.  Drunk hiso women and stupid Farang TVF posters.  Should be a new law against both of them.

    What people don't agree with is making everybody obey laws that are made to keep very stupid people safe and to hell withe rest of us!


    Smart people don't need laws to be safe!


    Stupid people do.


    The laws on selection of the fittest soon sort out who is smart and who is stupid.  :smile::wai:

  6. What can you say? Spot on, the Somchai's in the police and transport dept really don't give a fig for their own citizens, so long as I'm all right "JacK" we'll continue to play the game, blame everyone except yourself, and merryly slide across the road instead making a turn into your house, not look when pulling out or doing a 'U' turn and so it goes on....so long as "they" don't kill or injure me or mine they can fill their boots!!!  :sad::wai:

  7. 6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Its a start in the right direction, but before you go on suggesting that they hit farmers and labourers and the hike hard, mate, have you ever lived in the bush, these people are doing it hard enough and your suggestion to hit them even harder goes to show your lack of empathy.


    Education is the key, as the report said, initially 100 baht fine so as to get the message out there, these people have limited incomes I see their struggle daily, they will conform, everything takes time, but for your information, most don't own cars where I come from, hence the reason most are in the back of pick up trucks, as for the labourers, well hit the source between the eyes, i.e. the driver because he is getting paid for the shuttle isn't he, the labourer just wants to make a quid and the only way he is going to make that is to be at the pick up point.


    I applaud the Thai government for finally taking the stance and trying to bring their people in line with most of the rest of the world, just hope their force keeps it going, because I know one thing, after Songkran they will want to take a break because they will have been very very busy, I hope spreading the word and saving lives.

    Well, in Oz Aboriginals are allowed to ride in the back of pickups because there's no other way for them to travel any distance!  what bizarre mental gymnastics brought about this idea? Thailand is a 3rd world country tring like crazy tobe a 2nd world country.....put a transport infrastructure that makes PU riding redundent and no problems!! :wai:

  8. 1 hour ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    Sorry why are you tired, they started in the morning just about 2 hours before sunrise ? If it was from 7pm through the night I can understand. What is wrong with loving your country ? If you have left before and are just back it maybe a good idea to leave because you will not change Thai's and their ways. You either love them and stay, not love them but accept their ways and stay or don't accept their ways and their right to have their own ways and you stay but complain everyday or you leave. For your and our health I suggest you either adjust your attitude or move in with the Filipino's.

    It has nothing to do with "love of country", we are all aware that some Thai's have an IQ lower than their shoe size, these are the morons that blast away on the beat boxes, Abusing a person because of their nationality is called racism and banned in most civilised countries! It would appear that you agree with "racism" is that why you left Oz?? :wai:

  9. 10 hours ago, animalmagic said:

    I agree that the blue pickup was driving in an irresponsible manner, however the taxi driver did not appear to make any attempt to ensure the lane was clear before moving from his own lane to join the highway.  It is the responsibility of the driver joining the highway to ensure that they can do so safely and without endangering other vehicles travelling at higher speed than themselves.  From simple observation the taxi appears t simply pull into the next lane to the right as quickly as possible before the end of the feeder lane.

    Under Thai road law all vehicles must give way to merging traffic, therefore the blue pickup was wrong on every count!!!! :wai:

  10. 9 hours ago, Sumarianson said:

    Already I have refused to pay the prices of some bars in central Bangkok. As a tourist, I would agree with some comments relating to the tourists taking the Thai more than 20% of GDP to Cambodia as it is a more interesting culture with an older history while harrowing in it's recent past. This Junta need to be careful they do not rattle peoples cages too much. 2 friends of mine who have been coming regularly to Pattaya for many years are so preturbed by the level of violence in Pattya and the talk of a crackdown on the red light district; Which is the reason they come to Thailand.
    They have no interest in what has been touted as " beautiful Thailand" this place is hot, humid and sticky. The canals stink and you cannot bathe in a river or a lake, Fukashima is dealing with the seas.
    There are really beautiful and historic places closer to Europe than Thailand which are cheap. Turkey being one. A clean and beautiful land and people. Any foreigner can buy a house there and own it without the protectionist, unjust and raciest laws which are in Thailand. If Thailand loses it's tourism trade I will be the first to say horray. Beer and food are cheap also!
    No sex trade needed. The heat is bearable as the moisture is less so less humid.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

    But then you would have to not learn another language, and you can't convince me that Turkish women are as beautiful as most Thai women!!

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