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Posts posted by TPI

  1. I bought a "SonicLT" nearly 4 years ago and have never regretted the decision. Manual transmission works really well, although with 4 up and the A/c going flat chat you have to work 3rd and 2nd gear on some hills! With the A/c off and just with two people it goes like a little rocket, as good as some V8's I've owned!

    It was a slug when I first bought it, ate petrol and had firm thoughts of setting it on fire for the insurance! Chev came out with a new chip and WOW! what a difference! THB 600,000 is a good deal! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  2. The long gun at the top of the OP picture is unusual and deadly. It's a 12ga shotgun, but with a fully rifled barrel and rifle sights. The first giveaway are the rifle sights, not usually found on a shotgun. The second giveaway is the rifle length barrel. It's designed to shoot only slugs, and in particular a sabot slug. It's a big game gun, accurate to about 200 yards/meters and really packs a wallop. Imagine a slug "bullet" the size of a 12ga barrel.

    I have one of those but mine is a Remington. Don't know what that one is. I bought mine for fishing in Alaska where we very often encounter grizzly bears fishing in the same river we do. I've never been threatened by a grizzly and they are fascinating to watch, but the gun is just in case because they are unpredictable. It would knock even a big griz right onto its butt.

    That's also an excellent elephant or tiger gun... sad.png


    You'd have to be pretty close for it to work on big bears and elephants! Although they'll all be found to be properly registered and the owners licenced........yesterday!

  3. Republicans say leave until after next election so "the people can have a say in this". May I point out that the people already had a say in this when they elected, then re-elected Obama? Obama isn't running again, so can't be accused of pandering to specific groups. Whoever gets in after next election couldn't be in that position. Republicans are being fully exposed regarding their willingness to impair or cripple one branch of government for their own political ends (in case anyone hasn't noticed that before).

    Personally, I would love to see Obama nominate Colin Powell... moderate, has integrity and common sense (rare these days). How would Republicans rationalize turning that choice down? "But..... but..... Obama!"?

    But! Wasn't Colin shown to be a cheney flunky? It would be different if he has grown a pair, tho it would serve the GOP right to have to obstruct one of their own?? Som nom na! smile.pngfacepalm.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

  4. An order for 150,000 pistols sig sauer p320 @ 18,000 baht a gun = 270000000 baht ,

    a policy of no hand in service pistol you have now , then no new one given,

    scrutiny by independent ,verifiable and accountable issuer.

    when you consider technology with stun guns and tasers and strobe lights as an effective tool one wonders why we need more guns in todays society period.

    Those deterrents aren't used against guns. They are used against unruly and otherwise dangerous people to subdue them physically.

    If a guy is threatening you with a gun...

    "Never bring a stun gun to a gunfight."


    thats the point remove all the guns , none needed anymore,

    Damn it, I really really don't want to try any drugs you're using! People use whatever is to hand, God you're a worry!! biggrin.pngcheesy.gifcheesy.gifblink.pngwai.gif

  5. No need for hand guns, they are only designed for 1 reason .... and that isn't hunting Tigers or Buffalo.....

    I can't see the police being happy with a .600 nitro express double rifle, isn't that what you meant? Actually batons, handcuffs and pistols are meant to protect the police officer from the evil intents of the criminal, as per OHAS, what did you think they were for?? smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  6. An order for 150,000 pistols sig sauer p320 @ 18,000 baht a gun = 270000000 baht ,

    a policy of no hand in service pistol you have now , then no new one given,

    scrutiny by independent ,verifiable and accountable issuer.

    when you consider technology with stun guns and tasers and strobe lights as an effective tool one wonders why we need more guns in todays society period.

    So Mr leeneeds, non violent solutions to violent situations? Interesting! I'll come at you with a parang with deadly intent and you can play your strobe light and even shoot me with the taser and hold our your stun gun......but your wife will be a widow! Where have you ever seen these electronic devices work better than a well placed shot by a well trained policeman? Dreamer! facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

  7. Ok, now the secrete is out that Thailand is a mecca for sex tourism... what a shame, and I thought I was

    the only one to know about it... millions of horney guys are making a beeline to this country sex spots

    to indulge in each to his own sensual preferences, and seem that the feds have been in a deep sleep

    to something that is known world wide.....

    Yes but the issue in this case is not a bit of 'compensated' horizontal folk dancing, rather the age of the alleged victims: 9 to 15. Not a nice man if it's true.

    What an idiot....9 - 15 when he could have had grown men who are about the same size! Not saying it's right, just saying! facepalm.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

  8. correcting headline: The Euro - could it's days be numbered?

    It's is the contracted form of 'it has' or 'it is'. Its is the possessive form of it, meaning 'of it'. This is possibly why the difference between it's and its causes so many problems. Its, without an apostrophe, is a possessive form, where an apostrophe is usually required. It is similar to words like his and hers, neither of which needs an apostrophe.

    So the headline is correct

    Wood duck! The headline was refering to the note not the currency! biggrin.pngwhistling.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

  9. confused? indeed as am I 'beneficial to the nation'? at last the truth comes out and it's obvious to all that she did what she thought was right (but it turned out badly as do many decisions by governments around the world)

    but then 'potentially fraudulent'? everything is 'potentially fraudulent' but I'm pretty sure she will be found innocent of fraud claims and some TVF posters will look pretty dumb

    good news for her anyway

    There is no way this was 'beneficial to the nation' - it was a cynical ploy by Thaksin to woo the rural voters and to drum up more of his ruinous populism. Setting up a scam like this, where there was reported corruption from top to bottom, paying 100% over the world market value for rice is not 'beneficial to the nation'. This was politics, pure and simple, bad politics at that. The Thai Finance Ministry stated the scheme lost $15.8 billion - now how is that a benefit? When deputy auditor-general Ms Prapee Angkinanda blew the whistle on the rampant corruption, she was attacked by the Yingluck government.

    ahhh Thaksin cheesy.gif

    Ah, Mr Lanaguy, how I've missed you......how was your trip to Dubai? Profitable was it?

    Obviously the "fix" is in, the securities have changed hands and all is well with the world again! Don't you just love the LOS? facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  10. O-NET test to difficult, A-NET test to difficult. Hmmm, have they ever stopped to think for a moment that maybe the students are just not that bright. How can they be with a ridiculous no fail policy.

    O-Net is a BS exam and therefore can be difficult. Answer this question if you're so smart:

    Near my house there is a... A) river cool.png mountain C) lake D) beach

    The correct answer is A) river. Why? Well, because the examiner decided so. The other 3 are clearly wrong, because...well just because, damnit wink.png

    It's sad isn't it! That is exactly how they set and mark the exams, there's no re-hash of the exam by the teacher or students, it's just plow on! facepalm.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

  11. easy target - some elderly falang out walking the dog, what next ? a police raid on a group of harmless innocent pensioners playing a game of Bridge.........oooops

    well it's all good in the land of ?

    Exactly, let's not pick on anyone young enough to resist and kick the shit out of us.

    Unfortunately in such a senario any witnesses would likely say it was the youths who were attacked first.

    Are you out of your mind, paranoid or what?

    Almost always witnesses in such a scenario would not say what you write. How long have you bee in Pattaya, 3 weeks?

    I've lived in Udon for 30 years - please don't judge it by your experience in some tourist hovel.

    Please allow me to disagree! I'm sure the fine people of Udon would never do such a thing, the people in the rest of LOS will absolutely point the finger at the farang if it involves one of their "b'loved sons" ! Are you blind to the spoilt, selfish little cretins that start their antics in kindergarden and continue to "adulthood"? They will steal, lie and beat up anybody with the cheek to question their actions!

    I suppose you can guess that I really don't like what passes for "Men" in this country! sad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

  12. Trying to imagine the thought process on the part of the Department of Public Administration officials who instigated this foolishness, I am at a loss for any reasonable purpose.

    I don't subscribe to the 5000 baht x 32 theory, nor even to the gambling theory. Someone with a grudge? Against one player, or foreigners in general? A grudge large enough to be willing to fall on his own sword, as there will certainly be consequences for this...

    Maybe just a part of the general trend of escalating harassment?

    I don't know, but the more I think about it, the angrier I get. Jeezus, pick on someone who can defend themselves...

    Thai cvnts.

    Sometimes all you can do is just shake your head! One would think that a certain amount of survailence should/would have been carried out, surely?? Tho cvnts are useful? tongue.pngclap2.gifcheesy.gifsad.pngwai.gif

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