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Posts posted by TPI

  1. I was there 3 weeks ago 30 rounds of 9mm Bt 1500.00 remember to take a friend with you as your not allowed to shoot alone, too many suicides at least 2 as I recall. Price included target and gun hire and assistant come range master to assist and supervise. .38 and 44 were a bit more expensive.

    Regards BW.

    Sounds like fun, Phrae has one open to the public, 25 and 50 meter! wai.gif No pistol/rifle hire although a good range of ammunition!thumbsup.gif

  2. Someone enlighten me why this went, guessing social media (referring to "online") and not directly to the police station instead? The way I'm reading the article, it would indicate that and no mentioning of "went to the police first, nothing has happened and went online afterwards to get it's due punishment".

    It does, however, read that it isn't his first out of the line action and just adding a pathetic 500B fine on that seems too low to call it even.

    Also, why didn't the student file a complain with the police? By the video footage she may not have been aware of it, but since she will have been shown the footage afterwards....why not? This just feeds right into the hands of those that can and will blow things out of proportion...I'm looking at you feminism and your obsession for the patriarchy.

    What? The man invaded her privacy! It's like he bored a hole into her bathroom for the perve (not that Thai fathers, brothers or uncles don't do that anyway!)! A small point....an officer of the National Police was filmed breaking the law.......and he\s still in the job??? sad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

  3. where is the road base, all they have done is rolled the dirt/sand and layed the bitumen over the top, no wonder it has collapsed. This is the problem with all the thai roads, they do not use the proper sub structures before laying the surface material, they allow for it to be done properly but by the time everyone takes their cut they can only do a half ar*ed job so the roads break up/collapse. This will not stop happening until the corrupt practices by those in charge stop, they need to have responsibility all the way down and sampling/inspections done and passed on the construction process and payment only given when the work is passed as being correct.


  4. This guy is in big trouble. He will now face a long prison term with 'no suspension'. The kind where you don't actually go to prison.

    He will also be fined nearly 100k for stealing 600 million and be put under pressure to quit his job.

    Punishment will be served.

    I think your punishment is quite severe, I don't think he'll be pressured to quit his job as he's the only one who knows where the cheque book is! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif

  5. This morning's channel 3 news already had his co-anchor presenter (Bike) take up his anchor chair and seemed to be fully in control. She is very competent to carry on, and much more credible than he is. No problem.

    At least she'll get more to say than just 'ka' now.

    I hope she'll be getting more than THB 5000 an episode? Strange accounting, pay 5K an episode but charge 200K a minute for overtime ads!! facepalm.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  6. Free Health Care??? No such thing Someone Has to Pay!!

    In Americe we pay $350+per month for health insurance so

    It doesn't break us.....you can't afford to retire and live in

    Your own Country because of low pensions and high taxes

    For all these FREE things

    Not quite correct, it's free to the extent that everyone pays a little. In Australia it's 1-1/2 % (Medicare) if that's what $350 a month is in the US, well good luck to you! Once you retire in Europe and/or Oz that is the end of your Medicare payments and the end of tax payments (If you're on the the government pension as most working people are.).

    The good folk in the US have allowed the old Dutch "Yankie" attitude of "if you can't afford to look after youself then bad luck to you" "work harder!" to rule their lives, what they are not allowed to see is that the rest of the world has realised that a happy worker is a good worker!

    The American system would rather see the worker poor and with no future so that they're concentrating on staying alive rather than looking forward to the rightful reward of all their labours!

    Sorry America, you've allowed the cancer of money politics because you weren't interested, now you're paying the price!! sad.pngwai.gif

  7. Well, it's all very well for Oz to spend the money on defence but! If they're going to spend it the way they built the Collins class subs (80% of the money paid before the first keel was laid!) or the way they built and manned the Huen class mine destroyers (read badly built tug boats) or God save us, the shmozzle with the JORN radar (that should have caught the signal of MH370 from Malasia to when it ditched.....but didn't?)! And lets not talk at all about the fiasco of the Tobruk class rust buckets!

    Now it's the F35!

    Interoperaterbility (whew) might be a good thing but what will happen if the US decides that ANZUS is not worth the candle against say......Indonesia? The reason the Indo's were polite to Oz for all of those years is because they thought we had the "bomb"! They couldn't believe that we had the best delivery system in the world for "the bomb" (F111's) and didn't have any!!!!

    So now, with all of this high tech gear when are we going to invade New Zealand? It's going to be the only country we can beat any time soon!

  8. It appears to me that he had an exercise book in his hand! Now I know that some of you have been brought up in a non-violent household where the harshest action was for your parents to look "disappointed" with a slow shake of the head?

    In the real world, where the majority of people worked really hard to make ends meet, the occasional "flick", smack or kick up the bum (if you were really stupid) disappeared from memory in under 10 minutes!

    Anyone who has tried to teach M2 or M3 or get them to do homework (gasp!!) will understand the angst this teacher is feeling.....If you are going to rage, then rage against the system that creates such poor students!! I hate myself for saying that but sometimes the teacher does their best and it's like whistling in the wind!!!


    I take back my support for this teacher. I've just had a chance to see the video! Rsole! Look like hill tribe?? Couldn't get his perve on more like it! A pox on his house!!! bah.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  9. It appears to me that he had an exercise book in his hand! Now I know that some of you have been brought up in a non-violent household where the harshest action was for your parents to look "disappointed" with a slow shake of the head?

    In the real world, where the majority of people worked really hard to make ends meet, the occasional "flick", smack or kick up the bum (if you were really stupid) disappeared from memory in under 10 minutes!

    Anyone who has tried to teach M2 or M3 or get them to do homework (gasp!!) will understand the angst this teacher is feeling.....If you are going to rage, then rage against the system that creates such poor students!! I hate myself for saying that but sometimes the teacher does their best and it's like whistling in the wind!!!


  10. So you approve of girls being subjected to unwanted sexual contact by their male peers?

    I agree with you if you're talking about adults or late teens. If you're talking about kindergarden, primary or junior high then I think you're showing your inexperience in life! Up to 17 years of age girls are generally stronger and faster that boys their own age! That said, while there is a lot of squealing and rough play girls will usually give short shift to any boy that totally oversteps the mark, if not then then later with a couple of girl friends!

    As told to me by both of my adult daughters! smile.pngwink.pngwai.gif

  11. Sad to see that the proliferations of scumbags pedophiles are everywhere, even in a country with a rich traditions of good manners and education.... and even sadder that most of those acts remain unreported and thus by default encourages the culprits to continue with their dislikable acts....

    Nonsense! School children are remarkable in that adult measurements of guilt and remorse are non existant! Good thing it's so, imagine all of the guilt you would be carrying if you remembered or really even cared about all of the semi innocent things you got up to in school!!

    Suicide would be the only option? biggrin.pngfacepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  12. The name was the millstone around his neck nobody wanted a repeat performance. As Trump often stated 9/11 occurred on his brothers watch and a lot more besides.

    exactly !!

    i hope trump wins, only because i can see he cares about his country, he has vision, he is allready a self made billionaire and if anyone can turn this mess around i think trump is the only one.

    But aren't these the same things that persuaded us to back Taksin? And look where that landed all of us!! Years later and the whole country is still paying for that error of judgement!! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  13. I've seen Japanese and Koreans throw 5 times as many 20 Baht notes at the gogo bas on walking street in one hit.

    Once a Jap bloke threw a whole wad but the furl of notes didn't unfurl themselves and the whole bunch landed in my lap across the dance floor. Probably 50 notes. I had great fun dispensing them to the girls - Jap bloke looking very inscrutable across the room. blink.png

    A Kiwi guy calling a Japanese guy a Jap. Why am I not surprised? Kiwis are one of the most racist, culturally insensitive people on the planet. NZ is a backwater sh*thole in the middle of nowhere.

    True, very true but mean! We are supposed to ignore the racism in the "shaky isles"! smile.pngwink.pngwai.gif

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