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Posts posted by TPI

  1. The Thai Mafia ia alowed with no fear of police involvement to rape rob and murder visitors on a daily basis. It happens several times a day in this country. But when a foriegner tetaliates they are mafia. Thats such bullshit, If this crome was actually investigated by police and the perpatrator was Thai aw 500 thb fine or nothing at all. So sick of this place. Im out. Cant stand this anymore....

    Bye! thumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

  2. Why bother to hide your pump and sprays? Any Thai or dog that sees them won't understand it's purpose nor will they care if they do, get yourself a "bilge" pump from any marine supplier, coupled with a 10-20 litre tank filled with a vinegar/ chilli mix.....yes, it'll hurt the dogs for a while but they'll remember!! So will their owners! wink.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  3. I have stopped a long time ago, giving any sort of credibility to officially published statistics..

    Thailand had a tremendous head start by not getting involved in WW2, including the Vietnam War while the rest of S/E Asia was laid to waist.

    My frequent travels through S/E indicate that people try to learn from Falangs (regardless if they were part of former Farang Colonial Rulers or oppressors)


    Visit Cambodia today: (for example) Kids on the street want to talk to you with their limited English, just eager to learn..

    As opposed to Thailand: In Thailand they prefer to swing in their hammocks (the young Females). The young unemployed males prefer to thunder with their Motorbikes thru the village, hoping to get a girl pregnant.

    Thailand is on the way. Upward or downward. To me the answer is clear




    It strikes me that most of the Thai young adults want to get into work, any work! There is no loose money about and the only way to really get it, is to work. The problem seems to be that the general population missed the boat when they were let down by the education department...they're poorly trained, have very few urban life skills and don't seem to have the capacity to lift themselves out of their present lifestyle by their "boot straps"!

    All the girls want to get into their own apartments and all of the boys want to avoid the draft! That's the limit of their dreams! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  4. Know the problem....if you're in an apartment then there is not much you can do! If in a house, loosen a screw in the back of the steel frame of every appliance and connect them all to a length of speaker wire (insulated or un-insulated) run the wire out through your insect screen into the garden, tie or wrap the wire around a metal coat hanger, making sure of a good connection, and bury the coat hanger.

    Give your appliance a touch test, no tingle, you're away.......tingle! Pour some water on where you buried the coat hanger and test again!

    Your laptop should have a earth point on the chassis somewhere it will look something like this (--IIii)

    Oooops! Just realised that you're on the first (second) floor, you only need another 20' of wire, out the window, look for a crack near the wall, tie the wire to a broken(new) hacksaw blade, table knife etc and, with the wire around the knife push it as far as you can into the crack...water if neccessary !

    Chok deesmile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  5. Japan Maritine Self-Defense Force (navy) is much smaller in total tonnage than is the PLA Navy (PLAN), yet the assessment of the US Naval War College is that in a full scale war, Japan would at the least fight the PLAN to a standstill. And that if Japan rose to the occasion of using brilliant strategy focused on positioning and deployment (formally called Order of Battle), as its commanders are capable of accomplishing with their quality ships and crews, Japan could defeat the CCP Chinese in their near seas.

    Japan moreover with US Navy control the Miyako Strait between Okinawa where 30,000 US forces are based and the Ryukyu Island chain to Taiwan. The strait is the only direct route PLAN have to the open seas of the Pacific. With this strait closed off to the PLAN, its entire naval force to include submarines is trapped in its near coastal waters. This would make the entire PLAN a sitting duck for US Naval and Air Forces in the Pacific. This includes the small confines of the South China Sea as an alternative route to waters only slightly more away from the CCP (south) coastal areas.

    Beyond the US and Japan, there are the allied naval forces in the immediate region to be deployed against a warmaking PLAN. Taiwan is not openly discussed because of the sensitivities of the Taipei-Beijing relationship. Taiwan has formidable air and sea defenses against CCP missile or waterborne assault or attack. It has significant cyberwarfare capabilities and close-in intelligence gathering of the CCP that are never publicly discussed. The island country has its own navy and coast guard forces which are obvious and well known.

    Australia and New Zealand are formal defense treaty allies with the United States. Add their skilled, trained, well led and equipped naval and air forces to the mix. Indonesia whose SCS island group of Natuna are in the sights of the CCP late last year doubled its naval presence at the islands off Brunei and Singapore to 40 warships. Singapore which hosts USN aircraft carriers and recon planes has its own small but highly skilled, competent and formidable naval and air forces. South Korea has significant and powerful armed forces to check North Korea and the CCP north of the Miyako Strait as well as to reinforce Taiwan.

    India is no longer trying to be tolerant or polite to the CCP. Recently elected PM Modi has signed strategic defense agreements with Japan, Australia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, United States. As its recent "Move East" policy, India recently completed new large naval and air force facilities in the Andaman islands at the northern end of the Malacca Strait.

    SecDef Ashton Carter has initiated new interoperability between the 7th Fleet of the western Pacific together with the 3rd Fleet which operates in the eastern Pacific. Both fleet commanders in September visited Japan to participate in the annual review of the Maritime Self-Defense Force outside Tokyo Bay and to have strategy coordination conferences.

    PLAN would need to pull a rabbit out of a hat to break through the Miyako Strait into the open western Pacific where it would anyway be met by a line of US attack submarines and other US naval and air forces. The PLAN's ASW, which is anti-submarine warfare, is almost non-existent. PLAN is a sitting duck no matter what it tries to do.

    CCP has no allies and it has no friends in either war or peace and CCP knows it.

    Well thought out and very well written, thank you Sir!! smile.pngthumbsup.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  6. C'mon folks, why bother, the average Thai person couldn't give a rats A about AEC. The "Education system" just played games and didn't progress further than having their students remember the capital cities and even then only the brightest remembered!

    As was once said in a speech on one Xmas, "The Thai people should use their skills and talents to create a "subsistance society" so that they can live in peace and harmony with the world, neither being the best nor the worst, with a society that is comfortable within its own borders!

    Wise words from a wise man. smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  7. Ask yourself.."why did I come here?" Was it to bring civilization to the poor masses? It's very cheap to live here? It's a no hassle lifestyle? Or, was it because it is soooo comfortable here...the police don't do their job, a big plus if not obeying the rules is part of your lifestlye, you can speed whenever or wherever you like, you can buy a beer 24 hours a day, drugs a very available, working girls are just down the street, no-one cares what you do or how you live & best of all, the "do-gooders" leave you alone!

    So, the Thai's want to kill themselves on the roads, in the thousands, so what! It's their choice, it's also their choice not to do much about it......get used to it! "Som nom na" and "Mai pen rai" are major tenets of the society in this country, if they don't care why should you?? thumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

  8. Ditto! The real face of the LoS finally surfaces on TVF, I supposeclap2.gif

    Apparently the “white-skin” color obsession of Thai people, isn’t only restricted to Thai television.

    Not even one, indigenous “brown-skinned” Thai-girl represented in the group, and that’s the main reason why I no longer patronize Thai Airways. This is Thailand, not China!

    Even culturally divided Malaysia mandates that all ethnicities (Chinese, Indian & Malay) of Malaysia, be represented on every Malaysian Airlines international flight, consisting of both Flight-Deck techs (Pilots) and Flight Service Attendants.

    Tragically, the vast majority of the Thai population (brown-skinned people), many of whom are highly-educated people (even by U.S. standards), don’t have the remotest clue, to the extent of which the Thai power-elite has disenfranchised them, in their own country.

    Indeed, it is a true social tragedy, and the shame on Thailand.coffee1.gif

    Whew! I'm soooo glad you got that off your chest! Now go and have a Bex and a nice lie down! wink.pngwhistling.gifwai.gif

  9. He was an expert in asset freezing.

    Now he got freezed back.


    What is with the owner of the pink bently?

    Is he also unusually rich?

    Double freeze coming soon.

    Oh! Speed the day! I would almost pay money to be a fly on the wall of the interrogation of the owner of the car!! Along with members of the family and have it carried out by members of the Chilian Navy!! wink.pngthumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

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