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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Biggest load of rubbish ever read about Thai girls, amazing


    You can't have been reading this forum or in Thailand for long have you? Do a search for the bloke who claimed he got all his women/sex for 'free' via an online 'dating' site (can't remember his nickname now) but claimed he dumped one 'respectable' lass for sweating too much, even though he had no job here, nor any language skills. It got better as he was ridiculed into claiming to boff Coyote girls off NEP and reckoned they paid him for the honour.....(I kid you not) though I have a feeling it was probably wiped as things got silly on that one but it was golden.

    Stick around a while and you'll probably read far worse here; or you certainly will on some of the ridiculous Thai 'Blogs' around Cyberspace, especially that ludicrous Stickman nonsense....

    Better still, hit a few bars in 'seamier' parts of Thailand and you'll invariably come across some poorly dressed, skint, fat, sweating, reeking, overweight, bald headed bloke who will claim 'he never pays for it'...

    Dear Mr URdoomed, You've got to stop talking about me and sending my description on the internet, I can't keep up with the requests for my phone number!!!biggrin.pngwhistling.gifwai.gif

  2. Good grief, what did you expect? This is Asia, where the devil takes the hindmost! "Thai ethics" is an oxymoron, while some Thai women may rip you off every Thai man worth his salt will strip you to the bone! 50 years ago and old asia hand told me "never ever do business with a Thai", it seems as true today as it was then! facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  3. As sick and twisted as all this sounds, it will attract recruits. Why? Their target are disenfranchised men who are going nowhere with their lives. Truly powerless men with little to no future who cannot attract women. What better incentive than to offer these men a chance to be a part of something, give them power (to take lives), and a "sex slave" of their choosing. Sad but true. What I don't get is how some young women could be attracted to all this.

    But but but....

    It is their culture.

    We are not able to change it.

    And why would we have the right to change their culture.

    We are only euuuuh I mean, we are not even guests in their country.

    And if we don't like it, we don't have to go and live there.

    Does the above sound familiar to you Berkshire?

    And please if you reply do not go off topic and change the subject.

    The OP is not about terrorism in Europe.

    It is about THEIR rules in THEIR country.

    Damn! Where and when have I heard this before? Hmmm let me see! thumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  4. First the traders help YL robbing the country blind during the rice-scam, and now when the golden days are over, they get compensated by the junta !!

    Makes sense....................coffee1.gif

    Perhaps you can quote a case or two regarding rice traders helping YL robbed the country blind would be useful. No need for extra information regarding junta populist compensation which is very clear.

    Mr Loh, try reading some newspapers from say, the last 3 years!! giggle.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

  5. Screw the rice traders. How about getting that money to the farmers?

    Agreed, why give the rice traders money they are usually wealthy already it should go to the farmers.

    You mean the rice farmers who were "urged" not to grow extra crops but who did it anyway?

    Yeah. Those ones.

    So they could afford to eat and take care of their family.

    It's all fine and dandy "urging" them not to grow rice, but most are subsistence farmers - no rice = no food.

    Rice Traders. No rice = no new Mercedes or gold for the Mia Noi's.

    You see the difference?

    It's a wonder what strange planet some of those previous OP's come from? The rice traders are generally very very wealthy, why would they need financial support unless, of course, another group of people were also "rice traders"!!! wink.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  6. The full story says it's a Glock 12. I've never heard of one but... Surely it's either a model 26 (subcompact 9mm) or its brother the model 27 (40 S&W). With so much 9mm (NATO) ammo floating around in LOS I'd guess perhaps its a model 26.


    No, i think it's a hand gun

    All the Glock models mentioned are handguns. I don't think Glock even makes any rifles or smg's. And, 9mm NATO is a pistol cartridge but it is also used in smg's (sub-machine guns.) Neversure was surely right this time.

    yeah, very interesting but unlike some i don't get an erection thinking about hand guns.

    Then you don't know your're alive!! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

  7. You can forget about reasonable doubt. There is no jury. And if there was it would be all Thais and they would still ne found guilty

    One thing that is present and undeniable in in Thailand is Thais are Patriots. Absent in most western countries. In the regard they tend to stick together. The chance of any acquittal as miniscule at best...I dont think Thais really know what the letters DNA stand for

    Nonsense. Thais would see the flaws in this case as well as anyone else. You are being overtly negative of a nation based on your prejudices.

    Really! Boy, I want to live on your planet! clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgigglem.gifwai.gif

  8. No worries - on the basis of your post I've just gone online and invested thousands in a hand cream manufacturing company.

    Don't let me down!! whistling.gif

    Thanks for that! The "girl" looks a little suss??? whistling.gifclap2.gifwai2.gif

  9. Anything is possible but a decent sofa costs 200,000 in thailand never mind a house

    NOT talking about the furnishings of the house! Talking about building a house. And if you had ever built here in Thailand you would that its possible!

    Sorry folks, just can't see it...B 500K ok, the tiles and the drywall are pretty expensive and have to be bought new, if she's done it for 200K good on her although I wouldn't try around my way!! smile.pngwhistling.gifwai.gif

  10. what, pray tell are the supporters of slave labour doing, the governments that do nothing, the consumers who buy the products. Nothing would help Thailand rid themselves of this more effectively than a helping hand in the form of not using the goods by those that currently do.

    That is a very uninformed post - it ignores mny issues and the fact that the EU and other governments ARE doing quite a lot.......it's not just an open and shut case.

    The fact that slavery existits in any form in Thailand means that the govt of Thailand is not doing enough! The companies involved are breaking Thai and International law. Police and Military combined investigation of every complaint could happen in what, 14 days? Arrest the factory managers and then whoever is connected to the crime, charge them with "Treason against the State", put them in jail for 20 years, problems solved....sanctions by customers starting on the 1st of Jan, problem solved by the 31st of Jan!

    Anything less is active collusion in the crime and let the punishment fit the crime!! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

    It is an open and shut case!!

  11. It's hard to be positive about life in Thailand, the expats you meet have very little to do with locals and generally mix with other expats when they are out! Most expats seem to live within their homes or trusted haunts and never get involved with anything Thai!

    It's weird really, the only thing this country has going for it is, it's the cheapest country to live in in asia, that's it!! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  12. The amount of wealth and money that the rich have here in Thailand skews everything dramatically.

    1. Rich and connected people (incl civil servants, military, police) have info that others do not. Sometimes it is timing. Everybody knows when the road or BTS will be built but not when, etc.

    2. If you look at the largest prime real estate owner in the Kingdom you will see a class of people associated with it in various ways - name, business connections, schools, etc. The vast majority of rich people here do nothing but play around with their money. They deal in land and real estate rather than financial investments for many reasons pointed about above. Hide it, park it, no land tax and probably not one soon! NO PROPERTY TAX !!! You can sit on a piece of land in downtown Bangkok for decades and watch it increase in value. And it costs you NOTHING.

    3. The growing middle class are following the pattern of the Rich and are copying the model with condos. But this has much higher risks (and returns) and can be done with less capital. The people who buy off plan at 4 Seasons and then sell it before completion can make 25% or more return on 3 MB in 3 years. This kind of speculation keeps the stupid condo market expensive, but really so many stupid things affect condo prices.

    The Thais (certain ones) absolutely do know things we do not. What do you think will happen when the big change comes? They know things Thais don't know. And can do things others cannot. When you are above the law you can sell satellites or drive your Ferrari into a policeman and always buy your way out.

    How can any taxes change or justice be served when the law is controlled by the Rich?

    I think you may need to move to Melbourne soon, you are telling people things that "connected" people would rather "ordinary" people shouldn't know!! thumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  13. All those gun control laws and....... This.

    California has some pretty strict gun laws too.

    It ain't the gun that does the killing! No more than it was the knife that did the killing of that guy on Pahonyothin a few weeks ago over the Ipad, or that guy machete that killed that family recently, or the hoe that did the killing on Koh Tao, or the psycho that slit his girlfrinds throat on walking street, or the baseball bat that beat that biker to death recently in Pattaya, or........

    Not quite. Guns are fetishistic. Guns have persona. Guns have charisma. They are like a living thing in the pocket whispering "fire me". And Thais are animist.

    Mr DD, I think you've read too many novels! a handgun is a very heavy piece of metal that fits into a pocket badly, most Thai's have small hands so that on recoil the pistol can wobble all over the place...most people (victims) are "bushwacked" from only a foot or so, not much "marchismo" in that!! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

  14. Somebody skeeee reeewed up and is gonna pay. It's a shame about the guy's childhood possessions. It seems they at least could show enough respect to clear it of possessions and store them before demolition. The length of time the guy had with the house and the possessions can't be compensated for with anything but money (that's the law) and I expect it will be big.

    What a shame.

    Agreed. Also wonder what the real story is with the neighbours when you get comments like this -

    "The house was in terrible condition for a long time," next door neighbor Keylin Escobar said. "Nobody really lived in the house; the house was abandoned. Everyone who came over to visit, people always say, 'What's going on with this house?'"

    Wouldn't it be nice if their new neighbours were from Sudan or the Congo with Ph D's in medicine!! OMG!! What will my friends say!!! facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

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