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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Unfortunatly I had trouble finishing as I laughed so much I spilled my coffee! M6 students usually haven't traveled more than 5 kilometers from home and any question about aircraft , ships, or personal relationships will boggle the mind! Remember the only way to get any of these questions right is to guess "what was in the mind of the examiner!" And/or what drugs was he/she on at the time!! biggrin.pngcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  2. In what area are you looking to rent land? Pm me if you do not wish to make a public post

    It's more general interest. Gf's family has some land in Prachuap Province but it's already occupied with rubber.

    No money there! It seems that every farming scheme that comes up is only to benefit the people selling the seeds or saplings or whatever! Typical. facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  3. No disrespect to the deceased but is climbing over condo balconies at 39 floors high the best way to to go about gaining entry to your condo after forgetting or losing your keys.

    The guy was obviously a business man and therefore had access to money,why would you not stay in a cheap hotel for the night and or attempt to gain entry with the aid of the condo management or a lock smith.

    Extremely sad way to lose your life for the sake of opening a door,could have kicked the damn thing in and replaced it as a last resort.

    Suspect there is more to this than meets the eye as usual.


    Dear Mr Stoneyboy, I'm afraid you missunderstand the nature of a man who skydivers! 39 story.....so what! The man jumps out of perfectly good aircraft from 10-20 thousand feet! That's from 2-4 miles up! 400 feet would hold no fear for him! I'll bet he tried to deploy before he got to the ground! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif I salute him!

  4. I have a friend in the UK (dont we all) whose daughter married some DH of her own age, result catastrophe!

    They had two kids He left her as they do and at the worst possible time leaving her devastated and with the prospect of a hard existence bringing the two kids up.

    A couple of years down the road she met a man a lot older than her and bingo the best thing that happened to her and him.

    So yes it is possible to have a happy life with an older man.

    In any event you are only as old as you feel and the amount of old age, beer swilling, chain smoking 50 year olds propping the bars up in down town Pattaya are not indicative of Men of any age.

    Finally in my rant and because I am sick of young jealous immature upstarts talking BS about the values of older men with younger woman does it ever occur to them when bringing older men with young women into disrepute that getting older, remaining fit and healthy, having an healthy interest in , dare I say it a younger woman is a result perhaps of not just good luck but a healthy brain that has done its job in maintain a healthy body and mind

    When a nest builder (woman) looks around for a suitable mate in the West its for the biggest Phallus ( in other words pure eroticism ) with no thought of the future.

    When a nest builder (Woman looks around for a suitable mate in the East its for the future with all the Instinctive reactive process kicking in.

    Those Instinctive reactive processes are not too concerned with the size of the cock but the ability to build the best secure nest and bring home the bacon as it where to feed the family a situation IMO that an older man fills so much better than an "Hoppin youth"

    So eat your hearts out you jealous young ageist youths for you will always be at the back of the line behind the older more attractive men chasing the young ladies from Thailand.

    Now where is my flak jacket?

    Agreed! With two daughters in Oz, one in a relationship with a slightly younger man and being ripped off by him (but Dad, I love him!) The second with a much younger man (she 46 him 36) and really happy with the result! The Asian way is by far the best way, one of my daughters went for "love" the other for the breadwinner, I know which one is winning by a country mile!

    Young women here tell me that while the young men are more handsome the older men are more sincere, the younger men have yet to prove themselves while the older men have already done so!

    Of course, there is always the dicotomy of youth and vigor V's age and cunning but looking at over 50 years in asia I believe that the older man (45+) will always beat out the younger man!

    Asian women are not stupid (unlike their western counterparts) and as a rule go for the future not the present! IMMHO smile.pngwink.pngwai.gif

  5. Where was the pilot?

    The Captain of the ship is totally responsible for what happens to the ship. The Pilot is merely an expensive adviser and Navigator who takes no responsibility for the safety of the vessel whatsoever. When the Pilot boards the vessel the Captain hands over the 'Navigation' of the vessel to the Pilot.....but he does so at his own risk.


    And what happened here was they got themselves a pilot, someone who had been captaining his own ship for at least 2 years, been studying river Elbe for some 8 month, and had at least 5 years of experience as a pilot as things are run in Hamburg for that big a ship, but the rudder seems to have jammed.

    So the pilot had the captain run the thing aground in the northern part of the river where it will be no obstacle to shipping lanes in a controlled manner. Can't just stop a 160.000 behemoth, it will run for kilometers.

    They "parked it on the side-lane", so to speak".

    They are trying to wash out the silt underneath it with a specialized vessel, the only word in English I could dig up is "hydraulic erosion dredger", that's quite a mouthful. Should be OK within the week.

    Thanks for that info! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gifclap2.gif

  6. Man, I can't stand this woman.

    Come on, at least admit she did wonders for Libya. She could bring that kind of order and happiness to the American peoples, wouldn't that be just wonderful.

    Gosh! Wouldn't that be wonderful! It would create all that work and boost the economy, what with gun sales, ammunition, body armour, armoured police cars etc. The housing sector would boom as they'd need all those new homes (to replace the ones burnt to the ground)!

    Wonderful idea! biggrin.pngfacepalm.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif

  7. More Anti-Foreigner Stuff?

    This would also take in many expat businesses. Many of these people are just trying to live within the Law.

    Thai's perceived problems with foreigners are because of shortcomings in their own people, one way or another.

    Looks like it may be time to rethink any ideas about living in Thailand.

    This lot are just plain greedy.

    Unfortunately it appears that way. The only way it could effect Thai tourism is to make it better! Thai's don't like being told that there is a "better" way! "It's working so far, so what's the problem?" is the attitude, by the bye it's not illegal for a Thai company to have foreign directors! facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifbiggrin.pngwai.gif

  8. whistling.gif Thai Buddhism has inherited many old practices from Indian religious traditions.

    If you go to a Thai Wat look for a "Lingyam" (spelling?) stone.

    Ask a monk what that stone is for.

    Supposed to make sure a wife has a child....fertility tradition.

    Also was practiced in Europe and England in Pre-Christian times.

    Bet you never heard of that before.

    Lingam = male penis

    Yoni = Vagina (it's round in shape with a slot carved around the the edge with a drain) tongue.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  9. Thailand just take it for granted that tourism will grow every year exponentially. Sooner or later the 'bell curve effect' will happen, and numbers will drop off..whistling.gif

    Once some of Thailand's neighbors get their acts together, they will take away a lot of tourists from Thailand. E.g. I've heard from Burmese friends that Myanmar have some some fantastic unspoiled beaches..coffee1.gif

    The reality is that Myanmar has no tourism infrastructure. It is 10 years away from anything basic.

    Vietnam is still mired in bureaucracy and doesn't have the infrastructure to support a doubling of its tourism sector. It doesn't even have a service culture.

    Laos? Not going to happen.

    Cambodia? Easiest visas in the region but aside from that it has nothing to offer except disease, filth crime and too many pedophiles. Visitors returning from Cambodia are guaranteed a close inspection of all electronic devices.

    Malaysia? It's a couple steps away from descending into civil war and the influence of religious zealots is never far from government.

    Philippines? A basket case with Cebu winning the title of highest rate of HIV infection in Asia. That says it all.

    Meanwhile, the tourist numbers are growing in Thailand. They may be low end, but it is obvious that BKK cannot keep up with the traffic it has now. All that BKK will do is meet its current needs, nothing more.

    Myanmar is improving it's tourism infrastructure very quickly.

    Case in point: Hpa-an, Kayin State. February 2013: 7 hotels. October 2013: Around 10 hotels. Now: 20-25 hotels and more on the way. Yangon: February 2013: Around 95 hotels on Agoda. Now: well over 220.

    A new airport near Yangon will open in the next few years and will largely replace the current one, which itself has already seen an expansion of the current terminal that opened not long ago. I also recall expansion works that have not been completed.

    Similar story in many other parts of the country.

    Tourist numbers are up from barely half a million in 2011 to around 3 million now with up to 5 million expected this year and perhaps 8 million or more by 2020.

    So I would not dismiss Myanmar's major potential to take away a large chunk of Thailand tourism traffic in coming years.

    As for Cambodia and Laos? Well they are still minor destinations and probably always will be to some extent (especially Laos, which doesn't have any beaches) and as such will mostly remain destinations that are part of a multi country itinerary, but Vietnam and Myanmar are certainly destinations in their own right and increasing numbers of visitors are heading directly to these countries while avoiding Thailand (except for some transit visitors who head there via Thai airports). Many visitors are doing Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam AND avoiding Thailand.

    None of my travelling friends like to come here now, when we have reunions we meet in Vietnam or Cambodia. In Thailand the problems just kept building up, poor to non existant service, surly staff in provincial towns, nothing in English or any attempt to make things a little easier! sad.pngwhistling.gifwai.gif

  10. Its Brass Monkeys today,never mind tomorrow.even the cat does not want to go out.

    regards Worgeordie

    Many people do NOT know the meaning of the saying... Do you?

    Oh come on, I agree it's an English colloquialism, and not everyone on TVF will know it,, but 10 seconds on google gives you: "The phrase "cold enough to freeze the balls off (or on) a brass monkey" is a colloquial expression used by some English speakers.". In fact it is one of the few phrases in "geordie" which are comprehensible to those of us who hail from south of Sunderland......

    Alternatively.if you live in Lopburi, just follow the monkeys around the local garages, and listen to them asking the proprietors if they can do brazing....

    Actually, there is some discussion about this expression, it is said that in the RN they used to stack the cannon balls on a 25 dimple brass plate (the monkey)and stack the cannon balls, as a pyramid, on it! When the weather turned too cold the plate shrank and the balls fell off! Just saying!! biggrin.pngfacepalm.gifwink.pngwai.gif

  11. Muslim women wear their veil for religious reasons.Will he now bring into law that sikhs remove their turbans or for safety's sake make them wear crash helmets.Why is this allowed?Because of a sikhs religious reasons....Unfair and discriminatory.

    Sorry John, It's cultural not religious, to a lot of Muslims in asia the burqa etc is an embarrassment! John, when was the last time you saw a mob of Sikhs wanting thier religious law for all of the western world!! smile.pngwai.gif

  12. Just think for a minute, a republican President? The Donald, Ted, Mark.......? The first is a "Hukster", the second is an evangelical with a very dubious claim to citizenship and the third is just too young for the job! The reasonable men in the pack have been filtered out by the media, who would love to have a clown of some sort in the White House as a ratings bonanza!

    The Dems have an older woman with a lot of experience and an older man who has spent nearly 30 years in the jungle of Washington! Logic would say that the dems were a shoo in, but, as only 20-25% of Americans vote who knows what wild and wooley candidate will get up? This is the electorate that voted "W" in for two terms!!!! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif

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