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Posts posted by TPI

  1. When is Thailand going to wake up and create a government department whose job it is to monitor and check these dangerous attractions all over Thailand? Thailand wants tourists and their money, but they could care less about their lives.

    What am I thinking of, anyone working for this mythical department will be rich through bribery and looking the other way. Stupid me!

    What were you thinking......facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifblink.pngwai.gif

  2. The quieter it gets the higher the prices which leads to less business which makes it even more quieter. Its inevitable that its all going to end in tears. When you have 40m+ desperate starving people then you know it can only end in Bastille Day. Its so sad that Thailand's poor have been so let down by their political leaders for so long.

    Agreed Mr Rabbit, the strange quirk in Thai mentality that thinks ...."the fewer customers, the more I charge". It's very strange and quite illogical, look in the markets! Even Thai airways suffers from the same blinkered thinking! The end result, not soon i hope, will be another July 14 episode but messier by far......som nom na!! facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifsad.pngsad.pngwai.gif

  3. Be interesting to see what happens when only the bad guys have guns.

    I guess about the same as in the numerous other countries in the world where only the bad boys have guns.

    In short, there will be much less gun violence.

    Sorry mate but that's not correct! Crimes involving firearms have climbed in the UK and Australia, all involve illegal firearms! This arguement blaming the weapon for the crime doesn't hold water, admittingly mass killing or spur of the moment killing are made easier with a firearm but more to the point must be the mental health of the perpetrator!

    In Australia the mass shootings were carried out by men with serious mental health problems, nearly all were under medical care and usually on "Prosac"! Nobody ever questions the treatment or the drugs perscribed......that would be taboo! thumbsup.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  4. It must be "love"! It beggers belief that a semi hi-so lady wants to marry a pennyless farang! Mother is wealthy and you expect her to pitch in with the sin sod? Mate! Something is very suss, are you sure she is really Thai? sad.pngwhistling.gifwai.gif

  5. "Chicken of the seas", How can they stop and examine fishing boats and others when they're underwater? Maybe they wont dive the subs? If so then why bother with subs? What they really want are the "dolphin" badges on their uniforms, you know, to go with the ranger patches and the jump wings etc etc! thumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgigglem.gifwai.gif

  6. Imagine what he would have said if the boy was "fully up for it" and the babysitter had been a bloke. facepalm.gif

    Well men in this world are generally perceived to be the sexually dominant of the species so different light.

    Not that they always are but being that much older would of been, regardless.

    If I was in his boots at his age I would of given her my best 38 seconds too. Most blokes would be the same...I think.

    You don't get it, do you?

    There are gay boys who would be into it and push it.

    The adult should ALWAYS say no regardless of how "fully up for it" the CHILD is ... she's a pedophile and the Daddy isn't much better. He's a child.

    We're not talking about age 16. Age 11!

    O come now! We don't know if the kid shaves every day or not? Jade appears to be fairly complicit in the act and father said that he had also tasted the nectar! Some people in the world have started to have sex before the age of ten, neither the planter nor the planted have complained, so what is the problem? biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

  7. Humans do things Animals would never do,and the depravity in

    the World is getting worse,time for a cull?

    regards Worgeordie

    Is the world getting worse or are we getting more info via the internet? What about the things that Isis are doing to women and children in Islam countries and the sheer medieval brutality displayed there? Cull? Who calls the shots? Isis? Christians? Thais?

    The answer is that there will always be brutality of this kind - usually caused by a mental disturbance - and I am not sure that calling for the death penalty will resolve the issue. I'm not sure anything will, to tell you the truth and I have no answers, but I sincerely believe that brutalizing perpetrators in return will not act as a deterrent to others. Just saying "Hang 'em" is a low brow knee jerk response that solves nothing.

    Yes it does, it means that the lowlife wont offend again!! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  8. Well the Red/Mr.t supporters should be along anytime now calling foul........guitar.gif

    sometimes a cigar is a cigar and a witch-hunt is a witch-hunt but you don't seem to care about justice and the REAL reasons behind all this. No nothing to do with RICE so why not research a bit more? think a bit more? and take in less of the propaganda from the Military JUNTA?

    Dear Mr LannaGuy, The "real" reason is obvious to all! She was put in place to be a mouthpiece for her brother. Everthing she did or said was cleared with brother first, every action or inaction was by direction, again by said brother!

    Because of his obvious push to become another Harry Lee he burred up the existing elite to such an extent, made them so angry, that what they want to do now is to break the family, financially and spititually!

    Does that make it clearer?? thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  9. RIP little ones... what a tragedy !

    cutting onions here... what a senseless loss of beauty and life... I'm afraid that death penalty would be in place... for one, the sense of justice for the ones left behind, the rights to closure by the ones left behind takes precedence for his right to continue living, secondly, to prevent it from happening again in a society where they can't cope with mentally deranged, and thirdly, for his own sake, when he is deranged, it doesnt make a difference, but in his few moments of clarity, he will have to come to terms with his actions, a faith possibly worse than death, and lastly, for the culprits family's sake, I know that no door in Thailand will be open for him after this, and it will bring relieve to his relatives too if he is taken away so they dont have to live with the stigma and dilemma... I believe he should be allowed to commit suicide or strongly encouraged to do so, and if he refuses, he should be put to sleep, he is one sick puppy, and that is what needs to be done with sick puppies !

    I don't often agree but this is a seriously damaged unit, he needs to be put down! sad.pngbah.gif

  10. way past time they locked these criminals up, they are making a laughing stock of thai police, not that they arent already. Why transfer a crooked cop, arrest and jail time along with confiscation of their wealth is the only way to ensure it starts slowing down, inactive posts are bugger all to these corrupt mongrels

    Dear Seajae, I think you miss the point, they don't want to stop the illegal dens they just want to organise them into a more productive money stream! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  11. Well thanks for all the 'informative' replies! Hilarious.

    I am massively against 'touts' (being an Irishman myself), I have despised them for as long as I can remember.

    However, lets just say there is a lengthy backstory to this post of mine I am quite sure if any of you had been affected by this person in the way I have - you would be following down the same path. I am also quite sure if you had met him, within 5 minutes you would be on this forum encouraging me to follow through with it.

    I see no need or desire to please any of you, or your instant conclusions which are based on zero information on the situation. I shall call you all "The Contradictory Brigade'. Its awesome seeing some of you have so little to do but contradict and denigrate someone you know nothing about and about a situation which you are only seeing the consequences of - not the whole story. So, I applaud you're rational attempts to convince me against the decision. It's been wonderful reading them.

    Like I said earlier, you've poisoned the water in Chiang Mai, you've shot yourself in the foot in Phrae, you've worn out your welcome in Ubon....go away! bah.gifcoffee1.gif

  12. To the OP.

    You should be aware that people who have been caught using fake degrees have in some cases received a 6 month jail sentence.

    Good, they are putting the education of Thai kids at risk for their own selfish reasons and deserve al they get

    C'mon Mr Jacky grow up! At least they want to teach Thai kids. Thai teachers just want to go to lunch, discuss their next trip to burma or how much the next promotion will cost! Even unqualified, keen, teachers are better than none. I'm not sure if some of you expats should have left home?? sad.pngwai.gif

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