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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Reg price is over 70,000 Baht for a sig, NOT!!!! cheesy.gif but now only 18,000.

    So if the BIB are buying them with their own money and are for on duty and off, and considered personal property, then will this cost the government how much?

    Top wack retail price is 25,000 Baht in the US, add on the 30% import tax and that is 32,500, still less than half what they claim they are paying, it just does not add up.

    Sorry mate, the price in the LOS is retail plus 200% tax! Wifes M60 (Ladysmith .38 sp, 5 shot) cost over ฿100K 3 years ago. I know that the BiB don't pay tax on their pistols or ammo but ฿18,000 is really cheap! Just wait awhile some will turn up in a bar near you for about ฿69-70,000!! thumbsup.giffacepalm.gifwai.gif

  2. Could it be, just possibly, that India is overpopulated?

    Nope it's the whole world.

    We are currently making a whole billion people every 12 years.

    The highest population growth is currently in Qatar, Kuwait and UAE. India is way way down the list with a fertility rate of 1.26. They've already taken steps to curb it just like China.

    Actually, the World bank, United Nations and the CIA estimate the fertility rate in India at between 2.3-2.5 per woman:


    India's population is still growing fast, and will continue to grow for the next 30-40 years at least (unless some natural disaster/world epidemic or another global catastrophy happens).

    The highest fertility rates are in Africa, where some countries have a fertility rate of 5-6 children per woman.

    Out of the top 30 countries, only one is not African (Iraq).

    There is an interesting TED that explains why people have many children, interesting that Bangladesh has a ratio of 2.3 children per family (average) smile.pngwai.gif

  3. Unforunatly there should be, although there isn't, a third or fourth party to give voters a choice. the last time a party looked like causing waves the present PM organised a sham investigation that led to the leader of the party going to jail on charges that were later found to be unfoundered! No apology, no explanation....just a cabal of media and pollies making sure that no-one else can get their snouts into the trough!

    Think about it, the party concerned recieved over 3 million votes in an Australian federal electon and didn't get a seat in Parliment!

    Good old Ozy politics! thumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

  4. I recommend everyone read the entire linked article.

    It's well written, makes good points, and has some absolute gems of hilarity....for example the sample O-Net question and it's "correct" answer.

    I agree with you but if anyone wanted serious discussion or comment the article would be moved to the teaching forum where you have uni teachers able to comment on the real state of education in Thailand instead of old drunks posting from betsits in Europe.

    Dear Mr Lostoday, amazing tho it may seem, some Op's on TV not only don't drink some, actually live in Thailand! It would be a total waste of time to put it on the "teaching" forum as farang teachers in Thailand are well aware of the nonsense that passes for education in the LOS! We go to work, have lunch, a few beers after work and pick up our pay every month....we try not to think too much about the futures of our students as we know that the ones with rich families will have a good life and everyone else will be like little worker ants, pretending that they're doing well while trying to pay off the car and the house!

    Chok dee, althougth nothing is ever going to change! thumbsup.gifsad.pngwai.gif

  5. " the affected Thailand-Cambodia and Thailand-Myanmar border crossing received the instructions by telephone late Friday afternoon."

    "and all are said to be affected, with local variations as to who can enter and who can not."

    Ever heard of email? It makes for clear and explicit instructions.

    To read and understand an email requires the recipient to:

    1. Have access to a computer that is connected to the Internet

    2. Be able to switch on that computer

    3. Know which software can receive emails and be able to start that software

    4. Have reading abilities advanced enough to understand the contents of the email

    I wouldn't be to sure that any of these requirements are present with the staff of all the border crossings.

    You forgot that the sender needs to have access to the same technology and abilities. If you send an email from Yahoo with too many recipients, you get flagged as a spammer. This must frustrate so many people in the Thai bureaucracy as none seem to have official email addresses. Must be part of that elusive Thainess we keep being told about.

    They can't use gmail either, use to many addresses....bounce....nothing gets sent! What are tourists to do? They've booked tours, accomodation, flights etc.........say what? whistling.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgigglem.gifwai.gif


    In late 2014, the Thai government detained hundreds of migrants believed to be Uighurs in refugee camps, including women and children. Many refused to speak to Chinese officials, claiming to be Turkish, and many obtained legitimate Turkish passports and later settled in Turkey.

    AP is wrong about that because the Uighurs did not obtain legitimate Turkish passports. ISIL sent over 100,000 fake Turkish passports to Thailand and Malaysia. The Uighurs entered Thailand illegally by paying bribes to Thai border immigration officials. In Thailand, they received their fake Turkish passport allowing them to board planes to Istanbul. Their fake passports were detected on arrival, but under Turkish law they can remain in Turkey. Most of them joined ISIL in Syria. It is estimated that 50,000 Uighurs were trafficked through Thailand by ISIL. This could not have occurred but for wide-scale corruption on the part of the Thai immigration police.

    When Prayuth deported 100+ Uighurs back to China, he unwittingly disrupted ISIL's smuggling ring. ISIL directed and financed a retaliatory series of bombings in Bangkok using remnants of the smuggling operation.

    I just wish the media or Thai government would connect the dots and be honest about it instead of trying to protect the tourist industry and its rating on the Tip report.

    Not wanting to be hard to get along with Mr Zaphod, you've made an interesting thread. But, I've looked and I can't find where 50,000 Uighurs have joined ISIL? What you're saying makes a lot of sense but, again, it would be nice to have a "reference" to round everything off! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  7. I understand why you left Thailand and went to Cambodia, marcofunny. Its impossible to get anything to work here in Thailand with their red tape and corruption. I wouldnt invest one satang here ...

    and for some odd reason many expats here simply refuse to acknowledge that expats, visa runners etc. contribute to the economy of Thailand ... strange people indeed

    Hear hear! A couple of years ago I was at a CFO conference and we tried to work out how many tax payers there were in Thailand? Strange as it may seem the numbers came out to about 60,000, an odd number when you consider that there're about 60,000 WP issued every year! Odd that! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

  8. What would be the point of studying thai language or culture.....???? In another 30 years it will be part of china anyway once China invades and takes over after Democracy has been totally bastardized to operate exactly like communism.

    In any case.... you might as well learn Latin....it's a dead language too.

    Oh Josh, that's pretty harsh! Although I can't think of any reason why I would like my kids to speak enough Thai to live and work here. While the language is not going to become "dead". I can't see where it might become useful...International business? Local business? medicine? media? science? Rice farming.....maybe!laugh.pngwai.gif

  9. And just who are the victims? The perpatrators or the "young " people? Any man who has been approached by a precocious 15 year old (who looks 19) or any person who is encouraged by a youngish person to engage in "silly stuff" has to be made of stone to reject the advances!

    I can hear the shocked responses! if you haven't been in that situation then you have no right to judge! Taboo's change over time, would you have Joseph in court for making a "child" with Mary, even if she was only 14 when conception occured??

    Where is your collective humanity? IMMHO wai.gif

  10. It really is a shame that a 14 year old would knowingly agree and start selling herself using this woman as an agent or pimp. Who is teaching these kids about morals and values and self esteem? As for the lady who got her customers! A woman in a position such as her as a reporter should be locked up for a long time. Maybe she can do reports from a prison cell. If it was my daughter she made the offer to, I don't believe she would be alive for very much longer

    Think about it! What poorly educated girl, anywhere in the 3rd world, would knock back a chance to make B 500 for a half hours work? The 22 year old is probably in the same position having been asked if she could supply such a person! IMHO

    All those who express "shock horror" should look around in their own community, who really helps the poorist in their communities? wink.pngbah.gifwai.gif

  11. As you come up from Phrae (past Tesco) go into town until the last set of lights, turn left......continue down the road until you see the very large white government complex on your right. U-turn at the next u-turn, after the u-turn you will see the sign that says "Nan Immigration" on your left, turn up the road and continue up the hill.....you will see Immigration on the left, the carpark entrance is on the left side of the building. thumbsup.gifwai.gif

    Good luck!

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