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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Seriously, did any of you expect anything different? the best you can do is not use the jet ski's and warn other tourists not to use them either! If you're accused of throwing the baby out with the bathwater then, push the honest operators to remove the dishonest operators out of the area! The solution is in the hands of the honest operators...meanwhile continue to warn every tourist you see who is about to use their service that they will probably be ripped off! IMHOsad.png

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  2. Wh weren't any of our TV members appointed any positions as I'm sure they could clean up the entire Government Situation over night.

    I think they are doing the best with what they have to work with and "change is good" is better then sitting stagnant.

    It doesn't matter if you are pro-red or pro-yellow or pro-watermellon, you have to accept what Thailand does with their Government or move on.

    What! And take all of the fun out of it? No matter what country you come from, whether you support the government or not, every one is still entitled to "rag" politicians! No?

    • Like 1
  3. Mandarin, Malay etc would be more useful than English I would think.

    What are you on? "Malay"!!! Even in Malaysia they are trying to make it compulsory to teach Maths ans Science in English! Most companies in Malaysia operate in English. Even China is trying to promote English among their graduates.

    Drop English and dig that hole deeper, Thailand used to have a stronger draw. That has slowly been reducing due to the political situation ( from the airport closure to the red riots), the increase of violence and crime against foreigners, neighboring countries opening their doors and starting to be more attractive and cheaper.

    All I can say is keep living in that cocoon and keep believing that you do not need English. Let's see how far that takes you.

    Considering the free flow of labour in 2015, if Thais wish to work in any of these countries, the native language would put them in better steed than English. Yes in some industries English would be an advantage but the local language would be better, or are you assuming that everyone within ASEAN speaks English...I really cant connect airport closures and political riots with learning English, its irrelevant to these situations.

    I've spent 45 years working around Asia and I've found that as an English speaker you can always get a job somewhere doing something! Try that just being a Lao or Thai speaker? English is the practical second language through out Asia. To believe that some other language is better is in error IMHO.thumbsup.gif

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  4. The station's deputy superintendent Lt Colonel Panom Chuathong said the teenager was stressed and crying all during the night he spent at the station.

    "His aunt was with him," Panom said.

    Oh, boo <snipping> hoo! I hope this little sh!t rots in jail, unfortunately that probably won't happen.

    So he hit a woman who was trying to steal his watch .............. "I found it on the footpath"

    More a problem of excessive force than anything else.

    What would you do if a pickpocket walked off with your Rolex? ..... let her keep it?

    Not only are you wrong...you're dead wrong! The cleaning woman picked the watch up off the ground, she had no idea who it really belonged too! In another statement she said that she was going to hand it in! Try not to make comments when you're under the influence of alcohol or drugs, eh!! beatdeadhorse.gifburp.gifpassifier.gif

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  5. The Gingers could only dig this up with all their investigative prowess? Intellect is not the strong point of this group, look at the lovely leader allowing this to continue while she is on constant vacation over seas. Show your new evidence or shut your whiskey holes!

    The PM is not the leader of the UDD. They are a separate entity. Keep in mind that there is a strong segment of the UDD that dislikes the PM and the former PM Thaksin. The PM has little sway over the UDD. The UDD is loyal to the government as long as it is in the UDD best interests.

    That may be true for some BUT we are talking about serving or former Phua Thai MP's.

    Could you give details of the strong segment that dislikes Thaksin. Phua Thai and PM Poo. Thanks.

    Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Do you want complete names and addresses, Moo Ban etc. or just a list of ID card numbers??

  6. [Don't know about you, but I'd rather pay the fine and live.

    I don't think anyone should escalate a situation like this by carrying a loaded firearm. Seems like lunacy to me - what if he used it ? what if he dropped it ? what if he lost / mislaid it ? what if it was forcibly taken off him ? There are better ways to solve ones' problems, in all parts of the world, than brandishing weapons.

    There is the truism "better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6"...It's a black night in down town Bangkok you're with your wife and young children trying to get to your car when you're confronted by half a dozen yobs ripped off their heads on "ice", there you go, negotiate your way out of that!

    • Like 1
  7. The police informed Mr. Steve that foreigners by law are not allowed to own or carry guns in Thailand.

    That is misinformation, and wrong. Foreigners CAN own and, can register the gun in Thailand, but can not carry them around. You can own it for your protection in the home or your business.

    Yes, but they have to own a business and have a work permit, and also a clear criminal record from thier homecountry.

    All gunn licenses is for having the gun at home, if you want to bring it around you will need a special license and in some provinces they not give these at all (like Phuket) !

    The Police advised me to get my wife to purchase the pistols...what if he was taking it to shoot at an authorised range? Under the law, he can do that!

  8. Thanks to the bravery of the Democrat Party and the resourcefulness of the People's Alliance for Democracy, the Thai people (and all us wise and loyal farang) now know the truth behind "NASA's" request for a so-called climate study center at U-Tapao: it's a facility to control the weather and cause natural disasters, granted to the US so that they can give Thaksin a US visa. It would be equivalent to surrendering Thai sovereignty to the US, and allowing them to use Thai soil to wage war against their enemies.

    Source: http://prachatai.com/english/node/3275

    The editors at Prachatai are red-shirt cowards who refused to show the full evidence that the PAD revealed: that prototype weather control facilities have already been used to cause untold harm to China and other allies of Thailand.

    Source: http://www.manager.c...D=9550000075998

    When the Democrat Party allowed the US to use U-Tapao for Operation Enduring Freedom, at least that was visible to the public. But who knows what nasty secret plans the US has for this scary new super-weapon?

    Please, no more! I nearly choked on my Pad Thai!!! cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif (Did they really say that?)

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  9. How very sad! When the world has seen the results of EQ scores for Thai children at 45 against 50-100 as standard, and now, this insane decision to discuss something that they know will be cancelled by the time they discuss it? Is it finally proof that Thailand is a country of 12 year old emotional and intellectual idiots governed by 14 year old Cretan's? What could they hope to gain?

    Could it be that Chalerm couldn't make a dollar out of it, so why do it? Perhaps the US wont be blackmailed into giving visas to convicted absconding felons? sick.gifsad.png

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