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Posts posted by NALAK

  1. Hi, I am was just in the process of renewing from a 1 year to a 5 year,, but I thought that a medical is still needed so I got one,, but maybe someone can clarify that,, but the driving centre did tell me that recently the rule has changed and can only apply from 2 months before expiry instead of the 3 months before,,, this put me in a bit of a fix, since my schedule,made this problematic,, I had already got the immigration letter and went to the centre for renewal before they told me the rule had changed from 3 months to 2 months before expiry,, also means I have to get a new letter from immigration as I believe the letter is only good for 30 days

    letter is good until the date of the visa expires on it, never needed medical cert after first 1 year one.

  2. does seem odd that after 9 months you had not cemented your relationships with the staff at the school already. as for the name thing well thats going to follow you every where and its no use have a go at people about it, mine translates to prostitute, 10 years i get sick of it but its not going to go away so learn to live with it. scolding a Thai guys not good for face etc a laugh and a smile would have been better.

    hey thats my 1000 post up

  3. Just got my first 5 year license.

    The procedure, in Bangkok:

    Show 1-year license - expired, not more than year

    Show passport with non-immigrant visa, original and copy

    Certified resident adress from embassy or work permit, original and copy

    Original medical certificate, thai form, not more than 1 month old

    I got a queue number, and had the license within 10 mins......

    Will probably be getting my first car license on Monday or Tuesday. Let's see if I got this straight. I need passport and my current motorcycle Thai driver's license, my American car and motorbike license. Letter of residence (and copy), Medical certificate (and copy), copy of main passport page and copy of visa inside the passport. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have copies made of the driver's licenses as well and of course I'll need pictures.

    dont need pictures anymore they take picture for you and put it on licence, dont see why you should need thi motorbike drivers licence if your going for car. i would take all originals as well as copies then if on the day they want some thing extra, you can usually get it photo copied around the office. as i said they all seem to have differnt ways of doing it.

  4. why not nip into see a lawyer, i use british law on 3rd road, english guy, he can can tell you if its civil or criminal, if criminal law soi 9 will help if you dont loose your decorum. of course that only applies if you live in soi 9 area of jusristiction.

    Some "English guy" is an expert on Thai property and criminal law? Is he licensed to practice law in Thailand...highly unlikely since that itself is unlawful. The name implies he may have some expertise in "British" law, whatever that is. English, Scottish, or Welsh law maybe but British law? Was his law office a beer-bar only last week :blink:

    as you can see office and no not bar last week, also you may see legal advice given


  5. just my experience i went day before mine ran out as expiry date was at weekend and office closed, they said i could renew it but would only get another 1 year one, so i went back on the monday and got 5 years. as i understood it all renewals you have to do the practical exam again. but i have deallt with differnt offices around the country and all seem to have differnt rules. i had to do the test twice within a couple of months as motorbike and car ran out close together.certainly would not get it done in minutes at chon buri,pattaya or samui

  6. why not nip into see a lawyer, i use british law on 3rd road, english guy, he can can tell you if its civil or criminal, if criminal law soi 9 will help if you dont loose your decorum. of course that only applies if you live in soi 9 area of jusristiction.

    Some "English guy" is an expert on Thai property and criminal law? Is he licensed to practice law in Thailand...highly unlikely since that itself is unlawful. The name implies he may have some expertise in "British" law, whatever that is. English, Scottish, or Welsh law maybe but British law? Was his law office a beer-bar only last week :blink:

    where did i state he was an expert in criminal law? as is stated in another post the office is there to see, does work permits, divorce etc all i said was he could advise on its is criminal or civil. your just one of those people who cant wait to jump in with both feet to try and ridicule other peoples posts, and by doing so make many people not post.

  7. always wonder why guys with thai lady problems post on a forum mainly populated by western ladies, logic would say farang guys have more dealings and idea deling with Thai ladies, as i am sure the ladies on this forum have more experience dealing with guys than say a guys forum would have. just a thought.

    also fail to see why western guys just dont seem to get what the thai lady/ farnags relationships are all about. $$$$$$$$

  8. most of them drive with the container locks unlocked, as in conatainer locked to bed of the truck.friend is HGV driver and he shows me all the trucks that have the handles facing out, instead of locked, as he says it is a 5 min job, and that would be logical and safe.

  9. why not nip into see a lawyer, i use british law on 3rd road, english guy, he can can tell you if its civil or criminal, if criminal law soi 9 will help if you dont loose your decorum. of course that only applies if you live in soi 9 area of jusristiction.

  10. to be fair option 2 does save 100 baht, but omits the cost of travel from bus station to condo. its a no brainer for me every time aircon taxi, airport car park to house, ice cold drinks awaiting in the pre booked taxi, 800 baht. not even have to touch luggage. good drivers, newish cars.

  11. RIP Steve, 2 in a week what!!!!! gutted, the monday fishing trips when the bar was closed, all free beer on steve as a thank you. really is a shocked on top of kevin. Steve the Pub used to wind him up playing moby full blast when he was asleep, wound him up a treat. thoughts with Lek.

    i was on a world tour and in Perth, thought go and see Steve in Samui, ended up staying 9 years.

    thanks for the memories

    top man heart of gold.

  12. I do not nows if Screaming Eagle is on this picture. If not, hes friends is here. you will be mist.

    4th from the right kneeling down front row, next to Ohm on his left and looks like Crispen to his right. dont let appearance decieve he was a great and humerous guy, think hi s flood experiences go back more than 4 years. another of the eye 90 boys gone.

    very sad and still shocked.

  13. The big difference is that it was possible to get a non O from Hull by post for anyone in Europe...

    Birmingham accepts postal visa request only from UK and to UK.

    Are you sure? Hull website has always been saying that in order to get visa you have to be/apply from UK/Ireland..Practice was different though..

    Has anyone checked Birmingham if they accept postal applications from another EU country ?

    This topic came up last year when Hull was still handing out year long Non-O's like there was no tomorrow.

    I sent an email to Hull saying I was from a "neighboring EU country" and wanted a Non-O from them.

    They replied it was fine to do that, as long as I allowed more time in the post to/from.

    Sadly, now that they've tightened up, I don't think it makes a bit of difference if they DID accept people from EU countries before or not.

    I wonder if Birmingham will or not? No matter what their website says, I'll look up their link and send 'em the same email like I sent Hull saying I am from a 'neighboring EU country' and what documentation do I need to secure a year-long, multi-entry Non-Immigrant Type-O visa from them.

    Not that I even need a visa, I'm just nosy is all. ... :P

    EDIT: Uhh-Ohh, :o just went to the Royal Thai Consulate of Birmingham's website and didn't SEE an email addy :( . Anyone know it? :)

    they dont have that they give out, Ms B said it would be to much hassle trying to help answer all the questions

  14. seems i am not alone on the discretion thing, funnythis topic was anti my feelings yet similar advice goes along with my thoughts.

    Here's an idea

    Next time you see it, try shouting 'nice tits darling, me next', see what she does.

    I'm fairly sure she would cover up quite quickly.

    or maybe her Husband would lose face and pummel you to death. :D

    I'm with what Boo said. it really is end of. anyway.... I'm out of here. enough getting in touch with my female side for a few months me thinks ;)

    that would be uncalled for and out of order, SBK has 5 more years here than me so it happens although i have travelled extensivly around Thailand, must have read the report wrong as i thought it was opinons on it. anyway got the reports i needed, pryor to that i was broadening my mind travelling around 5 continents, i find living on a tiny island does not exactly broaden ones horizens as i found on Samui. anyway thanks for all the opinions, lets just say it was a first in 40 years of travelling around the 41 countries.

    no need for further replies, just wanted western ladies view on it, so far i only had Thai Buddist ladies opinion, which was its not the done thing to expose everthing.

    so for me question answered. as always a civil and non insulting topic on the ladies forum lets hope is spreads to some of the others.

  15. i used to use the shure one which were great, but then realised its was better to have every sence fully tuned for the rodas here and the music blocked out stuff that i pefered to har like sceeching tyres and horns

  16. Anyway thanks for the replies, yes i have travelled to over 40 countires around the world was a baby once and assume my my mother breast fed me but never get her breast out, and put it on show. the toilets here seem to have a separte washing area t where all the pissing and fating goes on. when a baby nedds feeding i uess its the modern day way of treating children as in must have it now, i doubt the baby leave it out in full show ort the baby out and then start feeding, then sort baby out then but breast away. but i accept i am old fashioned and feel a little preperation would have been good, as in everybody knows that baby would need feeding whilst out so why not take a shawlll or something. seen the thai beggar ladies on street feeding but always discreetly under the blouse or shawl. did not realise the faier sex passed wind :rolleyes: . anyway will not look away or hide behind menu, for me it was wrong to sit there with breast hanging out fully exposed in a public place and shows a lack of decorum, i could have easily been done discreetly in the restuarant with out the full exposure shots. maybe thats how it is in Russia

    but thanks for answers, at least i know i am in the minority, but then again English are know for being prudes hence the term prudy angit. by English i do not mean the scum who hang around the bars in Pattaya.


    seems i am not alone on the discretion thing, funnythis topic was anti my feelings yet similar advice goes along with my thoughts.

  17. There's a time and a place for everything...

    In a decent restaurant in the evening, I wouldn't be impressed.

    In a descrete corner in Pizzahut, WITH a cloth to cover and presenting a little respect and taste, I wouldn't mind.

    I suggest the issue here is that some people simply do not give two hoots about those around them.

    I don't think that getting a little uncomforatble at a womans lack decorum when indescretely 'wopping out her norks' to brest feed is prudish.

    As I opened, there is a time and place for everything. This being the ladies forum, I guess it's not my place... :ph34r:

    "A time and a place for everything"?? "Lack of decorum"?? LOL. What a dinosaur. Here's a tip for the uninitiated. When a baby wants to feed, they ain't concerned where they are, they just wanna eat and are quite insistent about it. Just discreetly toddling of to sit in the toilet? Absurd. As if a mother should have to hide with a bunch of people pissing and farting in a cubicle just to feed her child. If you are so scared of seeing a tit, look at your meal/menu/drink. Do you sit in a restaurant and stare at someone's nostril hairs if they are a bit too long and they offend you?

    I am always amazed when this subject pops up and so many ijits get fired up over a woman feeding her baby. Amazing

    i am not fired up just seeking ladies opinions, i was eating a meal so do i just stick and menu in my face, never used a ladies toilet but really are ladies toilets full of ladies pissing and farting. i just thought bearing in mind this is thailand a modrern woman with no discretion what so ever got her breast and nipple out in clear view for everybody to see. it was clearly uncomfortable to all the Thais who witnessed it, like i say it was not discreet. dont see the connection between nostril hairs and showing of a breast in a society where its not accepted. its was one of those momennts where i felt embarred to be a farang

  18. when you have dinner, do you eat it in the toilet? why should a baby?

    maybe the women in question forgot to take a scarf or muslin to cover herself that one day, it happens, so what should she have done. not feed the baby?

    I'd suggest that in future situations the op move seats so as not to be offended by something that nature intended her to do.

    so i get my pizza, lasange and coke and move, maybe a little thought for culture of the locals and openly getting out a breast made me feel uncomfortable with thai's all around the restuarant also looking suitably embarrsed. try telling Thais its what nuture intended to show breat blatanly for a while in a restuarant. nature also intended i urinate and have bowel movemens but cecoram dictates time and a place.

    nobody seems to have any consideration for our guest counties culture.

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