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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. It is with a dog, you are the leader of the pack. Your energy is very important. You need to train your dog from day 1 , being a puppy. You must be consistent in your training and always repeat the same commands for the dog to understand. You can see with the movies of Cesar Milano (youtube). Many people have problems with their dogs, as they dont know how to handle them. To handle them as a human, wrong. It is a dog! YOU MUST be the leader of the pak with the right energy showing. You can see with Cesar Milano movies, showing it. Amazing to see how he handles it. You have a dog, train him, spend time on it, it is essential. Same as with your kids. Give them the tools from day 1 and then hope it was enough for further live. As it can change tough, no matter what. Only your dog will stay , till he dies. Saw a movie of pretty Thai woman on youtube, their family has Bangkeaw. She even tells she is afraid of the male, but then goes with him in the cage and the dog shows nothing but "love". So dont know where the "fear "comes from. I dont see anything wrong in the male dog. See this amazing video ! Is she leader of the pack? She certainly is! Group is balanced, disciplined, all "terrible" bullies.
  2. First of all switch off the fuse of the heater in your fuse box I followed Khunla's manual link. There is a manual reset inside. However not given where it is, as device. In manual, you see it is in between the power (supply) line and the switch selector. fig 6 Try to locate and reset. It must be accessible anyhow. See how switch looks like and how to push it for reset. After you reset it, go back to fuse box and activate fuse in fusebox again. Go back to your heater and notice if there is a change in position of the switch (it is again activated, or not). Mind your hands as now all is on power, dont get in ! If the reset is still ok, then switch fuse (fusebox) back off and fix the heater cover back again. When finished, switch fuse (fusebox) back on and have functional test of the water heater. If problem occurs again, you have problem or with the safety switch or further in heating device. If I see correct, you must take of the knob of the selector (gently lift it with screwdriver) and then on the bottom there is a screw to take out. Then it will swing open as in fig 2. Not clear if you can take off cover complete.
  3. Yes she looks very thin, but she gets the dog food with high proteïne in it. When IM there, I always pick that . I also told (yup forcing wife, but then it is a woman, depends on if she takes me serious) to have that food for her and not rice and other bs. As she is very active I pick higher protein. Always thought of what kind of dogs she would be, as she is standing on high legs as a whippet and has likewise body built. SHe doesnt show any form of being sick, she eats normally and can run like the wind. She out runs all dogs who want to play with her. You tell me, as she shows nothing of being sick, but real skinny? Im open for suggestions on it.
  4. Akita, wow lovely dogs to see. SO now and them I see them in my area, the guy has 2 of them.
  5. It is all a matter of training, if you arent the leader of the pack, you could face problems. SO yes , you should get friend acquainted with dog, as with ANY dog.
  6. My wife has "a come along dog" she came as a pup to her. It is a mix and jeepers a really lovely dog, but she guards anything, always with wife when on land. When wife is in house then in guard mode in front of house, with amazing good ears, no sound escapes her. Can find a cat in the evening in the tree or a cobra in the house. Amazing lovely dog. Common guard position, ears up and watching. Another dog popped up at her house, a young male, also a mix. But he is more free and sometimes roams off, but always come back. They get along good with each other, but the female is boss. She also teaches him. Didnt meet him yet. And no they dont do, female is neutralized. What breed you want? You can easily do a pup, mix from the street and can be worth a lot.
  7. Or what about a Thai ridge back? People will think twice, only seeing the dog.
  8. At least it was an iron scaffolding, however if you built them wrong, you could face a problem in time. Also if you abuse them, with too heavy loads, you will face problems. I ve seen hanging scaffolding in my working time, 200 meters up on a chimney ! Respect for those guys to make it so, incredible. Sure isnt my cup of tea. But also keep rules in mind when building or using it. However if you see the bamboo scaffolding and working on it, that is also amazing to see.
  9. This is already old "news". It has finally got into the Thai news.
  10. So you saw Dave Allen? Now which is the fat hand and which is the thin hand?
  11. What you think about a blood pressure heart beat watch? Then only have to find one which can be blue toothed to a loud alarm system. Tried to find one but mostly all stand alone. Maybe a new gap in market.!!! Incredible it wouldnt be there.
  12. I stated however, I dont care what happens after I would be dead. Im dead and not any deceased ever returned to tell otherwise and should have cared. Maybe from experience as a walking dead, I dont care. Maybe im an lying AI, programmed to answer this way
  13. Respect GG, 94 is quite an age ! What is your secrete?! Staying single? 555 I dont even know if you are, maybe opposite and you have a 25 yo life companion! Be careful with SSD or any drive, maybe you throw it away some time. THere was a guy who had bitcoin on a drive and he threw it away, only worth 500 million dollar, i believe. He was attempting to find the drive in the garbage field, even had a courtcase, as he wasnt allowed on garbage site. MMM seems he is working on that long time to get it back, wonder if drive is still working. https://bitcoinnews.com/legal/james-howells-legal-battle-bitcoin/ However if you type lost drives , there are way more drives with bitcoin lost, but ok side step. Also SSD can break. I would then save it on CD and then probably on an M disk. The M disk seems quite resistible on aging. You can make several copies then and keep them on separate places. I dont know what papers you have , which could be harmful and then probably for others? But first scan and save before destroying the papers. You have documents about who really killed JFK? As you are dead then, nothing to worry about a thing. Yha , the smelling, but what you care, it is part of proces. It is a fact. First thing is your poo and pee come out, as all muscle are down, it is like that. As i said saw docu about it, cleaners. So it is part of knowledge again and I have no taboo on it of talking about it. It is what it is.
  14. xtrnuno41

    Hotel Bangkok

    I couldnt let this pass Buy "kamasutra "book and do some exercise with the wife.
  15. Pure technical: GG what difficulties are there for landlord? Only if you go in apartment, he has to clean. The mess depends on when do they find you. So therefor , as you think, w/could compensate him for that, you can handle that. He will have, no matter what, his difficulties. You cant help it, it happens. He will most probably call police and then most is out of his hands. If you drop dead (sorry) in the street, it saves him. Just clean out room and rent out again. In the street, they take you to hospital (?), have police coming and all runs. The police will search property for papers and so and thats it. Police will take care of papers to go to homeland embassy and take care all by embassy. Heirs in homeland? They will probably be notified. In the mean time you are ... dead, you have no further part in it at all. All other things like pension or money in bank and so on, it is over and done, it is for others. Not of your concern anymore. Very simple. They want to sue you? Let them 555. Only if you want to point out destinations of all, you do something about it by will. But it will take quite some time for heirs. Maybe you want children's hospital or orphanage to donate money? However then you have to deal with it while alive, as you understand What ever you decide, but it is not a must. I think.
  16. Not the main religions with a god in it. The most important one is money religion. All others are lower in row. But we are building now a new one, AI or AGI. Guess that will be the end religion, wiping out all others
  17. GG is more intrigued by the idea, I do nothing, so then what. You cant care for anything, when dead. You can take care while alive with all things to think about, make it a burden for you. But if you are dead, then all follow some rules made and thats it, what you care then, you are dead? GG also mentions when you are all alone, so where you go then? Just nothing, you are dead. Vultures will come and find their ways. What you care, you are dead Saw a docu on cleaners of houses, people died in it and no one noticed for long time. Not even noticing all the flies on the windows or smell. It happens. Could happen with me any time, Im alone. Would I care being dead? No. What ever happens with all earthly goods, I dont care. Where my body would go? I dont care. It is in your mind you need to take care off all? Then do so, but you dont have too. You left planet earth, being another energy form, ghost or nothing. There are filthy rich and they dont want their offspring to live on their wealth. OK , then you have to do something.
  18. Well, I dont know what is happening in Thailand, but just red, a Belgian fresh retiree was bashed by a German in Hua Hin ! He is in hospital now and had 13 hour surgery. His skull was broken on 10 places ! In coma now for the next 8 months. However the news is only on a Belgian news site, cant find in any Thai news. The same German already did a Britain too, but he was lucky. Give you Belgian site, you can always translate https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2024/04/11/zinloos-geweld-thailand/ And VRT is an official site. What would be the conclusion of all? Thailand attracts violent people or when you are living in Thailand, you get violent? Maybe nr 1? As Thailand once also let in Joran vd Sloot, alleged Nathalie Holloway killer. And what he did there? Trading in girls for prostitution. It is weird it is not (yet?) in Thai news. Weird the German didnt get kicked out (action before with Britain), not even arrested now(not in article)! How can you rhyme this ? I cant.
  19. The deceased cant, dont care at all....he or she is dead. So what then?
  20. So what did we learn again? Thailand is as any other country and it can cost you. This item is already in place for next election, to make Anutin popular?! Never the less he is also the one to lighten racism in his country. That would be great? He is out of order and seems to make it a personal topic and shout out. Swiss man did something wrong? Then go by your law. Im not a fan of Swiss man and his action(s) He did more wrong? Investigate and get him in court. Otherwise you can act like a Duterte did and kill on the spot. Im not going to mention the many weird global things. One thing for sure leaders, politicians and other subs, they can do what they please and you could be the next victim. What Anutin do about mobs in Thailand, nothing and that one is major problem.
  21. mix it up with cement and make some Buddha's. Cd contained and Buddha will take care of it.
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