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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. https://www.motorist.co.th/en/article/2238/crosswalk-laws-everyone-should-know Crosswalk Regulations for Drivers When encountering a crosswalk, drivers must slow down and prepare to stop for pedestrians. It is prohibited to park on the crosswalk lines, and vehicles must be parked at least 3 metres away from the crosswalk. Violations can result in a fine of up to 1,000 baht. If a vehicle collides with a pedestrian on the crosswalk and causes injury or death, additional penalties will apply. IF you like to see some more regulations and have some time: https://royalthaipolice.go.th/downloads/laws/laws_03_05-07.pdf In Thailand now, I watch what is behind me and what is pedestrians body language. As I several times stopped for crossings, it is in my system, then I was overtaken on the other lane by a Thai who dont comply with rules. The Thai people know, they ignore you (stopped) but are watching for the other cars to come and mostly they are not obeying rules. It is for me ...annoying and mostly I speak out words which arent nice. But also do when some Thai crosses a section diagonally and the light for me to turn is green. Just happened once, happily. However in "my country" you still also have to be aware, as cars MUST stop for crossings. Even if pedestrians are about 2 meters away from crossing. You already MUST stop. But same a ...es, as in Thailand. Also watch out in bends, my wife told me, Thai people go in on left lane and in the bend they change to right lane, to make a straight line. And they do it, just like that. Experienced it 2 times.
  2. As far as I know there are no alu rods. Materials are glass fiber or graphite, maybe the paint is holding metal in it, possible. Saying that, I checked, as you never know, but didnt find it any. Normally fish line is plastic, nylon, so no guiding of current, unless the line is wet. It would be my guess, his gear was all wet. And he didnt made a shortcut, but just a connection, power live to ground and himself in between. RIP, Mr. Luechai
  3. Mmmm they are doctors, but no anti venom due to side effects. Worse then to the venom? Amazing. Hope they young guy wins the battle.
  4. Sensitive cover zombie by very lovely looking lady ANother lovely lady, doing Eminem cover
  5. Ok one more, as they make lots of covers of songs in this way.
  6. Thanks BBT for sharing. It seems, they made an own version. Did you also did a MDAC to enter Malaysia or with this ticket, it wasnt necessary ? How much that costed?
  7. In my country, male students of university call ALL women "sperm buckets"
  8. If they could achieve that, then hat off, aw some. Western and other countries could learn then, as they dont achieve a thing, only making it worse. GO for it Thailand !
  9. Ever since beginning 1948, wars. So what is new? waiting now on Hamas, ISIS? I dont know how many groups are there. 1973 , you remember? It is just because of pathetic so called "leaders" , always.
  10. SO is it usefull? AI, see Udio.com I have to pin my P_iss flaps back.mp4
  11. Well for me the glass doesnt matter, whatever is there. Now I drink from a real robust beer glass. But not the beer, I drink it out the can
  12. Stronger, it is in any human and can be influenced. After life, I dont know, see when time comes, no one knows. Believers in a god say there is, but im not such a believer in a god.
  13. So paradise is a world where you got all the things you didnt have in earth life? However depending on which time you live. A neanderthaler would probably be happy with a lot of mammoths and a campfire, as there was nothing else and he didnt know anymore to wish for. SO guess my paradise would be, being an untouchable ghost haunting on earth, being able to make some changes. Would they call me god then?
  14. Poor a whiskey and think it is beer.
  15. It is not that difficult to adopt. You can find as well just on the street. Phuket , lovely dog on street, but couldnt take her with me. Well all good dogs, I met, I couldnt. If I would have done it with all of them, then I would have had a lot of dogs. Last year I would have had 2 nests of puppies, groups of about 7 pieces. My wife also has her dog, as it came , as puppy to her house. She turnend out to be the nicest dog ever.(6/7 yo now) If you want a dog in Thailand , it can be very easy and they can be worth a million to you. Of course you can also meet a bad one, but you will now. But thats with every dog. And with dogs, you have to educate, train them. You are the leader of the pack.
  16. POP goes the brain, with sad end. Grandma wrong in abusing mentally the kids. And the alcohol doesnt make it better. Some years ago in AN the story of a father who shot his (drug addictive) son. Some years ago a father shooting his daughter and son in law , due to a dispute. Both in Thailand. But there are more of those sad stories This morning I red a stupid story about a Belgian, who said "his son was his god "??!!?? And for that he could use his audi rs6 for a spin, tough not on road, but quite speeding. The father filmed it and the son later took it and put it on internet, not really bright to do so. Now they have to face court. POP goes the brain and anything can happen. About the Rotterdam cutting, the guy already did his mother before still alive though. All ready known by police, but out in the open on the street for making some more victims. POP. Allah akbar! Take care, be aware
  17. Maybe switch to avocado oil? Seems to be a healthy oil and good for frying. oK the taste it is different.
  18. Isnt a brain acting sometimes crazy at any age?! Sometimes your mind shows you, you recall things and you might think hey that was crazy, but at the time, you didnt. At least, I think NOW, but it is way in the past. Cant do anything about it anymore. As getting older, those crazy things still can pop up. Why you think , you can ride a skate board, being older? You see it goes wrong in the many home made videos. With the wisdom gathered in my lifetime, I would certainly do it otherwise. But ok didnt know at the time, had other perspectives due to brain. But things like a mariage, kids? I wished I would have been wiser when younger. For all the younger (maybe as wel older) men, I wouldnt encourage to get into that. I do envy people who can stay together for long time. However never a guaranty . It can change all at a sudden in the weirdest way, due to brain settings. Im certainly not crazy enough to try to ride a skateboard. Maybe today try the ladder just 3 meters or so, should but.. I developed somehow fear of heights, amazing as in former days, I was in distillation towers 80 meters high. Crazy thing with brain.
  19. Also red and indeed it looks like Malaysia were rejecting their own people to leave. Has nothing to do with denying entry Thailand, they (Malaysian immigration) dont let them leave Malaysia ! Pic as wel headline are out of line. Not a good made article. I would say even trolling. Headline should have been "Malaysian people denied leaving the country"
  20. borrowed this one from other topic
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