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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. IMO most of Thailand already is a garbage hell. As well as an air pollution hell because people keep burning their garbage, including plastics and everything. It’s really time for the government to step up and introduce a comprehensive nation wide garbage collection system.
  2. Not there yet, because Orban - the Putin stooge in the heart of Europe and wannabe dictator - is still opposed. He’s probably holding out for a couple of billion $$$ or €€€ in ‘aid’
  3. So basically just a juvenile post of yours to complain and utter your grievances, without bothering to read any of the comments, unless they agree with you. How very grown-up of you.
  4. You must go to a different France than I go to, I’ve never had any problems with line cutters there. In my experience, most French people are actually very polite and helpful. Maybe you are one of those people who loves France, but thinks it’s a pity that so many French people live there?
  5. I’m not sure who’s intellectually challenged here. A few days ago you posted a rather distasteful post in a thread about a woman almost dying from being stung by box jellyfish. You got called out on that, and reacted like an indignant 5-year-old. Judging by your post here, that’s still bothering you and you’re still harping on about that. My advice: grow a pair and move on, dude.
  6. The only strategy most any government in Thailand has (or had) is for every cabinet member and PM to become as rich as possible as quickly as possible, by any means possible, i.e. bribes, kickbacks, fraud, extortion, embezzlement, or simply stealing.
  7. The sad thing is that I think most Thai people really don’t give a damn. Maybe they watch the news and see how bad the air pollution is and say something like ‘how awful’, and then they will go out back and burn their rubbish again, like they do every day. Or go into the forest and set fire to the undergrowth. That mindset is what needs to change. Just like the ‘me first’ mindset whenever they get on a motorbike or behind the wheel of a car.
  8. “PM Srettha to submit PM2.5 dust plan within court’s 90-day deadline” Of course he will!! (sarcasm alert) But even if he does, if it’s going to be enforced like all the other laws and regulations in Thailand (i.e.: not), we’re still no closer to a solution to this problem. They’ve been going at it for over 20 years, but have achieved nothing. On the contrary, the smog just gets worse and worse. I am now in Hua Hin, and until just a few years ago the air quality here hasn’t been too bad, but lately it’s just as bad as up north. I’m quite sure there have been laws in place for quite some time now, which will allow the authorities to go after those who burn and/or pollute and fine the culprits. But they just sit on their thumbs. It’s such a shame, because large parts of the country are becoming unlivable for 5-6 months a year.
  9. There is something untrustworthy and unlikeable about her. This coming from someone who supports a two-bit con man snake oil salesman, the most untrustworthy and unlikeable presidential candidate (and ex-president) ever. Not to mention the most racist and misogynist.
  10. Gee, shocker. When’s the last time you heard a high profile hi-so Thai admit they actually did what they were/are accused of doing. Right, never.
  11. No hoax. Just read the unredacted Mueller report. It’s more than three years later now, and Trump is still milking the “rigged 2020 election” for all it’s worth, without ever providing a single shred of evidence. I wonder how many hundreds of millions of dollars he bilked out of his followers with that myth.
  12. Expect Trump to start covering his @ss months before the November election, just like he did in 2016 and even more so in 2020: “If I don’t win, the election will be rigged!” “Massive voter fraud!” “Hugo Chavez will interfere from his grave!” “The Chinese did it!” Every excuse in the book, and then some, will be used, and his mindless MAGA base will eat it up and probably storm the Capitol again, or even start another civil war.
  13. IMO, Trump doing so well is much more a testament to the arrogance, ignorance and plain stupidity of the average Republican voter. No offense. Just the fact that they call the Biden family the Biden crime family and totally overlook the elephant in the room (the Trump family, which is the real crime family) speaks volumes. But hey, it’s like Trump said, he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and most Republicans would still kiss his ample behind.
  14. America’s only hope to become a banana republic dictatotship?
  15. Remember the seven deadly sins? I’m sure Trump is guilty of them all, repeatedly. Pride: he constantly brags about his achievements and makes everything about himself Greed: self explanatory Wrath: can you think of someone more vengeful and thin-skinned than Trump? Envy: again, self explanatory Lust: he cheated on all his wives, many, many times. Gluttony: he’s kind of fat, to say the least. Claims he weighs 220, when we all know that’s a big fat lie. Sloth: Trump spent 285 days playing golf during his presidency. That’s almost a whole year.
  16. You forgot a few anti’s: * anti democracy * anti constitution * anti tolerance * anti social * anti anything they can’t wrap their tiny little brains around
  17. The born again evangelical hypocrites leading the way to a Trump dictatorship. How can anyone who claims to be a christian even consider voting for Trump? It beggars belief.
  18. So when Trump gets acquitted in a trial, the system works, but when he gets convicted, the trial was just being conducted to prove guilt? Is that how you see it? Kind of like how MAGA looks at elections: if the Republicans win, everything is hunky dory. But if they loose, the elections must have been rigged. Like I said already: the minds of the MAGA cult members work in mysterious ways….
  19. will promote more crowdfunding requests from the proven grifter The goobers have been donating hundreds of millions of dollars of their hard earned money to the proven grifter already, so why stop now? Trump is their messiah and savior, so all he needs to do is ask for more money and they will obey. The minds of the cult members work in mysterious ways….
  20. Too much climate denying going on. This is not a religion that you can choose to believe in or not. This is science, hard facts. You must all really not like your (grand)children very much, by sticking your head in the sand, denying the obvious and keep ruining the world for the next generations. If we keep going like this, it will get a lot hotter before it’s going to cool down again, and mankind will very probably not be around to witness it, apart from maybe a few isolated pockets.
  21. This is the kind of stand up patriot that Donald Trump is: he wants the economy to crash, he wants the USA to fail economically so he can succeed politically. What a great guy! https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-i-hope-the-economy-crashes-in-the-next-12-months
  22. Better keep them entertained or they will go and storm the Capitol again or something, so it’s a small price to pay.
  23. The Economist, in November 2023, said Trump poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024. They’re not wrong. If Trump becomes president again, the consequences for the USA in particular and the world in general would be catastrophic. And not just economically. https://www.economist.com/weeklyedition/2023-11-18
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