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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. I think Dolf, I mean Yellowtail, sometimes has trouble keeping track of all the (false) claims and other assorted hogwash he posts.
  2. Instead of playing that xenophobia card over and over again, why not urge officials in the north to get off their backsides and get tougher on the arsonists who are responsible for a quite notable drop in number of tourists because of the suffocating smog they are causing?
  3. He provided an extremely reliable, trustworthy and unbiased source: Fox News (sarcasm alert). I remember their slogan from years back: ‘fair and balanced’. Didn’t believe it then, believe it even less now. Nothing but (ultra) right wing crap and the most insane conspiracy theories. How those ‘anchors’ keep a straight face is beyond me.
  4. That doesn’t take away from the fact that Donald Trump keeps whining like a little *****, and keeps making outrageous statements about people (the daughter of the judge in question, in this case) that could put them at risk, because it puts them in the crosshairs of his deranged followers.
  5. Maybe if the police started doing their job, and start hunting down the arsonists and handing down 10,000 baht (or 20,000 baht) fines. And increasing fines for repeat offenders. I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon (or ever), but if it did, I’m sure lots of people would start thinking twice before starting a fire.
  6. Jeez dude, way to drag in a totally unrelated topic, i.e. that idiotic conspiracy theory that the globalist billionaire elite would want the commoners to stop eating meat. No doubt there is a globalist billionaire elite, but they have absolutely no interest in people eating less meat. The vast majority of millionaires and billionaires is only interested in one thing: mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money. They actually profit from people continuing to eat meat, and would profit even more if people would start eating even more meat. But anyone with half a brain can see that eating less meat would be a lot better for the environment and the planet as a whole.
  7. Will is right. Several European airlines, like KLM, Lufthansa, Swiss and Austrian have introduced this. You book a ticket, but you’re only allowed one carry-on and you have to pay extra for checked luggage. It’s a real rip-off, because they charge like 50-60 euro (one way) for one suitcase.
  8. Wow, snappy comeback! I really didn’t see that one coming. Troll.
  9. Wrong again. Not the Democrats (plural), but a Democrat (singular). And not to put too fine a point on it: Kathy Griffin did this, as a person, it was not “the Democrats”. For someone who keeps accusing liberals (or anyone who disagrees with you, for that matter) of TDS, I see a definite pattern of DDS with you. And in case you couldn’t figure that one out: DDS = Democrat Derangement Syndrome.
  10. Sometimes you really do sound like a whiny little ******.
  11. Your world really is completely black and white, isn’t it, nothing in between. But there is a slight issue of status here, and of actions and consequences. Kathy Griffin was (and is) a second-string comedian at best. No one in their right mind takes anything she says seriously. And for the record: I did not approve of or enjoy her showing that picture. Donald Trump, on the other hand, is the former president of the USA. No one in their right mind should take anything he says seriously either, but unfortunately there are dozens of millions of Americans who do take everything he says extremely seriously, and very literally as well.
  12. If this were a picture of Trump hogtied I’m sure your reaction would be quite different.
  13. I assume that many women in Thailand are totally financially dependent on their farang husband/boyfriend and have nowhere to go, even if the guy is abusive. The dependency increases, I suspect, when the women reach a certain age. This would explain why a 53-year-old Thai woman keeps going back to her abusive husband. And to those posters who think it’s okay to beat up a woman: shame on you. Of course you can defend yourself, but there is almost always the option of just walking (or running) away. This Austrian guy seems to take pleasure in beating up his wife. Despicable excuse for a man. I would hope the Thai woman has some male relatives who can sort that a-hole out, so that it will never happen again.
  14. There is indeed one very easy solution: fire the whole lot and start building it from the ground up with non-corrupt people. Although finding non-corrupt people in Thailand who are willing to do the job may be a bit difficult. One more tip: increase their wages so they can live on it, and don’t have to resort to illegal measures to supplement their meager income.
  15. The MAGA mob won’t give a flying ****: they will just go after all the jurors. Trump will point them in that general direction and his cult followers will do his bidding and threaten everyone even remotely involved.
  16. FSB chief suggests US, UK and Ukraine are behind concert hall attack. The insane propaganda continues…… https://news.sky.com/story/russia-moscow-shooting-latest-ukraine-islamic-state-live-sky-news-blog-12541713
  17. So what? If someone robs a bank in the US and then heads for Canada or Mexico, does that mean Canada or Mexico had something to do with that bank robbery? And who knows where they were actually apprehended? The fact that Russia says they were apprehended there doesn’t mean that they were.
  18. Isis claimed the attack, also posted video of it on one of ‘their’ social media outlets. Some (or all) of the attackers seem to be from Tadzjikistan, which seems to have become a hotbed for wannabe Islamic terrorists. There is no connection whatsoever with Ukraine, no matter what Putin or his cronies claim.
  19. Whre did I say that? But at least they were trying to weed out the lies, the conspiracy theories, the racism, the anti LGBQT, the antisemitism, and so on. You know, ‘hate speech’. Maybe this is antisemitic enough for you? https://time.com/6336123/elon-musk-antisemitic-post-x/
  20. Jeez, all these reaction to one single post of mine. Did I touch a nerve there or something?
  21. Your wife is right. I have seen at least one winter (possibly two) in Chiang Mai with clear skies, you could see for miles, you could always see Doi Suthep very clearly. I actually don’t recall any major fires. Undoubtedly there must have been farmers burning their fields after harvesting, but not in any way as massive as has been happening over the last 20-25 years. Here are two pictures from January 1989. I was living on Nimanheamin and this was the view from our bedroom window. It was almost always sunny and clear, like in the first picture. I imagine Chiang Mai and Nimanhaemin must look very different now. Have no idea, haven’t been back there in a long time.
  22. If you fancy a good pneumonia or bronchitis (or worse), you should indeed come to Chiang Mai. If not, stay the hell away from the heavy air pollution that plagues the north for months every year and that the authorities can’t be bothered to do something about.
  23. an unbiased platform promoting free speech. Nearly fell out of my chair because I had to laugh so hard when I read that. You mean a platform where people can post the most outrageous lies, conspiracy theories and antisemitism? Including Musk himself?
  24. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the consensus here seems to be that this poster was kicked off this forum several times because he was acting like a douche. Hence the name change(s).
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