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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. If your attempt at whitewashing (no pun intended) Mark Robinson’s horrible points of view were meant as satire or irony, then yes, apparently I am that dim. If you were implying that Mark Robinson’s remarks were ironic or satirical, then yes, apparently I am that dim. The thing is, though, that neither your own remarks, nor Mark Robinson’s, come anywhere near irony or satire.
  2. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just refuse to take anyone serious who ignores facts and/or suffers from some deep unfounded prejudice, i.e. holocaust deniers, climate deniers, Q Anon believers, conspiracy theorists, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists. Most MAGA cult members fit this bill. It’s not for nothing that some of those phobias, if acted upon or said out loud, are prosecutable/punishable. Denying the holocaust certainly is.
  3. He’s a holocaust denier and anti-Semite. He quoted Hitler. He called LGBTQ ‘filth’. He wants to ban abortion. He’s a conspiracy theorist. In short, he’s a total loon. So all in all, I’d say he’s pretty much a mainstream member of the GOP/MAGA cult. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/north-carolina-governor-mike-robinson-b2507965.html
  4. And the plot thickens…. This guy is now well and truly screwed. I’m betting he has serious regrets kicking and verbally abusing that Thai doctor now.
  5. He belongs in a padded cell, wearing a straight jacket.
  6. It’s not just the farmers, everybody and their uncle just burns everything. They really don’t care that when they burn their waste, all their neighbors will be choking on their smoke. I was in Hua Hin for six weeks and the neighbor of the apartment building I was in burned their waste almost every morning. Which sucked, because sitting by the pool in the morning, when it was still relatively cool, meant breathing in all that smoke. And they were burning plastics and everything as well, I could clearly smell that. So the whole selfish ‘I don’t give a rat’s @ss’ mindset here needs to change before things can get better.
  7. Agreed. I spent a winter in Chiang Mai in 1988/89, the weather was great, not too hot, very cool nights, no smog. It’s a beautiful area, I fell in love with it and wanted to retire there. Came back a couple of winters, last time in 2011, got bronchitis twice, the smog seems to be getting worse every year and the hot season seems to be starting earlier and earlier, and getting hotter and hotter as well. So no retirement for me in CM. I didn’t expect such a huge number, though, of people who got sick from air pollution. I mean, 10 million people, that’s insane. But I don’t expect the authorities to suddenly jump into high gear to fix it.
  8. Does it really matter? The guy was an absolute a-hole for beating her up and putting her in the hospital. Let the court decide what he needs to pay in damages. And if the woman does get money out of this, her relatives are very probably going to get some of that as well anyway, that’s just the way things work in Thailand.
  9. How would you feel if your mother/aunt/loved one was beaten up by a POS farang coward and had to spend a month in the hospital as a result of that? Would you not want compensation for her?
  10. This has been pointed out several times already in this thread: the water bottle was thrown after he had already beaten her up and she was on the ground. Just saying….
  11. Wow, you must be an expert in Thai law and penal code, and have all the relevant facts and information of both those cases to have come up with those sentences. Is it speculation? Is it it jumping to conclusions? You seem to be the expert on that, but I’d say you’re definitely jumping the gun there.
  12. Judging by many of your posts, pedantic obnoxiousness seems to be your go-to reaction. And no, English is not my first language, it’s Dutch. Is your Dutch good enough to post on a Dutch language forum?
  13. You just posted this: “Find this hard to believe. More to story. She probably made racist comments or something.” Who’s jumping to conclusions?
  14. A plastic water bottle, as far as I can tell. And only after he had beaten her up first. Then she threw the bottle and he came back to beat her up some more. Read the article.
  15. Jeez, there are some crazy people out there, dude. They go nuts at someone at the least little thing. What about that Swiss guy last week who kicked the female Thai doctor and verbally abused her for sitting down on ‘his’ steps? And even if the Thai woman had been rude to him, is that a reason to beat her up and put her in the hospital for a month?
  16. What you find hard to believe is irrelevant. That she ‘probably made racist comments or something’ is wild speculation, and shows your own prejudice.
  17. Walkable and cyclable. Ain’t going to happen if they don’t fix the air pollution first. And create pedestrian and cycling paths/lanes that are completely separate from roads for motorized vehicles, otherwise the carnage will be incredible. And last but certainly not least: devise a way to make it impossible for motorcycles to use said pedestrian and cycling paths/lanes. Good luck with that!
  18. How about the local/domestic mafia, a.ka. the RTP? Not to mention the Thai army?
  19. Meanwhile, in the House, James Comer and Gym Jordan doggedly continue their ‘investigation’ into the ‘Biden crime family’, claiming they still have treasure trove of evidence. Funny, though, how they never seem to be able to unearth even the smallest bit of that treasure trove. Must be buried deep, so must keep digging….
  20. Apparently ‘Putin was at the controls during the flight’. Looks they’re going to try to make some kind of demi-god of Putin just like they did/do with the Kin dynasty in North Korea. Pretty soon and Putin will have solved world hunger, the energy crisis and climate change. According to the Kremlin, of course.
  21. poorly educated You’re being very generous there. My dear departed grandmother used to say “dumber than pig sh!t”.
  22. You are really showing your ignorance now, and/or your bias. There was nothing left wing about nazi Germany, and there isn’t anything left wing about present day Russia either. Pure and unadulterated right wing fascist countries, both of them.
  23. I’d rather live in a democracy, like the one I’m living in now, if that’s okay with you.
  24. What is wrong with white supremacist fascism, you ask? Didn’t you pay attention in history class? Nazi Germany, present day Russia, just two prime examples off the top of my head. Or would those be countries you would be (or have been) comfortable living in?
  25. So far, about 350,000 Russian soldiers dead or wounded. And counting. Incredible loss of military material, like tanks, fighter jets, war ships. And counting. Millions have fled the country to escape being drafted. And counting. And increasingly more people, especially wives/girlfriends of soldiers, are protesting the war, calling on Putin to bring their loved ones home. So maybe you should ask the Russian people if it’s still worth it, to pay such a high price in human and economic loss, to satisfy the delusions of grandeur of their tiny little dictator. Oh wait, you can’t ask the Russian people, because no one is allowed to say anything bad about the war, or about their ‘beloved’ leaders.
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