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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. You forgot to mention how good the economy is doing: 336,000 new jobs in September, instead of the 170,000 Dow Jones forecast. New jobs under Trump after 30 months: 5.2 million. New Jobs under Biden after 30 months: 13.2 million. Trump, as per usual, got that wrong bigly during a recent speech in South Carolina. https://www.wral.com/story/fact-check-did-trump-or-biden-create-more-jobs-over-30-months/21012411/
  2. Honest question: why are Biden/Harris so horrible in your opinion, and why would Trump be a better alternative?
  3. Seen that from many prominent Republicans, telling everyone that they despise Trump, that’s he’s broken the law and is a horrible person. But when push comes to shove, they admit they will still be voting for Trump. What kind of alternative reality do you live in that Biden/Harris are worse than Trump? And then I’m not even talking about Trumps VP pick, which could be anyone from MTG, Jim Jordan, Nicki Haley to Vivek Ramaswamy, all equally horrible or even more so than Trump.
  4. Well, if you’ve ever eaten any Thai food in Thailand, chances are pretty good that there was fish sauce in it….
  5. Trump fans believe the government is out to get anyone who’s not a pinko commie radical left snowflake.
  6. So allegations are now lies to you? So everything the Republicans have on Biden, which is nothing but allegations, hearsay, rumors and whatnot (and nothing compared to what the DoJ has on Trump) are also just lies then? And all those allegations, hearsay, rumors and whatnot are just unproven attacks? Hmm, why haven’t I heard a peep out of you about that? I mean, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Or could it be possible that you’re applying a double standard because you love Trump and hate Biden?
  7. Jeez dude, why don’t you say what you really mean. And you make your negative comments based on how many observations exactly? I have seen plenty of food stalls near schools, universities and offices and such, all pretty clean, selling good food, very friendly staff. You say they have no menu. Maybe you missed this picture:
  8. I think the fact that he always seems to stiff them with the bill has something to do with it as well. Rudi Giuliani, for one, is still waiting to be paid.
  9. Didn’t Trump say he always hired the best people? Then how come he’s had so many dumb@ss lawyers over the last few years? I mean, it’s like he’s going out of his way to find the dumbest and dimmest lawyers out there. MAGA!
  10. This is not about this case, but the one in Georgia: Trump claims immunity. https://www.reuters.com/legal/trump-asks-court-dismiss-federal-2020-election-subversion-case-filing-2023-10-05/ Basically they want to go all the way to the supreme court and delay the case until they have ruled.
  11. This guy, Patrick McHenry, appears to be quite upset.
  12. Teachers have no right to use any kind of violence, no matter what the student does, short of physically attacking another student or the teacher themselves. If that had been my kid, that teacher would be walking funny now. Teachers using violence against their students are just showing weakness and incompetence, and they should never have become a teacher in the first place.
  13. How about the land ‘owned’ privately by the generals themselves? Prayuth alone owns so much land it would probably be enough for hundreds of farmers. I understand there are (at least) 1,700 flag officers (generals and admirals) in the Thai army, so if they all donate just half of the land they ‘own’, that would be a huge step already.
  14. Of course. Nazis and fascists have ideals as well. Horrible ones, but ideals nonetheless. But in my world, the words ‘idealist’ and ‘ideal’ have positive connotations, having to do with wanting to do things for the greater good.
  15. What ideals would those GOP ‘idealists’ have? Making corporate America and the rich 1% even richer? Pollute America some more? Increase the defense budget some more? Making life for the poor in America even harder? Cut school budgets some more? Remember MTG and Lauren Boebert screaming ‘liar, liar’ at president Biden during his state of the union, when he said that Republicans were planning to gut social security and medicare? Everybody was huffing and puffing, feeling all offended and vehemently denying that the GOP would ever do such a thing. And guess what? Republicans are bringing back their plan to gut social security and medicare. That’s real idealistic.
  16. Like a previous poster said already: telling the truth is not an insult. It may hurt your feelings because you think otherwise, but that’s your problem. I, for one, have zero patience anymore with the blatant ignorance and stupidity that MAGA seems to have embraced. I see no reason not to keep calling out MAGA cult members when they claim something that is demonstrably untrue, or just plain ridiculous. And finally: I see plenty of insults and degrading comments from ‘your side’, so if you’re man enough to dish it out, you also got to be man enough to suck it up and take a couple on the chin every now and then.
  17. I’m expecting some seriously unhinged rants (as per usual) by Trump on his ‘truth social’, where he’s going to say the people at Forbes are stupid or deranged and out to get him, and that he’s so vastly wealthy that he should at least be in the top 50. Anyone want to bet me?
  18. Trump is the poster boy of the Establishment, an entitled, silver spoon, spoiled rich brat who has conned his way through life, brought ruin upon tens of thousands of small businesses and contractors by stiffing them with the bill, and he has never taken responsibility for anything.
  19. Well, to be fair, it was his dumb@ss lawyers who opted out of a jury trial. Now Trump is trying to pin this on the judge, screaming how unfair it is that he didn’t get a jury trial. His mindless base, of course, will eat it up and start threatening the judge, and Trump will milk it for all it’s worth.
  20. They're just meat': Russia deploys punishment battalions in echo of Stalin. Another fine initiative by the Russian powers that be…. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/theyre-just-meat-russia-deploys-punishment-battalions-echo-stalin-2023-10-03/
  21. You know very well it doesn’t work that way, right? When YOU make a claim, YOU have to provide a link to support that claim. You can’t just say ‘if you don’t believe me, go google it yourself’. Hmm, if only this forum had a rule regarding having to provide links to support your claim. Oh, wait a minute….
  22. Eat your heart out, Russia! EU foreign ministers to gather in Ukraine. I’m sure that Dmitri Medvedev and some pundits on RT are going to scream that this is bringing WW3 closer and that these ministers will be a legitimate target for a Russian attack. I would almost say, please give the EU/NATO an excuse to get involved.
  23. Don’t be too quick to judge. People who drive cars get strokes or seizures or whatever sometimes. Even happened to a young Belgian professional cyclist a few weeks ago. He was lucky the accident he caused by blacking out was not fatal, and that people started CPR on him right away.
  24. OR, you are just parroting Kremlin propaganda, and Russia wants to grab (a lot) more Ukrainian soil: https://kyivindependent.com/medvedev-russia-will-take-more-regions-of-ukraine/ In a Telegram message commemorating one year since Russia's illegal annexation of four Ukrainian regions, Medvedev said "there will be more new regions within Russia." Medvedev claimed Russia's war will continue until the Ukrainian government is "completely destroyed" and the "original Russian territories are liberated from the enemy." So it looks like Russia is not just trying to defend occupied territory, but they have their eye on much more.
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