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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. It’s mentioned on the net many times…… Words fail me. It’s also mentioned on the net many times that the earth is flat. That the moon landings were a hoax. That Bigfoot is real. That the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. All fairytales.
  2. And this sorry excuse for a man is the great hope of Christian nationalists, evangicals and other extreme right wing nutters. Lord help us all if he becomes president again.
  3. I’m not saying the RTP should not probe wealthy foreigners for money laundering, because I’m sure there are plenty of dodgy foreigners here doing all kinds of illegal things. Usually with the help of Thai officials, who get paid very handsomely for their ‘services’, by the way. The corruption in Thailand itself is so much bigger, though, and a much bigger problem. Maybe the RTP should concentrate more of their efforts on that? But of course it’s easier to go after those nasty foreigners who are taking advantage of the kindness and hospitality of Thai people. And going after corrupt officials in Thailand itself would mean the RTP would have to go after many of its own. Can’t have that, can we?
  4. Of course, heaven forbid you should read something that doesn’t fit your narrative. Here are just a few examples: https://www.rferl.org/a/enemies-kremlin-deaths-prigozhin-list/32562583.html https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/27/russian-human-rights-campaigner-oleg-orlov-sentenced-to-jail-for-denouncing-war https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/03/russia-journalist-sentenced-to-seven-years-for-speaking-out-against-war/ But all Western media are just lying and spreading propaganda, right?
  5. Maybe you should answer my question first. I think you have things backwards, though. I have absolutely no desire for Putin to be my enemy, I would like to live in peace. But Putin obviously doesn’t, he invaded Ukraine and shows all kinds of aggression towards the West, threatening nuclear war about every other week. Should we just take that lying down?
  6. Not opinion. Fact. Despite what you would have us believe, Western media tend to report quite accurately and truthfully about real things that happen in the real world. Not about made up stuff (propaganda) in some alternative reality, like RT and their subsidiaries do.
  7. I think you’re confused on who’s the weird one here….
  8. Navalny died of natural causes, no doubt. And he wasn’t sentenced to 17 years in prison camp on trumped up charges at all, was he? As I’m also sure that, as a prisoner, he was treated decently. Note: sarcasm alert. The only thing Navalny ever did was exposing the corruption of the Russian kleptocracy, including Putin and his clique. And he tried to run for office, against Putin. Even in captivity in a remote Siberian prison camp, and in poor health, he was still deemed a risk by the Russian regime, so he was killed. No two ways about it.
  9. Again: share with us your thoughts on what a wonderful country Russia is and how we in the West have been lied to about it all this time.
  10. I could ask you the same thing. Am I to understand that you’re disputing any of the claims in my post? You don’t think Russia is a country with a fascist, warmongering regime? You don’t think in Russia they lock up people in penal colonies in Siberia, or beat them up, poison them or shoot them in the back, just for exercising their freedom of speech or run for office? Maybe you can share with us what you think about Russia. I’d be very interested.
  11. It just shows how incredibly dumb and deluded MAGA folk are, that they would choose to live in Russia, a country with a fascist warmongering regime, where they lock up people in penal colonies in Siberia, or beat them up, poison them or shoot them in the back, just for exercising their freedom of speech or run for office. At least I hope that when these idiots move to Russia, they wave their right to vote in the USA. Or get it revoked.
  12. https://missouriindependent.com/2023/12/18/trump-borrows-from-the-language-of-hitler-for-anti-immigration-speech-in-new-hampshire/ And I don’t think Trump said ‘illegal immigrants’, just ‘immigrants’.
  13. Trump is not being persecuted, he’s being prosecuted. Slight difference.
  14. This is no faux outrage. Have you ever considered there is absolutely no reason to liken the Biden administration to the Gestapo? Because even though right wing America are doing their very best to have you believe the DOJ is being weaponized to go after Trump, this is simply not true: Trump is just (finally) being held accountable for the -many- crimes he committed. And did you ever consider that there are plenty of reason to call Trump a Nazi? He said he wants to be a dictator, he has expressed admiration for dictators like Putin, Kim and Xi, he has admitted that he wants to be president again so he can go after his ‘enemies’, he has quoted Hitler, almost verbatim, he is using immigrants to scare the American population the way Hitler used Jews to scare the Germans. Did Biden do any of that? I don’t think so. But Trump did.
  15. Suffering a little from Lefty Derangement Syndrome there?
  16. Sleepy Joe, Crooked Joe Biden, Crooked Hillary, the failing NY Times, and so on. Ring any bells?
  17. Calling Rush Limbaugh a hero in conservative politics is rich. Here’s a reminder of what Rush Limbaugh really is/was: Of Limbaugh's controversial statements and allegations they have investigated, Politifact has rated 84% as ranging from "Mostly False" to "Pants On Fire" (signifying false statements that cannot be reasonably assessed as merely errors), with 5% of Limbaugh's contested statements rising to the level of "Mostly True" and 0% rated "True". In short: 0% of what the man said was true. The same (probably) goes for Tucker Carlson. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rush_Limbaugh#Controversies_and_inaccuracies
  18. I’m not sure he’s crazy. Just a huge money whore. Like all those televangelists out there fleecing the rubes so they can buy a shiny new 100 million dollar private jet. It’s all about money, and some people will go to any length to get as much of it as they can, including selling their soul to the devil.
  19. If this was about almost anyone else, it would be insignificant. But Trump called Joe Biden ‘sleepy Joe’ about a million times. So when he then falls asleep himself, several times, it suddenly becomes quite significant, wouldn't you agree? Or don’t you see the hypocrisy there?
  20. He inherited $500 million from his daddy. Self made, my @ss.
  21. This is not about the electorate system, which is ludicrously outdated, I’ll give you that. This is about the gullibility of many Americans who will believe any (right wing) conspiracy theory fed to them through social media. Feeding them dis-/misinformation is so easy these days through all kinds of social media. Russia did it, and is still doing it, Prigozhin openly admitted to that. China is no doubt also doing it. And it’s glaringly obvious who they want to be the next president: the one who keeps expressing his admiration for dictators like Putin and Xi.
  22. Are you talking about the great orange one, who always starts whining months before the elections that it’s impossible for him to lose, unless the elections are rigged?
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